Handouts For Ra 9173

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o Holder of Bachelor’s degree in Nursing

o Minor Qualifications include Birth Certificate and the

OR DR Cases
• Revocations
o Violations in the rules and regulations, code of
ethics, for nurses, technical standards for nursing
o For practicing his or her profession during
suspension from such practice

Article V – Nursing Education

Knowledge of this act provides guidance for nurses practicing
Section 25 – Learning experience must abide to the
in the Philippines, providing for a more responsible nursing
curriculum prescribed by CHED
profession. This also gives the nurses and the public
protection from any wrong doings in the nursing profession. • Sound foundation for the practice of nursing
o General foundation
Important Dates: o Professional foundation
• October 08, 2002 – Approval of the House of Senate • Implementing rules and regulation provision.
(Senate Bill No. 2293) • Learning outcome is based on two core
• October 15, 2002 – Approval of Congress (House Bill No. competencies:
1084) o National nursing competencies
• October 21, 2002 – Approved by President Gloria o Universal/Global nursing competencies
Macapagal-Arroyo • Setting Learning Experiences
o Classroom
Principal Authors: o Hospital
1. House of Congress: Honorable Carlos Padilla o Home
2. Senate: Honorable Juan Flavier o Health/Welfare agencies
Section 26 – Requirements for inactive nurses
The Philippine Nursing Act of 2002 – R.A. 9173 was approved One (1) month didactic program and three (3) months
on October 21, 2002 by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo practicum.
Section 27 – Qualifications for the Faculty and Dean
Article I – Title Faculty
Act regulating the practice of nursing in the Philippines for a • Must be a registered nurse in the Philippines
more responsive nursing profession repealing RA 7164 – • Must have at least one (1) year of clinical experience in
Philippine Nursing Law 1991 the field of nursing or specialization

Article II – Declaration of Policy

• Is a holder of a Masteral degree in Nursing education or
allied medical and health sciences, conferred by the
The responsibility to protect and improve the nursing
recognized College of Nursing
profession, provision of good, human working conditions and
a dignified existence in the nursing profession.
• Must be a registered nurse in the Philippines
Article III – Organization of the Board • Is a holder of a Master’s Degree in Nursing
• Creation and composition • years of experience in the field of nursing
The Board of Nursing is composed of one (1) chairman
and six (6) members. Article VI – Nursing Practice
• Qualifications Section 28 – Scope of the Nursing Practice
o Natural born citizen – resident of the Philippines Changes:
o Registered Nurse in the Philippines with a Masteral • Removal of the phrase “fee, salary, reward, or
degree compensation” in regards to the provision of service by
o Member of good standing of accredited professional nurses.
organization (PNA) • Specifying various stages pf developments where nursing
o Ten (10) years of experience/nursing practice and care can be implemented
the last 5 years should be in the Philippines • Identifying 2 major roles of the nurse: Independent
o Not convicted for any unprofessional, unethical or nurse practitioner and Member of the health team
dishonorable conduct • Exclusion of steps in the nursing process
• Membership to the board shall represent the 3 • Allowing the nurse to perform specific procedures. I.E.
areas in nursing Suturing perineal laceration (with training)
o Nursing education
o Nursing practice/service • Inclusion of the duty providing health education
Nursing Care Reiterated:
o Community Health Nursing
• Term of office is 3 years and former board • Utilizing traditional and innovative approaches
members may be reappointed. • Therapeutic use of self
• Powers and duties • Performing health care techniques and procedures
o Conduct licensure exam for nurses. Is the essence • Delivery of Primary Health Care
of the board. • Delivery of comfort measures
o Issue, suspend, revoke the certificate of registration. • Communicating health teachings
o Conduct hearings and investigation to resolve • Administration of written prescription for treatment,
complaints against nurse practitioner. I.E. Unethical
therapies, and medication
conduct and unprofessional conduct.
Scope of Nursing Practice
o Promulgate the code of ethics in coordination with
the accredited professional organization. • Provision of nursing care through utilization of nursing
o Prescribe, adopt, issue, promulgate guidelines, process
regulations necessary for the improvement of • Establish linkages with community resources in
nursing profession. coordination with the health team
• Removal or suspension of Board members • Provide health education to individuals, families, and
o Continued neglect of duty (Incompetency) communities.
o Commission or toleration of irregularities in the • Teach, guide, and supervise students in nursing
licensure exam education program including administration og nursing
o Unprofessional, unethical, or dishonorable conduct services (in-service nursing education)
• Undertake nursing and health human resources,
Article IV – Examination and Registration development training
A written licensure exam for nurses is held two times a year Section 29 – Qualifications of the Nursing Service
in June and December. Administrators
• Qualifications • Must be a registered nurse in the Philippines
o Citizen of the Philippines • Must have 2 years of experience in general nursing
o With good moral character service administration
• Must possess a Bachelor’s degree in nursing and have 9 4. If the person gives any false evidence to the
units of management courses Board in order to obtain a certificate of
registration/professional license, a professional
• Member of a good standing, accredited professional
identification card or special permit
5. Falsely poses or advertises as a registered and
Chief Nurse
licensed nurse or uses any other means that
• 5 years of supervisory or managerial position in nursing tend to convey the impression that he is a
• Master’s degree in nursing registered and licensed nurse
Changes: 6. appends B.S.N./R.N. (Bachelor of Science in
• Enriched provision: must possess BSN and 9 units in Nursing/Registered Nurse) or any similar
management appendage to his name without having been
• Provision that requires a Masteral in Nursing Service conferred said degree or registration
administration was removed. 7. As a registered and licensed nurse, abets or
assists the illegal practice of a person who is not
Article VII – Health Human Resource Production, lawfully qualified to practice nursing
Utilization and Development • Any person or the chief executive officer of a judicial
Section 30 – Board of Nursing entity who undertakes in-service educational programs or
Studies for nursing manpower needs, production, utilization who conducts review classes for both local and foreign
and development. The board could coordinate with: examination without permit/clearance from the Board
• PNA – Designing research proposal and the Commission
• CHED, ADPCN – For curriculum on nursing education, • A person or employer of nurses who violates the
training students, and nurses in academe. minimum base pay of nurses and the incentives and
benefits that should be accorded them as specified in
• DOH, ANSAP, DepEd, PHA – For the utilization of nurse
Sections 32 and 34
• DOLE – Availment of benefits; improvement of nurse’s
• A person or the chief executive officer of a juridical entity
violating any provision of this Act and its rules and
• DILG – Deployment of nurses or practitioners to the field regulations.
and strategies for community development
• PhilHealth – Benefits of patient and health care Article IX – Final Provisions
practitioners Section 36 – Enforcement of this Act
Section 31 – Comprehensive Nursing Specialty Program It is the primary duty of Professional Regulation Commission
Purpose: To upgrade skills and competence of specialty and the Board of Nursing to implement this Act. assistance
nurse clinician. Area: shall be given by agencies upon the request of the
• Critical care Commission or the Board.
• Oncology Section 37 – Appropriations
The Chairperson of the Professional Regulation Commission
• Renal shall immediately include in its program and issue such rules
• Other areas to be determined by the board and regulations to implement the provisions of this Act, the
Implementing rules and regulations: Provided that those funding of which shall be included in the Annual General
who will avail shall be issued a certificate of completion and is Appropriations Act.
expected to serve Philippine hospitals for at least 2 years of Section 38 – Rules and Regulations
continuous service. Within ninety (90) days after the effectivity of this Act, the
Section 32 – Salary (Grade 15) Board and the Commission, in coordination with the
Applicable to government hospitals, RA 6758 – Compensation accredited professional organization, the Department of
and classification Act of 1989. Health, the Department of Budget and Management and other
Section 33 – Funding for the Comprehensive Nursing concerned government agencies, shall formulate such rules
Specialty Program and regulations necessary to carry out the provisions of this
Public Nurses or Government Nurses Act. The implementing rules and regulations shall be
• Target no. of nurses to be trained is 10% or more of the published in the Official Gazette or in any newspaper of
nursing staff of the participating government hospital general circulation.
• Annual financial requirement for training chargeable to Section 39 – Reparability Clause
the income of the following: Philippine Charity If any part of this Act is declared unconstitutional, the
Sweepstakes Office (PCSO), Philippine Amusement and remaining parts not affected thereby shall continue to be valid
Gaming Corporation (PAGCOR). The Department of and operational.
Health (DOH) approves, provides the criteria and Section 40 – Repealing Clause
guideline and the availment of the program. Republic Act No. 7164, otherwise known as the “Philippine
Section 34 – Incentive and Benefits Nursing Act of 1991″ is hereby repealed. All other laws,
• BON shall establish an incentive and benefit system decrees, orders, circulars, issuances, rules and regulations
and parts thereof which are inconsistent with this Act are
• Form of free hospital care (Nurses, dependent, hereby repealed, amended or modified accordingly.
scholarship grants, other non-cash benefits)
Section 41 – Effectivity
• Government and private hospitals are mandated to This act shall take effect fifteen (15) days upon its publication
maintain the standard nurse patient ratio set by the DOH in the Official Gazette or in any two (2) newspapers of
o Government hospitals – 1 nurse: 10 patients general circulation in the Philippines.
o Private Hospitals – 1 nurse: 5 patients or 1 nurse: 7
patients Source:

Article VIII – Penal and Miscellaneous Provisions

Section 35 – Prohibitions in the Practice of Nursing. Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines
A fine of not less than Fifty thousand pesos (www.officialgazette.gov.ph)
(P50,000.00) not more than One hundred thousand
pesos (P100,000.00) or imprisonment of not less than
one (1) year nor more than six (6) years, or both, on the
discretion of the court, shall be imposed upon:
• To any persons practicing nursing in the Philippines:
1. Without a certificate of registration/professional
license and professional identification card or special
temporary permit or without having been declared
exempt from examination
2. Uses as his own certificate of
registration/professional license and professional
identification card or special temporary permit of
another person
3. If the person uses an invalid certificate of
registration/professional license, a suspended or
revoked certificate of registration/professional
license, or an expired or canceled special/temporary

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