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NAME: Julia Myrrh Gafate DATE: January 3, 2024


Argumentative Essay Writing

Your goal is to present your arguments for or against the topic social networking sites
damage teenagers’ minds and convince your audience to agree with you.
You are your batch representative, and you are tasked to write an argumentative essay that will be
published in your school paper.
Your audience is the members of your school community, particularly your schoolmates.
There is an ongoing debate among your schoolmates regarding the use of social media and social
networking sites. Everyone has his/her own say about it, whether grounded on facts or purely based on
their own opinions.
Product, Performance, and Purpose
You must write an argumentative essay that states your stand on the given topic.
Standards and Criteria
Your work will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

Criteria Does Not Meet Nearly Meets Meets Exceeds SCORE

Expectations Expectation Expectation Expectation
Introduction The The The The
(25%) introduction introduction introduction introduction
Clear thesis does not has a has a clear has a very
statement have a clear somewhat thesis clear thesis
and definition thesis clear thesis statement statement
of the statement statement and and
problem, and and and definition of definition of
thought definition of definition of the the
provoking hook the the problem, problem,
problem, problem, and the and the
and the and the hook is hook is very
hook is not hook is thought- thought-
thought – somewhat provoking . provoking .
provoking . thought-
provoking .
Body The body The body The body The body
(25%) contains contains contains contains
Four one or no two three four
well-developed well- well- well-developed well-developed
arguments developed developed arguments arguments
that are arguments arguments that are that are
well-supported that is that are well-supported well-supported
by evidence well-supported well-supported by evidence. by evidence.
by evidence. by evidence.
Conclusion The The The The
(25%) conclusion conclusion conclusion conclusion
Very effective does not somewhat effectively very
restatement effectively effectively restates the effectively
of the writer’s restate the restates the writer’s restates the
claims writer’s writer’s claims writer’s
without claims claims without claims
repeating without without repeating without
most words repeating most repeating most words repeating most
and sentences in words most words and words
the conclusion; and and sentences. and
very clear sentences. sentences. There is a sentences.
synthesis of There is no There is a clear There is a
ideas clear somewhat synthesis of very clear
synthesis of clear ideas. synthesis of
ideas. synthesis of ideas.
Organizati There is a There is a There is a There is a
on not somewhat coherent very
(15%) coherent coherent flow of coherent
Coherent flow flow of flow of ideas. The flow of
of ideas; ideas. The ideas. The arguments ideas. The
logically arguments arguments are arguments
arranged are not are arranged are very
arguments arranged somewhat logically . much
logically arranged arranged
logically . logically .
Language There are There are There is one There are
(10%) four or two to language no language
Proper more three error. errors.
spelling, language language
mechanics, errors. errors.
and word
choice were

Social Networking sites damage teenagers’ minds

As social networking sites become a part of our lives, are we fully aware of the danger to the mental well-
being of teenagers? Social Networking sites have their roots in the evolution of electronic communication
and the human impulse to connect. Social Media allows teenagers to express themselves, connect with
others, and build social networks that may provide teenagers with valuable support. The continuous
exposure to social media may negatively affect a teenager's mental health, self-esteem, and overall well-

Social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok have become beneficial to teenagers as it
allows them to learn, socialize, and express themselves freely. However, the negative effects that these
social networking sites bring to teenagers cannot be ignored. Excessive use of social media may lead to
addiction, affecting the teenagers' sleeping pattern, or worse, their physical health. Studies have shown
that heavy use of social media may also lead to feelings of social isolation, which may lead to negative
effects on their mental health.

Social networking sites are also a source of information. They contain a range of educational pages, study
groups, and discussions that teenagers may follow. Although it is true that social media can provide access
to a wide range of educational information, addiction to social media can hinder a teenager's academic
performance. According to a study conducted in 2019, teenagers who are addicted to social media have
lower academic performance rather than teenagers who spend less time on social media. The continuous
distraction offered by social media may also lead to procrastination and poor time management, leading to
poor grades that may affect their future.

One of the most significant uses of social networking sites is to socialize with others, however, social media
have unfortunately become a common ground for cyberbullying, with teenagers frequently being the
victims. A 2019 Swedish study indicates that teenagers who are victims of cyberbullying have a higher risk
of depression. Teenagers nowadays are particularly sensitive and vulnerable. Cyberbullying can lead to
depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and loneliness which increases the chances of suicide ideation.

Another significant concern with social media use among teenagers is exposure to explicit sexual content.
Exposure to explicit sexual content at a young age can lead to distorted perceptions about sex,
relationships, and body image. Nowadays, social media is prone to sexual predators and pedophiles, which
target teenagers and may traumatize them. Teenagers may also be pressured into sharing inappropriate
images of themselves, which can damage their mental health if the images are shared without their

Social networking sites offer numerous opportunities for connection and self-expression. However, these
platforms can have significant negative impacts on teenagers if not used responsibly. Teenagers have
become dependent on social media, resulting in addiction. They also encounter unfortunate happenings,
resulting in negative effects not only on their mental health but also on their physical health. As a society,
are we underestimating the impact of social media on the mental health of our teenagers, and if so, at what
cost to their future?

Sources: The Psychological Effects of Cyberbullying: Signs and Recovery (

What are the effects of cyberbullying? (
What Is Cyberbullying |

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