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Grade 6 – Vocabulary – Unit 3: Gothic Tales

Lesson 1 Lesson 2
to ready (v) to prepare something inventor (n) person who was first to create a device
sole (adj) only or alone to attempt to repair or improve
to tinker (v)
corpse (n) the dead body of a human small machine or piece of electronic
gadget (n)
to sob (v) to cry glee (n) great delight
to waste away (v) to slowly become sick and then die leaning forward with raised shoulders, or
hunched (adj)
bending your back into a rounded shape
tatty (adj) untidy, old, broken ragged (adj) (of cloth or clothes) old and torn
fragile (adj) not strong; easy to break to complain about something in a quiet
to mutter (v)
devastated (adj) in strong emotional pain genius (n) very smart person
to flail (v) to wildly swing your arms deaf (adj) unable to hear
sedative (n) medicine causing a deep sleep to push or pull a sharp object across
to scrape (v)
Lesson 3 Lesson 4
boulder (n) very large, round rock hideous (adj) very ugly, disgusting
(in a dark place) to shine weakly or
to glimmer (v) carcass (n) dead body of an animal
be lit up weakly; to have a dim light
sombre (adj) serious and sad deformed (adj) not the usual shape
to dare (v) to be unafraid of doing something ghastly (adj) very shocking or horrible
jagged (adj) having a sharp, pointed shape glistening (adj) wet and shiny
to shudder (v) to shake because of fear saliva (n) liquid made by the mouth
pasture (n) place for animals to eat grass bound (n) long jump
whip (n) tool to make a horse go faster ferocious (adj) very aggressive or violent
gloomy (adj) dark terrier (n) small dog
carriage (n) vehicle pulled by a horse or horses tummy (n) (informal) stomach
Lesson 5 Lesson 6
dusk (n) time between sunset and night scullery (n) small kitchen or room at the back of a
house used for washing dishes
to grope (v) to feel without seeing pantry (n) small room for storing food
stealthily (adv) quietly and secretly manor (n) large country house and its grounds
inhabitant (n) someone who lives in a particular anniversary (n) the date on which an event took place in a
place previous year
grimy (adj) dirty dresser (n) chest of drawers
silhouette (n) outline created by a shadow deadly poisonous bush with purple flowers and
nightshade (n) black berries
sinister (adj) looking evil or dangerous to disappear (v) to go missing and be impossible to find; to
to pierce (v) to make a hole through something to mobilise (v) of soldiers, being ready to go to war
authentic (adj) real, not fake phoney (adj) not real; fake
notorious (adj) famous for being bad digits (n) fingers and thumbs
Lesson 7
obviously (adv) in a way that is easy to see or
bustling (adj) moving or acting with a great show
of energy
to part (v) to divide something into parts
to halt (v) to stop moving
shabby (adj) worn out; in bad condition
to chatter (v) to talk rapidly
beaming (adj) smiling brightly and cheerfully
to seize (v) to take hold of something or
someone suddenly or by force; to
to bow (v) to move your head or body
forwards and down as a greeting or
to show respect
delighted (adj) very pleased

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