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1/ What kind of town did you grow up in?

-> I was born in HCM city, which commonly known as the centre of
VN’s economic and culture. However, my town- to be more specific
CuChi district in which I lived is just an outskirt of that city. Cu Chi was
not a densely populated area; therefore, I spent much of my childhood
with many countryside view. To my amazement, my town was a place
that contained a large number of alleys, river banks and fields. Yeah you
know, that means the place I grew up is a spacious hometown. And I
shouldn’t forget to mentions that-> a few step from my home, there is a
river bank with the most spectacular view I’ve ever seen (gentle winds/
school of fish/ bright sunshine). That is the place where I spent most of
my leisure time or sometimes gathered with friends or when I had to
suffer from tress. For sure, after retiring, I absolutely return to my
hometown and settle down there. My hometown is the place that I
appreciate so much to live there rest of my life.

2/ Can you talk about your favourite kind of accommodation.

-> I would say that, if I have to choose-> I’m simply adore a farmhouse
which settle down on a hill. Although I’m kind of individual that
extrovert one, I still enjoy myself alone when I’ve got spare time. Having
a house surrounded by nature is not a bad idea for me to let off steam. I’m
always dream of a house with narrow paths, flower in garden, fresh air
and non vehicle smoke. To me, it’s the ideal house I take it seriously to
own in the future. Also, I would prefer a house which furnished with semi
classic style, and have a spacious living room. As I mentioned, I’m an
extrovert one-> my house has to have a big living room for me to invite
my guests to weekend party. And that the kind of accommodation that I
want to live in.

3/ Can you describe a … past


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