Career Paths - All Numbers

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Career Paths


Element Career

• Versatile Careers: They can opt for almost any profession,

excluding those designated for number 8. • Luxury & Glamour:
1 Fire Roles that exude luxury and glamour are fitting. • Fire Element
Professions: Consider careers that are associated with the Fire
element. Leadership roles. Good at starting things but not completing.

• Water-Related Careers: Delve into professions or businesses

connected to water, such as dairy, mineral water, and packaged water
industries. • Oceanic Professions: Jobs related to the ocean, like
2 Water those involving pearls, are ideal. • Diplomacy & Public Relations:
Roles in diplomacy and managing public relations are highly suitable
for them. Merchant navy, juice parlour, HR, negotiator, cool drinks, tea
house, aquarium.

♃ 3 Wood • Educational Fields: Engage in products or services related to

education. • Creative Professions: Explore jobs that revolve around
artistic and creative activities. • Healing & Medical: Consider roles in
the healing domain, for instance, medical professions or becoming a
doctor. • Motivational Roles: They can excel as motivators or life
coaches. • Journalism: Delve into print media journalism, steering
clear of electronic media. • Wood Element Professions: Engage in

Career Paths 1
Element Career
jobs connected to wood, such as furniture design and crafting.
Liasoning(After they negotiated). Raw gold(not ornaments).

• Wood Element Professions: Engage in careers related to the

wood element, such as furniture crafting, working in a plywood
factory, and similar industries. • Logical Roles: Opt for professions
that require logical thinking, like being a lawyer or an engineer. •
Discipline-Oriented Professions: Consider roles that demand
♅ 4 Wood discipline, such as positions in the army, police force, and other
security services. • Hand-Driven Tasks: Delve into jobs that involve
hands-on work, be it writing software code, carpentry, or other crafts
that require manual dexterity. • Avoid Food & Beverages: It's
recommended to steer clear of professions related to food or drinks.
sawmill. handicrafts

Consider roles that cater to leaders or those in authority (akin to no.

1) and can be pursued comfortably, without excessive stress. Some
examples include: • Consultancy: Offering advice based on
expertise, allowing for flexible hours. • Freelance Writing: Working at
one's own pace without the constraints of a 9-to-5 job. • Online
☿ 5 Earth Tutoring: Teaching subjects of expertise via online platforms, giving
flexibility in scheduling. • Graphic Designing: Taking on projects that
align with one's pace and creative flow. • Library or Archival Work:
Engaging in organized, quiet environments where tasks aren't rushed.
• Remote Tech Support: Assisting clients from the comfort of one's
home, allowing for a balanced work environment.

♀ 6 Gold Metal They are best suited for roles catering to desires rather than
necessities. These are professions that revolve around indulgence,
luxury, and lifestyle enhancement. Here are some tailored examples:
◦ Luxury Sector: Engage in businesses that sell high-end products or
services, offering a touch of opulence and exclusivity. ◦ Glamour
Industry: Dive into the world of fashion, modeling, or film, where
presentation and allure are paramount. ◦ Travel and Tourism: Opt for
professions that craft exotic or leisurely travel experiences,
emphasizing the allure of escapism. ◦ Culinary Ventures: Consider
roles in upscale restaurants or cafes, where dining is an experience
rather than just a necessity. ◦ Beauty and Personal Care: Engage in
professions like beauty salons or spas, focusing on aesthetics and
personal enhancement. ◦ Alcohol Retail: Delve into businesses like

Career Paths 2
Number Element Career

wine shops, which cater to refined tastes and leisurely indulgence. •

In the realm of education, while mainstream academic paths might
not be the best fit, they can excel in non-academic educational
fields. This includes vocational training, hobby classes, or workshops
that emphasize skills and interests over traditional academia.

This number resonates with both research and spirituality, making

those with this number inclined towards deep investigation,
introspection, and connection with the higher self. Here's how it
translates to professions: ◦ Research and Academia: ▪ Opt for roles
like Research Scientist, delving deep into subjects, making
discoveries, and adding to the existing body of knowledge. ▪ Engage
in Educational roles, especially those that involve teaching advanced
or specialized subjects. ▪ Engineering, particularly roles centered
around Research & Development (R&D), is another suitable field,
allowing for innovation and exploration. ◦ Spiritual and Holistic
♆ 7 Silver Metal Fields: ▪ Engage in healing roles such as a Medical Healer,
Ayurvedic Doctor, or Homeopathic Doctor, where the focus is on
holistic wellness and balancing the body's energies. ▪ Dive deep into
Occult Studies, exploring the mysteries of the universe and
understanding the esoteric. ▪ Take on roles like Katha Vachak,
narrating religious stories and scriptures, and guiding listeners on a
spiritual journey. ▪ Venture into businesses related to Religious
Pooja Items, catering to those seeking spiritual rituals and
ceremonies. This number bridges the gap between analytical
investigation and spiritual enlightenment, making its bearers adept at
professions that require depth, insight, and a touch of the divine.

♄ 8 Earth This number is deeply connected to elements and products derived

from beneath the earth's surface. Here's a breakdown of suitable
professions: ◦ Earth-Derived Products: ▪ Engage in sectors that deal
with Metal, Vegetables, and Petroleum Products. These are all
elements and goods that originate from beneath the ground. ▪ Work
with Raw Materials used in building construction. It's vital to
emphasize that while number 8 is associated with core building
materials, decorative materials for buildings align more with number
6. ▪ Delve into jobs that involve Piping and Plumbing, especially the
tasks executed behind closed doors. ▪ Opt for professions related to
tools and implements, like dealing in Iron Knives. Conversely, more
ornate items like crystal knives resonate with number 6. ◦ Discipline-

Career Paths 3
Number Element Career

Oriented Professions: ▪ Roles in Police and Defense services are

suitable, given the emphasis on discipline, structure, and order that
the number 8 embodies. ◦ Legal Sector: ▪ Engage in the legal field as
a Lawyer or Judge, upholding justice and navigating the complexities
of law. ◦ Financial Sector: ▪ Consider roles in Financial
Management, overseeing funds, assets, and ensuring economic
stability. Number 8 brings together the grounded essence of earthly
elements with the structured realm of law, finance, and discipline,
making individuals with this number ideal for professions requiring
depth, organization, and a strong foundation.

This number embodies leadership, service, and a connection to the

broader collective. Here's a detailed exploration of fitting professions:
◦ Service and Leadership: ▪ Consider roles in the Army and other
defense services, showcasing leadership, valor, and dedication. ▪
Engage in Administration, ensuring smooth operations and
organization in various sectors. ◦ Surya Dev (Sun) Professions: ▪
Opt for professions associated with the number 1, which relates to
Surya Dev, but ensure they are non-luxurious in nature. These roles
emphasize core functionalities and basic essentials rather than
opulence. ◦ Appliance Sector: ▪ Work with Electrical Appliances,
♂ 9 Fire focusing on products that power our lives. On the other hand, home
appliances, which lean more towards domestic comfort, align with
number 6. ◦ Culinary Ventures: ▪ Dive into the world of confectionery
with Sweet Shops, offering delightful treats and traditional delicacies.
◦ Education: ▪ Engage in Educational roles, imparting knowledge,
mentoring, and guiding the next generation. ◦ Humanitarian Work: ▪
Consider roles in NGOs and other humanitarian organizations,
focusing on service, upliftment, and betterment of society. Number 9
encapsulates the spirit of leadership paired with a genuine desire to
serve and uplift. Those with this number are well-suited for roles that
combine authority with a touch of compassion and community focus.

Career Paths 4

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