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Notwithstanding that technology has gained ground when it comes to spending our free time,
few people would contest that books are still one of the preferred leisure activities in modern
society. There are as many different literary genres as readers’ tastes. Hence, a question
arises: What type of book is considered the most significant for reading nowadays?

Fiction is proven to be the most-read genre worldwide according to recent research. It is the
most wind-ranging type, including from science fiction, romance and crime novels. Be it for
its power of burying you exhaustively into the story and empathizing with the characters or
be it because it allows your imagination to fly, it is uncontested that we relish this kind of
books big time.

On a different note, I would like to give prominence to the fact that history books have been
pivotal in the learning of our past. Had it not been for written documents, we could have
committed the same mistakes in the present as we did in the past. Still and all, not only are
these books extensive, but also they tend to be tedious and monotonous. Furthermore, the
current trend is to look for historical information on the net, where you can access everything
in a click.

In a nutshell, I hold the view that each genre has its advantages and drawbacks.
Conserverly, in this time and age, with the challenging situations we are dealing with, I would
consider fiction the most enjoyable to read since it allows you to escape from reality, at least
for a moment.

Julia López Pérez

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