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1 Warm up
Look around your class. Describe a classmate to your partner and they say who it is.

2 Vocabulary
Write the words from the box in the correct column of the table below. Some words may be repeated.

hair face height and build appearance

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3 Focus on grammar 1

Read the sentences below the pictures in pairs and answer the questions.

1. We’re in our fifties. I’ve got a thin face and a grey beard. I’m wearing glasses. My wife has
got fair shoulder-length hair. She hasn’t got freckles. We’re both tall and well-dressed.

2. I’m a child. I’ve got long straight fair hair. I think I look cute. I’m short and slim.

1. Which verb do we use to describe hair and face?

2. What is a negative form?

3. Which verb do we use to describe height, build or appearance?

4. How do we describe a person’s age?

5. Which verb expresses an opinion?

6. What is different for glasses?

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4 Ordering

Match the following sentences to pictures 3 and 4.

Picture 3 Picture 4

a. She’s a young child. → picture

b. He’s got short, dark hair and a beard. → picture

c. He’s got short grey hair and a round face. → picture

d. She’s got shoulder-length dark hair. → picture

e. I think he looks older than the others. → picture

f. He’s tall, slim and well-dressed. → picture

g. I think she looks slim and good-looking. → picture

h. He’s got a lot of wrinkles. → picture

i. She’s got long wavy brown hair. → picture

j. He’s got a big nose. → picture

k. She isn’t wearing glasses. → picture

l. He is well-built and his style is casual. → picture

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5 Let’s create
Part 1: Create a boy and girl. Circle the red for the boy and green for the girl. Describe the person
and their clothes to your partner.

Part 2: Write a short description of your person.

This is ...

He / She’s in his / her ...

He / She has got / hasn’t got ...

He / She’s wearing ...

I think he / she looks ...

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6 Focus on exam: writing

Part 1: Read the exam information. Then complete the suggested steps.

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Part 2: You have received this email from a friend. Read it and the notes. Write your reply to Blanca
using about 100 words.

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Part 3: Read the following reply to Blanca’s email. Underline how the writer includes the four notes.

7 Focus on grammar 2

How does the writer include the three phrasal verbs? Complete the table.

phrasal verb repeats phrasal verb uses another verb example sentence

✦ or X ✦ or X
1 2 3
meet up

4 5 6
pick up

7 8 9
catch up

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Complete the following tasks.

A: Pronouns. Circle the pronouns in the reply, then list them and write what they refer to.

1. I → the writer, Jamie

2. →

3. →

4. →

B: Connectors. Find the following connectors in the email and match them to their functions.

also and because because of so

1. → to introduce the reason but only the noun

2. → to add information

3. → put at the beginning of a sentence to add new information

4. → to explain the purpose of something

5. → to give the reason for something

C: Adjectives. Complete these adjective phrases with words from the email.

1. I’ve got hair and a face.

2. Also, I’ve got eyes.

3. I’ll wear a hoodie.

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8 Practice

Part 1: Complete the text below with a pronoun, connector, or adjective.

1 2
I’m in my teens. People think I’m older I’m very tall. I’ve got
3 4 5
hair a face. My sister looks like me. ’ve
6 7
got green eyes. She plays a lot of sport, she wears clothes.
8 9
think our brother doesn’t look like us his brown eyes.
10 11
, he is short and well-built. are both slim.

Part 2: Review your writing on page six. If necessary, add pronouns, connectors, and adjectives.

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