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There was a gradual increase of single parents over the last decade in the village of Wales West Bank

Demerara, Guyana. As concerned students, the researchers decided to conduct a survey by sharing
Questionnaires to find out the level and prevalence of single parenting in Wales. The researchers
were able to examine and analyse each respondent’s response.

From relevant information, it was calculated that (50%) of the residents that took part in the survey
are Male while the other (50%) are females . (55% )of the 20 persons that were Surveyed are
followers of Hinduism while the other (45%) are followers of Christianity(35%) and Islam (10%)
respectively. The respondents were of different age range as 20-30(60%) , 31-40 (20%) , 41-50 (15%)
with (5%) being 50 and over. Respondents ethnicity also varied as (50%) are East Indians , (25%) are
Africans , (15%) are Amerindians while (10%) are mixed race.

The preponderance of Surveyed persons opinionate that children of single parents are affected
mentally (70%) while the remainders are Academically (15%) ,Socially (10%) and physically (5%)
respectively. (40%) of the surveyed individuals believe that a single parent spends 2 hours (40%) with
their child while the other (60%) are divided into the following (25%) 4 hours, (20%) 1 hour ,(15%) 3
hours. .And out of the single parents living in Wales, at least 15 (50%) are living in poverty. The other
(50%) is made up of 10 (20%) , 5 (15%) and more than 15 (15%). The parent who’s not living with the
child may rarely see the child. However, the respondents disagree because they opinionate that the
parent gets to see their child every weekend (45%) while the other responses are as follows every
other week (35%) , twice a month (20%) and (0%) for every other month.

If the parent does not get to spend much time with their child the child will feel sad and with turn to
other options that make them feel included and loved. So questioned about what is most likely to
occur with little amounts of supervision , the respondents predominantly chose that the child starts
getting rebellious (45%) while the residual respondents chose The child becomes a substance
addict(35%) The child joins a gang (15%) and (5%) chose The child starts committing crimes. The best
way for society to show empathy towards single parents , according to the respondents, is to give
emotional support to the parent( (40%) while the remaining are as follows

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