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Name of the student: Anmol Sihag, Mittapelli Rohith, Sandhya

Registration Number: 12213702, 12215474, 12200080

Course Code: MKT201


Academic Task No: 01

Date of Allotment: 09-02-2024

Date of Submission: 30-04-2024

Maximum Marks: 30



I declare that this assignment is my individual work. I have not copied if from any
other students work or from any other source except where due acknowledgement
is made explicitly in the text, nor has any part been written for me by any other
PR Rating

Registration number-
12213702 10 point
12215474 09 point
12200080 07 point
Main issues and problems highlighted in the case of Google

1. Heavy Reliance on Advertising Revenue: Google heavily relies

on advertising for revenue, with approximately 96% of its income
coming from online advertising. This dependence on a single
revenue stream poses a risk, especially if there are shifts in the
advertising industry or changes in user behaviour.

2. Competition and Market Dominance: While Google currently

dominates the search engine market with a 67% market share in
the United States and 85% globally, the competitive landscape is
dynamic. The company faces ongoing competition from other tech
giants like Microsoft and Yahoo! as well as emerging players.

3. Mobile Technology Challenges: Although Google has been

successful in the mobile market with the Android operating
system, the competition in this space is fierce. Challenges such
as ensuring the security and privacy of mobile users and staying
ahead in innovation pose ongoing concerns.

4. Diversification Challenges: While Google has expanded its

product offerings beyond search, including Android, Google+, and
various other services, maintaining and managing such a diverse
portfolio can be challenging. The company needs to ensure that
each product aligns with its mission and contributes to its overall
5. Ethical Considerations: Google's famous founding credo,
"Don't be evil," sets a high ethical standard. However, as the
company continues to grow and face various challenges,
maintaining its commitment to ethical business practices and
avoiding controversies is crucial for its brand reputation.

6. Market Saturation: Google's dominance in the search engine

market is extensive, but there may be concerns about potential
market saturation. The company needs to continually innovate to
keep users engaged and attract new audiences.

7. Regulatory and Legal Challenges: As a global tech giant,

Google faces regulatory scrutiny and legal challenges in various
jurisdictions. Issues related to antitrust concerns, data privacy,
and other regulatory matters can impact the company's
operations and reputation.

8. Brand Image: While Google has enjoyed a positive brand

image, maintaining it requires ongoing efforts. Any negative
perceptions or controversies can affect user trust and loyalty.

9. Strategic Shifts: Google's strategic focus on mobile technology

and constant innovation is commendable, but shifts in
technology trends or unexpected disruptions could impact the
success of these strategies. Staying agile and adaptive is crucial
in the tech industry.

10. Data Privacy and Security Concerns: With its extensive

collection of user data, Google faces ongoing challenges related to
data privacy and security. Any breaches or misuse of user
information could lead to reputational damage and regulatory
Analysis of these issues
Here's an analysis of the highlighted issues and problems for

1. Heavy Reliance on Advertising Revenue:

Google's heavy dependence on advertising revenue makes the
company vulnerable to shifts in the advertising industry or
changes in user behaviour. Diversifying revenue streams by
exploring new business models or enhancing existing ones could
be a strategic approach.

2. Competition and Market Dominance:

While Google currently dominates the search engine market, the
dynamic nature of competition necessitates continuous
innovation. The company should focus on maintaining its
competitive edge through ongoing improvements in search
algorithms, user experience, and possibly exploring new markets.

3. Mobile Technology Challenges:

Given the fierce competition in the mobile market, Google needs
to stay vigilant about security and privacy concerns. Continuous
investment in research and development for innovative mobile
solutions, coupled with a user-friendly approach, can help
address these challenges.

4. Diversification Challenges:
Managing a diverse portfolio requires careful consideration to
ensure each product aligns with Google's mission. Regular
assessments of the performance and relevance of each product
can help optimize the portfolio and streamline resources toward
the most promising ventures.
5. Ethical Considerations:
Upholding the "Don't be evil" credo is crucial for Google's brand
image. The company needs to maintain a strong ethical
foundation by proactively addressing ethical considerations,
promoting transparency, and swiftly resolving any controversies
to preserve its positive brand reputation.

6. Market Saturation:
To combat potential market saturation, Google should continue
to innovate and diversify its services. Exploring new markets,
such as emerging economies, and introducing unique features
can help sustain user engagement and attract new audiences.

7. Regulatory and Legal Challenges:

Google should actively engage with regulatory bodies to address
concerns and navigate legal challenges effectively. Proactive
measures to comply with regulations, transparent
communication with stakeholders, and advocacy for fair industry
practices can help mitigate these challenges.

8. Brand Image:
Maintaining a positive brand image requires ongoing efforts in
communication, community engagement, and adherence to
ethical standards. Google should continue to showcase its
commitment to user privacy, innovation, and societal benefits to
reinforce a positive perception.
9. Strategic Shifts:
Staying agile in response to technology trends and disruptions is
vital. Google should closely monitor industry developments,
invest in research and development, and be prepared to adjust its
strategies to align with emerging opportunities and challenges.

10. Data Privacy and Security Concerns:

Given the increasing importance of data privacy, Google must
prioritize robust security measures and transparent data
practices. Regular audits, user education on privacy controls,
and swift responses to any security incidents are essential to
maintaining user trust.

Solution and strategies of the issues

Here are potential solutions and strategies for addressing the
identified issues in the case of Google:

1. Diversification of Revenue Streams:

Google should explore and invest in new revenue streams to
reduce its heavy reliance on online advertising. This could involve
expanding premium services, creating subscription-based
models, or entering new markets that align with its mission.

2. Continuous Innovation and Market Dominance:

Google must maintain a strong focus on innovation to stay ahead
of the competition. Regular updates to search algorithms, user
interfaces, and the introduction of new features will help retain
and attract users, ensuring continued market dominance.
3. Mobile Technology Challenges:
Google should prioritize ongoing improvements in mobile security
and privacy features. Collaborating with mobile device
manufacturers and app developers to enhance the Android
ecosystem can strengthen its position in the mobile market.

4. Optimized Portfolio Management:

Conduct regular assessments of the product portfolio to ensure
alignment with Google's mission. If certain products are not
contributing significantly, consider divestment or strategic
partnerships while continuing to invest in high-potential areas.

5. Ethical Considerations:
Google should reinforce its commitment to ethical business
practices through transparent communication, proactive
measures to address ethical concerns, and ongoing training for
employees. Establishing an independent ethics committee can
further ensure adherence to high ethical standards.

6. Innovation and Market Saturation:

Invest in research and development to continually innovate and
introduce new products or features. Additionally, consider
expanding into untapped markets, both geographically and in
terms of user demographics, to mitigate concerns about market

7. Proactive Regulatory Compliance:

Collaborate with regulatory bodies to proactively address
concerns and comply with regulations. Establishing strong
relationships with policymakers and staying ahead of emerging
regulatory trends can help Google navigate legal challenges
8. Brand Image Maintenance:
Google should actively engage with the public through
transparent communication, emphasizing its commitment to user
privacy, ethical practices, and societal benefits. Swift and
transparent responses to controversies will help preserve its
positive brand image.

9. Agile Strategic Approach:

Adopt an agile approach to strategic planning, allowing for
flexibility and quick adaptation to changing market conditions.
Regularly reassess the business strategy based on real-time data
and market feedback, enabling swift adjustments as needed.

10. Enhanced Data Privacy Measures:

Strengthen data privacy measures, including regular security
audits, user education initiatives, and implementing advanced
technologies to protect user data. A transparent and user-centric
approach to data management can help build trust.

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