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The bar chat below demonstrates the proportion of part-time employees in each country of the United

Kingdom from between 1980 and 2010.

Overall, it can be seen that , Wales has a higher percentage of part-time workers than in the other of
three countries throughout whole time.

To prelude , the welsh occupied the highest proportion of part-time workers in 1980 , which can be
cleared with 31% . The others started following on period from England to Northern Ireland and finished
with Scotland with 25% to 15% and down to 10%

On the other hand , part-time employees in 2010 still reached a peak of highest percentage among 4
countries . First impression with 35% at whales . England was stable at top 2 with 30% . We can see the
opposite between 2 countries left from 1980 and 2010 . Surprisingly , Scottish got higher perentage of
employees with 20% wihle Northern irish just got 13% .

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