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Group #3

author → scottish american, born in scotland, philanthropist, settled in Pennsylvania, a very avid
reader, self-educated, telegraph operator, was very interested in new technologies that were blooming
at the time, steel company, pioneer of vertical integration (?), he sold his company in 1901 which
made him become one of the richest ppl (ig ?),
In his text, he defends AND criticizes capitalism.

text →
3 parts : 1st to 9th line ⇒ issue of the administration wealth
AC introduces a way that he believes to be the solution to the problem
10 to → 3 ways :
- when the money is left to the fam of the owner after their death
- when the woney “behbz for public publices” → he thinks that way is a waist
- money to be “administyrated …” → the money is not given after the death of his owner, it implies
involvement (ig ?) ⇒ the solution for him

The wealth from the few should be invested in smth that can benefit a large group of (i’m guessing
poor people) → best way to reduce the gap between poor ppl and rich ppl in his opinion
Rich ppl are usually born rich
He mentions the reconciliation of the rich and the poor to improve those inequalities that are
not only financial but also social
this text is a good illustration to how rich ppl live a privileged life with more facility to access

slavery of labor, overexploitation of workers → cause of conflict

use of immigrants
poverty as an unexpected blessing (church doctrins)
MANIA indistriualists

→ saying enslavement of workers is an exaggeration

the author thinks that capitalism is the best solution but he also sees that ppl are getting
angrier at ppl like him (rich ppl) so he is trying to find a solution to avoid that anger ; he does
not want equality but peace, he is not a socialist or anything like that
this text reinforces the idea of the superiority of the rich on the poor (like against poor ppl)
philanthropy is based on the idea that the rich ppl control what happens with the money.
Everything is based on the idea that rich ppl make the decisions. So even though
philanthropy looks nice, it is a way for rich ppl to reinforce that idea of superiority and the
idea that rich ppl will make the better decision no matter what and that they will stay in
control anyway.

tycoon → businessman
to bequeath = léguer
homestead strike 1892
Group #4

ida tarbell → financial crisis in the US when she was born so her father decided to move to
how she handled the attack that she made against rockefeller → a journal → everything was exposed
against rockefeller
ida is considered one the pioneers of the investigating journalism,

since 1981 rock was the richest man in the world, his passion for money (?)
idea of american socialism
the combination of wealth + philanthropism ⇒ lot of power

her greatest goal was to highlight the dark aspect of rock investments (?)
one of the main controversies
his success comes from manipulation, wealth does not come from pure strategies
rock drew a model for ppl who are tryna become rich, become successful, men of power can
have an indirect influence on the population,
most of rock’s acts were not in favor of the society in ida’s opinion

large scale protests after the article

ethical business practices
global warming raising leads to more controversies abt ethical BP
her legacy has inspired many generations of reporters
journalism challenging abusive power
necessary of accountability in journalism

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