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To: Olive Taylor

Cc: Professor Laura Wilson
From: Shae Saffell
Date: March 31, 2023
Subject: Audit of Women of Cincy’s Social Media Platforms

This audit reviews all of your social media accounts to find out how you’re using them,
what benefits Women of Cincy, what you’re doing well, and what potentially needs
improvement. We had a brief interview, and I reviewed all the social media platforms
Women of Cincy is present on. This audit focuses on the statistics and interactions within
those platforms.

Interview Reflection
During our interview, you explained how social media is run
through a variety of people—created by residents and then
reviewed by others. The main goals of the Women of Cincy
accounts are to inform your audience about new articles,
connect and collaborate with others, and expand to new readers.
While your target audience is readers in their 20s to 40s, Women
of Cincy is open to many demographics. Figure 1: Audience Reached
and Age Breakdown1

For this audit, I looked at all your social media platforms:
Instagram, X, Facebook, and LinkedIn. I was able to access in-app
analytics for Instagram and X. The analytics on each platform are
different, so I have different data for each platform.
Figure 2: Gender Breakdown
I had access to the in-app analytics for Women of Cincy’s of Account Reached
Instagram. With that access, I was able to get detailed
information on your account for the last 30 days.
You are following 3,002 accounts and have 2,629 posts. In the Figure 3: Reach for March
last 30 days, your profile has reached 182 accounts1. 95.1% of 26th post3
those accounts were women and 4.8% were men2. Over half of
those accounts fall into your demographic of viewers in their 20s
to 40s: 41.9% being 35-44 and 30.77% being 25-341. The two Figure 4: Reach for March 13th
Saffell 1 of 5
most recent posts for your account were posted on March 26th and March 13th. The March
26th post reached 539 accounts with a division of 523 followers and 17 non-following 3. The
March 13th post reached 588 accounts with 584 followers and 4 non-followers 4.
You have 9,290 followers. Your followers are 89.5% women and
10.4% men5. The age demographics for your female followers:
0.1% are 13-17, 3.4% are 18-24, 33% are 25-34, 38.5% are 35- Figure 5: Gender Breakdown
of Followers5
44, 15.9% are 45-54, 6.5% are 55-64, and 2.2% are 65 and over6.
The age demographics for your male followers: 0.1% are
13-17, 3.6% are 18-24, 27.8% are 25-34, 40.6% are 35-44,
18% are 45-54, 6.3% are 55-64, and 3.1% are 65 and over7.
Engagement and Interaction
In the last 30 days, 182 accounts have engaged with your
account and content. The gender and age breakdown is the
same as your audience reach2. Your March 26th post had 62
interactions: 57 likes, 3 saves, and 1 comment8. Your March Figure 6: Age Breakdown of Female
13th post had 39 post interactions: 36 likes, 2 saves, and 1
I was able to access the last 28 days of data with the analytics
for X, but the account hasn’t been active since April 25th,
202310. Even without activity from you, there was activity
happening with your account.
Statistics Figure 7: Age Breakdown of Male
You are following 751 accounts on X . Your account was

created in February 2017, and you last posted on April

25th, 202310.
You have 1,048 followers on X10.
Figure 8: March 26th post interactions8
Engagement and Interaction
Your two latest posts were on April 25th and April 24th,
2023. The April 24th post was seen by 132 accounts and Figure 9: March 13th post interactions9

had 3 interactions: 2 accounts visited your profile from

this post and 1 account clicked the attached article link 11. The April
25th post was seen by 142 accounts and had two engagements: 1
account looked at the post details and 1 account liked the post12.

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Because LinkedIn is a platform with limited analytics, I was able to access metrics and data
for the last 30 days of activity.
You are listed as a Civic and Social Organization based in Cincinnati, Ohio with 0-1
employees. The Women of Cincy page was created in 2017.
Currently, you have 775 followers. In the past month, you’ve gained 7 followers 13.
Engagement and Interaction
In the last 30 days, Women of Cincy has shown up in 25 searches, had 6 visitors, 7 new
followers, and 796 views on recent posts14. The most recent post from March 27th was
viewed by 52 people and its link was clicked on twice15.
I wasn’t able to access any of Facebook’s analytics for your
account, so I have less information than for the other platforms.
You’re listed as a nonprofit organization that is following 279
people16. There are 19 fundraisers and over 20 events listed on
your page. Your profile was created in 2017.
You have 4.7k followers.
Engagement and Interaction
Your two most recent posts were on March 26th and March 13th.
The March 26 post has 2 likes. The March 13th post has 12 likes
and 4 shares. Most posts have an average of 3-5 likes.
Analysis of Interactions
Your Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn are all active. On
average, there’s a post published once or twice per week. Your Figure 11: April 24th post
Twitter hasn’t been updated since 2023 and is inactive. The interaction11
majority of posts are focused on informing your audience of new articles. There isn’t
frequent interaction between your accounts and your followers because there aren’t often
comments. The most common interaction is your account liking a comment that’s been left.

You complete your main goal of using social media to inform
audiences about new articles. There is room for improvement in
other areas: interaction with followers, keeping information
current, and posting regularly. You can use this audit to see what
social media platforms are most beneficial and working the best
for you. You can also use it to see what isn’t working for you. As a

Saffell 3 of 5
companion piece to this audit, I am going to be using this information to create a potential
social media campaign for Women of Cincy.

Figure 13: Follower metrics13

Figure 14: Analytics for

the past month14

Figure 13: Engagement on March 27th post15

Figure 16: Facebook profile16

Saffell 4 of 5
1. Women of Cincy Instagram. 3/28/24. Screenshot 3/28/24.
2. Women of Cincy Instagram. 3/28/24. Screenshot 3/28/24.
3. Women of Cincy Instagram. 3/28/24. Screenshot 3/28/24.
4. Women of Cincy Instagram. 3/28/24. Screenshot 3/28/24.
5. Women of Cincy Instagram. 3/28/24. Screenshot 3/28/24.
6. Women of Cincy Instagram. 3/28/24. Screenshot 3/28/24.
7. Women of Cincy Instagram. 3/28/24. Screenshot 3/28/24.
8. Women of Cincy Instagram. 3/28/24. Screenshot 3/28/24.
9. Women of Cincy Instagram. 3/28/24. Screenshot 3/28/24.
10. Women of Cincy Twitter. 3/28/24. Screenshot 3/28/24.
11. Women of Cincy Twitter. 3/28/24. Screenshot 3/28/24.
12. Women of Cincy Twitter. 3/28/24. Screenshot 3/28/24.
13. Women of Cincy LinkedIn. 3/29/24. Screenshotted 3/29/24.
14. Women of Cincy LinkedIn. 3/29/24. Screenshotted 3/29/24.
15. Women of Cincy LinkedIn. 3/29/24. Screenshotted 3/29/24.
16. Women of Cincy Facebook. 3/29/24. Screenshotted 3/29/24.

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