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Below is a comprehensive step-by-step methodology for renovating a

restaurant with the following scope of works:

Scope of Works:
1. Interior Renovation:
- Kitchen
- Dining Area
- Back door exits
2. Exterior Renovation:
- Façade
- Outdoor Dining Area (if applicable)
3. Electrical and Lighting Upgrades
4. Plumbing and HVAC Improvements
-Preventive maintenance of existing air conditioning units
-Installation and additional installation of AC at Kitchen Area
5. Flooring Replacement or Refinishing
6. Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment (FF&E) Upgrades
7. Paint and Wall Finishes
8. Signage and Branding Updates
9. Safety and Accessibility Compliance
10. Overall Aesthetics Enhancement
Overall Step-by-Step Methodology:

A. Initial Assessment and Planning:

- Conduct a thorough assessment of the existing restaurant to identify areas that need
renovation and the specific requirements for each space.
- Set a clear budget, timeline, and project objectives.
- Collaborate with interior designers, architects, and other professionals to create a detailed
renovation plan.

B. Obtaining Permits and Approvals:

- Determine the necessary permits and approvals required for the renovation project.
- Submit the required documents to relevant local authorities for permit processing.

C. Mobilization
The construction mobilization process is crucial for setting up a construction site and preparing
it for efficient and safe work. Below is a proper methodology for construction mobilization,
including the delivery of materials, equipment, tools, and manpower deployment:

1. Pre-Mobilization Planning:
- Conduct thorough project planning, including site layout, scheduling, and resource
- Identify the necessary materials, equipment, tools, and manpower for each phase of
the project.

2. Site Preparation:
- Clear the construction site of any obstacles or debris that may impede construction
- Set up temporary facilities, such as site offices, storage areas, and sanitation facilities.
3. Material Delivery:
- Coordinate the delivery of materials to the construction site based on the project
- Ensure that materials are inspected upon arrival to verify their quality and quantity.

5. Equipment and Tool Delivery:

- Coordinate the delivery of construction equipment and tools, ensuring they are in
good working condition and ready for use.
- Perform necessary equipment inspections and maintenance before deployment.

6. Manpower Deployment:
- Assign roles and responsibilities to each member of the construction team based on
their skills and expertise.
- Ensure that all personnel have the necessary safety training and certifications before
starting work.

7. Safety Precautions:
- Conduct comprehensive safety briefings for all personnel, emphasizing safety
protocols and hazard awareness.
- Provide personal protective equipment (PPE) to workers and ensure its proper use on
the construction site.

8. Site Organization:
- Organize the construction site to optimize workflow and minimize disruptions.
- Set up designated areas for material storage, equipment maintenance, and waste

9. Site Security:
- Implement site security measures to prevent theft, vandalism, and unauthorized
- Control access points to the construction site to ensure safety and security.

10. Communication and Coordination:

- Establish clear communication channels among the project team to facilitate efficient
- Hold regular meetings to discuss progress, address concerns, and coordinate

11. Quality Control:

- Implement a quality control program to ensure that construction materials and
workmanship meet required standards.
- Conduct regular inspections to monitor the quality of work and address any
deficiencies promptly.

12. Progress Monitoring:

- Track the progress of construction activities against the project schedule to ensure
timely completion.
- Adjust resource allocation and scheduling as needed to keep the project on track.

13. Environmental Considerations:

- Implement environmental protection measures to minimize the impact of
construction activities on the surrounding ecosystem.
- Properly manage waste disposal and implement erosion control measures.

14. Documentation and Reporting:

- Maintain detailed records of construction activities, including material deliveries,
equipment usage, and manpower deployment.
- Generate regular progress reports for stakeholders and project management.
D. Demolition and Removal:
- Begin with the demolition of the areas that need to be renovated.
- Safely remove and dispose of debris and waste materials.

E. Structural and Mechanical Updates:

- Address any structural issues and make necessary repairs or reinforcements.
A. Installation of elevated Kitchen flooring
Installing zocalo (baseboard) and new flooring over an old tile flooring, along with
waterproofing and stub outs installation for plumbing and sanitary systems,. Below is
a step-by-step methodology for the entire process:
1. Initial Assessment and Planning:
- Inspect the existing tile flooring to ensure it is stable and suitable for the installation
of new materials.
- Determine the layout and design for the zocalo and new flooring.
- Identify the locations for the stub outs (pipes extending from the floor) for plumbing
and sanitary systems.
2. Surface Preparation:
- Clean the old tile flooring thoroughly to remove any dust, debris, or contaminants
that could affect the adhesion of the new materials.
- Repair any damaged areas in the existing tile flooring.
3. Installation of Zocalo (Baseboard) Installation:
- Measure and cut the zocalo material to fit the perimeter of the room.
- Apply adhesive to the back of the zocalo and press it firmly against the wall,
ensuring it aligns properly with the floor.
4. Stub Outs Installation:
- Cut openings in the existing tile flooring at the desired locations for the plumbing
and sanitary stub outs.
- Install the necessary pipes and fittings for the plumbing and sanitary systems,
ensuring they are properly connected and sealed.
B. Coring Methodology at floor slabs for plumbing roughing-in and layout
1. Preliminary Planning:
- Identify the locations where plumbing pipes need to be installed, considering the
layout of the plumbing system, fixture placements, and water supply points.
- Mark the exact locations for coring on the floor slab.

2. Obtain Necessary Permits:

- Check with local authorities to determine if any permits or approvals are required
for coring work.
- Obtain the necessary permits before proceeding with the coring process.

3. Survey and Assessment:

- Conduct a thorough survey and assessment of the floor slab to ensure there are no
structural reinforcements or electrical conduits in the areas earmarked for coring.
- Identify any potential hazards or obstructions that may interfere with the coring

4. Safety Precautions:
- Ensure that the coring area is properly cordoned off to restrict access to authorized
personnel only.
- Use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) to ensure worker safety during
the coring process.

5. Coring Equipment and Tools:

- Select the appropriate coring equipment, such as a diamond core drill, based on the
diameter and depth required for the plumbing pipes.
- Make sure the coring drill is in good working condition and suitable for the type of
floor slab material.
6. Coring Process:
- Begin the coring process at the marked locations on the floor slab, carefully
following the planned layout for the plumbing system.
- Control the depth of the coring to avoid damaging any structural components
beneath the floor slab.
- Use a continuous water supply to keep the coring area cool and reduce dust.

7. Removal of Core:
- Once the coring is complete, carefully remove the core plug from the coring hole.
- Clear any debris and ensure the coring holes are clean and ready for plumbing

8. Plumbing Roughing-In:
- Install the plumbing pipes and fittings through the coring holes, following the
planned layout and design.
- Make sure all connections are secure and properly sealed to prevent water leaks.

9. Layout Verification:
- Double-check the plumbing layout to ensure it matches the original design and
meets the required specifications.
- Verify that all plumbing rough-ins are in the correct locations and aligned properly.

10. Waterproofing Preparation:

- Before waterproofing, inspect the coring areas and plumbing rough-ins for any
potential issues that need to be addressed.
- Ensure the plumbing pipes and connections are well protected and sealed.
11. Waterproofing Application:
- Apply the waterproofing membrane over the entire floor slab, including the coring
areas and plumbing rough-ins.
- Follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper application and curing of the
waterproofing material.

12. Post-Coring Inspection:

- Conduct a thorough inspection of the coring areas and waterproofing to verify their
integrity and effectiveness.
- Address any deficiencies or issues identified during the inspection.
F. Waterproofing:

The step-by-step procedure of applying the waterproofing method on the flat roof surface using
the polyurethane liquid coating is explained here.

 The first step is to clean the roof surface thoroughly so that it should be free of dust,
dirt, grease, and other debris.
 The next step is to fix the cracks on the surface bed by cutting it into the V section,
followed by cleaning and filling with polyurethane-based crack filling compound and
white cement in the ratio of 1: 2.
 Then, the substrate should be neutralized using the acid application to remove the
 The next step would be to apply a pack of polyurethane primer coats to the surface as
an adhesive coat, and it should be allowed to dry completely for at least 8 hours.
 Then, the three successive finishing coats must be applied using a brush with each time
coated with two components of polyurethane as per the design ratio.
 Make sure that each coating must be dried for at least 12 hours before applying the
subsequent coating.
 This PU coating has to be continued 150 mm up the parapets or walls and at least 100
mm into the rainwater pipes.
 The final polyurethane coating is sprinkled with a layer of 300 microns of sand.
 Flood Testing

Flood testing is a process used to verify the effectiveness and integrity of

waterproofing measures, especially in areas susceptible to water infiltration, such as
basements, bathrooms, and roofs. Below is a methodology for flood testing:


- Identify the area to be flood-tested and ensure that all waterproofing systems,
including membranes and seals, are properly installed.

- Seal any wall or floor penetrations, such as pipes and drains, to prevent water from
escaping during the test.

Safety Precautions:

- Ensure that the testing area is secure, and access is restricted to authorized
personnel only.

- Use appropriate safety measures, such as non-slip footwear, to prevent accidents

during the test.

Water Source:

- Set up a water source, such as a hose, a sump pump, or a large container, to deliver
a controlled volume of water.

Water Level:

- Determine the desired water level based on the purpose of the test and the height
of the waterproofing measures.

- For flood testing, the water level is typically raised to a height above the floor or
wall to simulate heavy rain or flooding conditions.
Controlled Flooding:

- Gradually raise the water level to the predetermined height while monitoring the
waterproofing measures for any signs of leakage or failure.

- Allow the water to remain at the specified level for the duration of the flood test.

Observation and Inspection:

- Regularly inspect the testing area for any signs of water leakage or seepage.

- Pay attention to areas susceptible to water infiltration, such as corners, joints, and

7. Duration:

- The flood test duration may vary based on the project requirements. It can last for
several hours or up to 24 hours, depending on the purpose of the test and the water
exposure the structure is expected to endure.

8. Water Drainage:

- After the flood test is complete, carefully drain the water from the testing area to
avoid flooding adjacent spaces.

- Clean and dry the area thoroughly to prevent potential water damage.

9. Post-Test Inspection and Repairs:

- Conduct a post-test inspection to identify any areas of concern that require repair or

- Address any detected leaks or weaknesses in the waterproofing system promptly.

10. Documentation:

- Record the flood test procedure, observations, and results for future reference and
compliance documentation.

- Use the documentation to verify the effectiveness of the waterproofing measures

and as evidence of compliance with industry standards.

11. Repeat Testing (if necessary):

- If the initial flood test reveals issues or if specific conditions require additional
testing, repeat the process after addressing any necessary repairs.

G. Plumbing Layout and Roughing ins

The plumbing layout and roughing-in process for a kitchen located underneath the
floor slab involves carefully planning and executing the installation of plumbing pipes,
fixtures, and fittings. Below is a detailed methodology for plumbing layout and
roughing-in from the slab to the slab soffit underneath the kitchen floor:

1. Preliminary Planning:
- Review the kitchen design and layout to determine the locations of fixtures such as
sinks, faucets, dishwashers, and any other plumbing appliances.
- Identify the points of connection to the main water supply and wastewater disposal
2. Building Codes and Regulations:
- Following local building codes and regulations related to plumbing installations to
ensure compliance with safety and quality standards.

3. Site Survey and Marking:

- Conduct a site survey to identify the most suitable locations for plumbing
connections and fixtures.
- Mark the locations on the floor slab for roughing-in using appropriate
measurements and reference points.

4. Access Openings:
- Create access openings in the floor slab where plumbing pipes will be routed from
the upper level to the kitchen underneath.
- Ensure that these access openings are strategically placed and in locations where
they won't interfere with kitchen design or functionality.
5. Pipe Selection and Sizing:
-Use the appropriate type and size of plumbing pipes based on the water demand
and local building codes and approved construction plans.
- Consider factors such as flow rate, water pressure, and pipe material suitability.

6. Plumbing Roughing-In:
- Start the roughing-in process by installing the main water supply lines and the
wastewater disposal lines.
- Carefully route the pipes from the upper level down to the kitchen, making sure
they are adequately supported and secured.
- Install shut-off valves at key connection points for ease of maintenance and repairs.

7. Fixture Roughing-In:
- Rough-in the plumbing connections for kitchen fixtures such as sinks, faucets, and
dishwashers based on the layout plan.
- Ensure proper alignment and positioning of the fixtures for easy installation later.
8. Ventilation and Traps:
- Install ventilation pipes and traps to prevent the buildup of sewer gases and
maintain proper drainage flow.
- Verify that the traps are vented to the outside to ensure a smooth flow of
9. Testing:
- Conduct pressure and leak tests to ensure the integrity of the plumbing system.
- Pressurize the water supply lines and check for any leaks or water loss.
- Verify that wastewater flows smoothly through the drainage system without any
blockages or backflows.

10. Inspection and Approval:

- Arrange for a plumbing inspection by local authorities or building inspectors to verify
that the roughing-in meets the required standards and codes.
- Obtain any necessary approvals and sign-offs for the completed roughing-in work.

11. Sealing and Patching:

- Seal and patch the access openings in the floor slab to restore the integrity of the
kitchen floor.

12. Waterproofing and Moisture Barrier:

- Apply a suitable waterproofing and moisture barrier beneath the kitchen floor to
protect against potential water damage.

By following this detailed methodology for plumbing layout and roughing-in from the
slab to the slab soffit underneath the kitchen floor, you can ensure a well-organized
and efficient plumbing installation that meets all necessary regulations and provides a
reliable water supply and drainage system for the kitchen. Proper planning, testing,
and adherence to building codes are essential for a successful plumbing roughing-in

H. Installation of walls and Countertops

The installation of walls and supports for countertops is a critical process that ensures
the stability, levelness, and proper weight distribution of the countertops. Below is a
methodology for the installation of walls and supports for countertops:

1. Measurement and Layout:

- Measure the area where the countertops will be installed to determine the required
- Mark the locations for the walls and supports on the floor and walls using a level
and straightedge.

2. Wall Construction
- For the countertops that are adjacent to walls, construct the necessary supporting
walls using appropriate building materials, such as timber or steel studs.
- Ensure the walls are plumb and level, providing a solid base for the countertops.

3. Wall Bracing
- Install temporary bracing to hold the walls in place until they are secured and
- This step is especially crucial if the walls are not load-bearing or if there are
structural concerns.
4. Support Selection:
- Choose the appropriate support system for the countertops based on their material,
size, and weight.
- Common support options include brackets, corbels, hidden support systems, or
5. Support Placement:
- Position the supports according to the layout marks on the floor and walls.
- Ensure the supports are spaced evenly and adequately support the entire length of
the countertops.
6. Support Attachment:
- Attach the supports securely to the walls or cabinets using suitable screws or
- For brackets or corbels, make sure they are firmly anchored to the wall studs or
7. Leveling and Shimming:
- Use a level to ensure the supports are perfectly level both horizontally and vertically.
- If necessary, shim the supports to achieve a level surface for the countertops.
8. Countertop Placement:
- Carefully lift and position the countertops onto the installed supports.
- Check for a snug fit and verify that the countertops align properly with the wall and
support system.
9. Attachment to Supports:
- Attach the countertops securely to the installed supports.
- For countertops made of heavy materials, use appropriate adhesive or screws to
ensure a strong connection.

**10. Finishing Touches:**

- Fill any gaps between the countertops and the wall using a color-matched sealant or
- Check for any uneven seams and make necessary adjustments for a seamless

**11. Final Inspection:**

- Conduct a final inspection to ensure that the countertops are level, stable, and
properly installed.
- Verify that all supports and attachments are secure and that the countertops meet
the required standards.

**12. Clean-Up:**
- Clean the countertops and the surrounding area of any construction debris or

By following this methodology for the installation of walls and supports for
countertops, you can ensure a stable and secure setup, creating a functional and
aesthetically pleasing workspace in kitchens or other countertop areas. Proper
planning, measurement, and attention to detail are essential for a successful
countertop installation process.
I. New Flooring Installation:
- Install the new flooring material as per approved by the designer for kitchen 60x60- non-skid
floor tiles shall be used and ensure it is compatible with the existing finish and waterproofing.
- Start laying the new flooring material from one corner of the room, following the
predetermined layout and design.
- Use appropriate spacers to maintain consistent gaps between the new flooring materials.
- Cut the flooring as needed to fit around obstacles and walls.
I. Grouting (for Tile Flooring):
- If installing tile flooring, allow the adhesive to set, and then proceed with grouting.
- Mix the grout according to the manufacturer's instructions and apply it to the gaps between
the tiles.
- Wipe off excess grout with a damp sponge and let it cure.

J. Finishing Touches:
- Install transition strips or thresholds at the junctions between different types of flooring
materials (e.g., tile to hardwood).
- Caulk the gaps between the zocalo and the new flooring to create a clean and finished

K. Quality Check and Inspection:

- Conduct a thorough quality check to ensure that all installations, waterproofing, and plumbing
work are done correctly and meet required standards.
- Verify that the new flooring is level and properly aligned.

L. Post-Installation Cleanup:
- Clean the entire area to remove any construction debris or dust.
- Inspect the space once again to ensure it is free of any hazards.

M. Electrical and Lighting Upgrades:

- Replace or upgrade electrical wiring and fixtures to ensure safety and compliance.
- Install new lighting fixtures to enhance the ambiance and functionality of the space.

N. Interior Renovation:
- Dining Area:
- Install and replace broken tiles and replace new grouting’s
- Repaint or refinish walls as needed to match the new theme.
- Install new or refurbished furniture and fixtures to create a fresh look.
- Kitchen:
- Upgrade kitchen equipment and appliances for improved efficiency.
- Install new countertops and cabinetry for a modern and functional kitchen layout.
- Merchandise
- Redesign and update the bar area with new countertops, seating, and lighting.

7. Exterior Renovation:
- Façade:
- Installation of Signage (Noren) with proper lightings Refresh the restaurant's façade with
new paint, cladding, or signage to attract customers.
- Outdoor Dining Area (if applicable):
- Upgrade outdoor seating and amenities to create an inviting ambiance.

8. Flooring Replacement or Refinishing:

- Replace or refinish the flooring throughout the restaurant to match the new design.

9. Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment (FF&E) Upgrades:

- Procure and install new furniture, fixtures, and equipment that align with the restaurant's new

10. Paint and Wall Finishes:

- Apply fresh coats of paint and wall finishes to achieve the desired aesthetics.
-Upgrade wall finishes with wood patterns

11. Signage and Branding Updates:

- Update restaurant signage and branding elements to reflect the new identity.
12. Safety and Accessibility Compliance:
- Ensure that the renovated restaurant meets all safety codes and accessibility standards.

13. Final Inspections and Quality Checks:

- Conduct a final inspection to verify that all renovation works meet the required standards.
- Address any deficiencies or issues identified during the inspection.

14. Soft Opening and Marketing:

- Organize a soft opening to introduce the renovated restaurant to a limited audience.
- Plan a marketing strategy to promote the restaurant's relaunch and attract customers.

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