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Single Answer Correct Type

This section contains 05 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer,
out of which ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and –1 in all other cases.

1. The value of K p for the reaction at 27  C

Br2    Cl2  g  2BrCl  g 
is ‘1 atm’. At equilibrium in a closed container partial pressure of BrCl gas is 0.1 atm and at this
temperature the vapour pressure of Br2   is also 0.1 atm. Then what will be minimum moles of
Br2   to be added to 1 mole of Cl2 , initially, to get above equilibrium situation :
10 5 15
(A) moles (B) moles (C) moles (D) 2moles
6 6 6

2. Equilibrium constant for the given reaction is K  10 20 at temperature 300 K

A  s   2B  aq. 2C  s   D  aq. K  10 20
The equilibrium conc. of B starting with mixture of 1 mole of A and 1/3 mole/litre of B at 300 K is
(A) ~ 4 1011 (B) ~ 2 1010 (C) ~ 2 1011 (D) ~ 1010

3. Calculate the molar solubility of zinc tetrathiocyanato–N–mercurate () if its KSP  2.2 107
(A) 0.00380 (B) 0.000469 (C) 0.0095 (D) 0.0

4. (a) When 100 ml of 0.1 M NaCN solution is titrated with 0.1 M HCl solution the variation of pH of
solution with volume of HCl added will be :

(b) Variation of degree of dissociation  with concentration for a weak electrolyte at a particular
temperature is best represented by :

(c) 0.1 M acetic acid solution is titrated against 0.1 M NaOH solution. The difference in pH between
1/ 4 and 3/4 stages of neutralization of acid will be 2 log 3.
(A) T, F, T (B) F, F, F (C) T, T, T (D) F, T, F

5. The ionization constant of benzoic acid is 6.46 105 and KSP for silver benzoate is 2.5 1013 .
How many times silver benzoate more soluble in a buffer of pH = 3.19 as compared to its solubility in
pure water ?
(A) 3.317 (B) 9.5 (C) 1000 (D) 7.5

Multiple Answer(s) Correct Type

This section contains 10 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its
answer, out which ONE OR MORE is/are correct. (+4, –2)
Partial Marks: +1 For darkening a bubble corresponding to each correct option. Provided NO incorrect option is
darkened. In all other cases, minus (–2) mark will be awarded in these parts.
For Example: If (A), (C) and (D) are all the correct options for a question, darkening all these three will result
in +4 marks; darkening only (A) and (D) will result in +2 marks; and darkening (A) and (B) will result in –2
marks, as a wrong option is also darkened.

6. Which statement about the triple point of a substance is/are incorrect?

(A) The triple point for a substance varies with pressure
(B) The three phases( solid , liquid, gas) have same density
(C) The three phases (solid, liquid, gas) are in equilibrium
(D) The three phases (solid, liquid, gas) are indistinguishable in appearance.

7. Select the correct statement(s) for following equilibrium :

(A) On increasing pressure, melting point and boiling point of CO2 increases
(B) On increasing pressure, melting point decreases while boiling point increases for H2O .
(C) On increasing pressure, sublimation temperature increases for both CO2 and H2O
(D) On increasing pressure, sublimation temperature increases for CO2 but decreases for H2O

8. A flask is initially filled with pure N 2 O3  g  having pressure 2 bar and following equilibria are
N 2 O3  g  NO 2  g   NO  g  K P1  2.5 bar
2NO 2  g  N 2O4  g  K P2  ?
If at equilibrium partial pressure of NO  g  was found to be 1.5 bar, then:
(A) Equilibrium partial pressure of N 2 O3  g  is 0.5 bar
(B) Equilibrium partial pressure of NO2  g  is 0.83 bar
(C) Equilibrium partial pressure of N 2O4 is 0.33 bar
(D) Value of K P2 is 0.48 bar

9. To a saturated solution of AgCl containing sufficient amount of solid AgCl, NH3, is gradually added
such that its concentration becomes 0.2 M .Which of the following options containing concentration
of ions is correct?
Given : K sp of AgCl  1010 , K f of Ag  NH3    103 , K f of Ag  NH 3    108 
 1 2 2 

(A)  Cl    2  10 2 M (B) Ag  NH3 2   2 102 M

(C) Ag  NH3   106 M (D)  Ag    5  109 M

10. A solution containing a mixture of 0.05 M NaCl and 0.05 M NaI is taken
 K sp of AgCl  1010 and K sp of AgI  4 1018  . When AgNO3 is added to such a solution:
(A) the concentration of Ag  that can just precipitate Cl  2 109 mol / L .
(B) the concentration of Ag  that can just precipitate I  8 1017 mol / L .
(C) AgCl and AgI will be precipitated together.
(D) first AgI will be precipitated.

11. Which statement is/are correct?

(A) All Bronsted bases are also Lewis bases
(B) All Bronsted acids are not Lewis acids
(C) All cations are acids and anions are bases
(D) H2O can behave as Lewis acid as well as Lewis base

12. 12.2 gm of sodium salt of weak monobasic acid  K a  10 6  is dissolved in 100 ml of water and pH of
resulting solution is found to be 10 at 25 C . Then which of the following is correct?
(A) Molar mass of salt is 122gm/mole
(B) pH of solution when 1 gm of same weak acid is dissolved in 1 litre of water is 4.
(C) K b of conjugate base of same weak acid is 108 .
(D) Molar mass of conjugate base of same weak acid is 99.

13. The variation of pH during the titration of 0.5 N Na 2CO3 with 0.5 N HCl is shown in the given graph.
The following table indicates the colour and pH ranges of different indicators :

Indicator Range of colour change Colour in acid Colour in base

Thymol blue 1.2 to 2.8 Red Yellow
Bromocresol red 4.2 to 6.3 Red Yellow
Bromothymol blue 6.0 to 7.6 Yellow Blue
Cresolphethalein 8.2 to 9.8 Colourless Red

Based on the graph and the table, which of the following statements are true ?
(A) The first equivalence point can be detected by cresolphthalein.
(B) The complete neutralisation can be detected by bromothymol blue.
(C) The second equivalence point can be detected by bromocresol red.
(D) The volume of HCl required for the first equivalence point is half the volume of HCl required to
reach upto second equivalence point.

14. A 1 litre solution of strong acid having pH = 1 diluted upto 10 times. What volume of a solution with
pH = 2 is to be added in diluted solution so that final pH remains '2'.
(A) 1 litre (B) 10 litre (C) 100 litre (D) 25 litre

15. CuSO 4 .5H 2 O  s  CuSO 4  s   5H 2O  g  K p  10 10  atm  . 102 mole of CuSO4 .5H 2O (s) is
 1 
taken in a 2.5L container at 27  C then at equilibrium Take :R  litre atm mol 1 K 1 
 12 
(A) Moles of CuSO4 .5H 2O left in the container is 9 10
(B) Moles of CuSO4 .5H 2O left in the container is 9.8 103
(C) Moles of CuSO4 left in the container is 103
(D) Moles of CuSO4 left in the container is 2 104

Stem Type Questions

This section contains Five (05) paragraphs. Based on each paragraph, there are TWO (02) questions. The
answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE. • If the numerical value has more than two decimal places,
truncate/round-off the value to TWO decimal places.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and 0 in all other cases.

Stem (Q. 16 – 17)

According to Le Chatelier's principle, on applying any external force to disturb equilibrium, the
reaction moves in that direction in which effect of external force is minimised as far as possible. A
container whose volume is V contains an equilibrium mixture that contains 2 moles each of PCl5 , PCl3
and Cl2 (all gases).
The pressure is 3 atm and temperature is T. A certain amount of Cl2  g  is now introduced keeping
the pressure and temperature constant until the equilibrium volume changes to 2V.
PCl5  g  PCl3  g   Cl 2  g 

16. The moles of Cl2 that was added is:

17. The equilibrium constants K of the reaction

Stem (Q. 18 – 19)

100 ml of 0.1 M H3PO4 is titrated with 0.05 M NaOH solution till 2nd equivalence point. Then,
resultant solution was mixed with 10 ml of 0.5 M HCl solution
K1  103 M
K 2  108 M
K 3  1013 M

18. pH at 2nd equivalence point will be

19. pH after HCl was added will be

Stem (Q. 20 – 21)

0.3 g of CH3COOH is dissolved in 100 mL water to prepare a solution X. Now, 0.2 gm of NaOH is
added in solution X to form solution Y. Finally, 0.245 g of H2SO4 is added in Y to prepare solution
Z, (Only Ist Hydrogen is ionisable) CH3COOH behaves like a weak acid with K a  105
[Molecular weight: CH3COOH  60, NaOH  40, H2SO4  98 ]  log 7  0.85
20. What is the approximate pH of solution(Y)?
21. What is pH of solution (Z)?
Stem (Q. 22 – 23)
Human blood has a narrow pH range of 7.3-7.4, which must be maintained for metabolic processes to
function properly. To keep the pH in this range requires a delicate balance between the concentrations
of the conjugate acid-base pairs making upto the buffer system. The main buffer is a carbonic acid/
hydrogencarbonate system, which involves the following three equilibria.
CO 2  aq   H 2 O  l  H 2CO3  aq 
H 2 CO3  aq   H 2O  l  HCO3  aq   H 3O   aq 
Carbonic acid  H 2 CO3  is a weak acid and HCO3  aq  is its conjugate base. At the temperature of the
human body, the pK a for carbonic acid is 6.4. However, the normal concentration of CO 2  g  in the
lungs maintains a ratio of HCO3  aq  / H 2CO3  aq  in blood plasma of about 8: 1.
The carbonic acid concentration in the blood is largely controlled by breathing and respiration.
Hydrogencarbonate ion concentration is largely controlled by excretion in urine.
If blood pH rises above 7.4, a potentially life-threatening condition called alkalosis can result. This
can happen in patients who are hyperventilating from severe anxiety, or in climbers suffering from oxygen
deficiency at high altitude. (Given: log 2 = 0.3)

22. Calculate pH of blood at the temperature of the human body.

23. Calculate the maximum permissible value of

 H 2CO3  in the human blood to just prevent alkalosis
 HCO3 

Stem (Q. 24 – 25)

200 ml of an aqueous solution contains 0.1 M NaOH and 0.2 M NH 4OH  aq  . In a titration
experiment, 0.1M HCl  aq  solution is slowly added to it. Given K b  NH 4OH   105

24. On adding 200 mL of HCl  aq  solution, final pH of solution will be:

25. On adding 400 mL of HCl solution(from start) pH of solution will be finally:

Paragraph Type
This section contains Two (02) paragraphs. Based on each paragraph, there are TWO (02) questions. Each
question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D). ONLY ONE of these four options is the correct answer.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and 0 in all other cases.

Paragraph – I
Equilibrium constants are given (in atm) for the following reactions at 0 C .
SrCl 2 .6H 2O  s  SrCl 2 .2H 2O  s   4H 2O  g  K p  5 10 12
Na 2 HPO 4 .12H 2 O  s  Na 2 HPO 4 .7H 2 O  s   5H 2 O  g  K P  2.43 1013
Na 2SO 4 .10H 2 O  s  Na 2SO 4  s   10H 2O  g  K P  1.024 1027
The vapour pressure of water at 0 C is 4.56 torr.

26 At what relative humidity will Na 2SO4 .10H2O be efflorescent when exposed to air at 0 C ?
(A) above 33.33% (B) below 33.33% (C) above 66.66% (D) below 66.66%

27. At what relative humidities will Na 2SO4 be deliquescent (i.e, absorb moisture) when exposed to the
air at 0 C ?
(A) above 33.33% (B) below 33.33% (C) above 66.66% (D) below 66.66%
Paragraph – II
The state of equilibrium is in a dynamic balance between forward and backward reaction. This balance
can be disturbed by changing concentration, temperature or pressure. If done so a certain net change
occurs in the system. The direction of change can be predicted with the Chatelier principle. It states
that when a system in equilibrium is disturbed by a change in concentration or temperature, a 'net'
change occurs in it in a direction that tends to decrease the disturbing factor.

28. For the equilibrium

Fe3  aq   SCN   aq   Fe SCN 2   aq 
 
(yellow) (deep red)
Select the correct option.
(A) Addition of H2C2O4 which forms  Fe  C2 O4 3  deepens red colour.
(B) Addition of H2O has no effect on the colour.
(C) Addition of SCN intensifies red colour.
(D) Addition of Hg which forms  Hg SCN 4  , deepens red colour.

29. Consider the following exothermic heterogenous equilibrium ,

M 2O  s   2HNO3  aq  2MNO3  aq   H 2O  l  with K C  3 at 300 K. Select the incorrect option
(A) Addition of H 2 O  l  to above equilibrium has no effect on equilibrium composition (%) of HNO3
and MNO3 .
(B) On dilution, concentration of both HNO3 and MNO3 decreases.
(C) At 310 K, KC  3
(D) K C is dependent on equilibrium concentration of HNO3 .

Numerical Value Type

This section contains Ten (10) paragraphs. Each question is numerical value type. For each question, enter the
correct numerical value (in decimal notation, truncated/rounded-off to second decimal place. (e.g. 6.25, 7.00,
–0.33, –.30, 30.27, –127.30).
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and 0 in all other cases.

30. The equilibrium constants for amino acids are given in terms of successive ionization constants of the
protonated form. For example, equilibrium constants for Glycine  NH 2CH 2COOH  are
K a1  5 103 M and K a 2  2 1010 M . What will be the pH at the Isoelectric point for this amino acid
and pH of 0.02 M protonated Glycine in pure water respectively [Take log 2 = 0.30]

31. Following two equilibria are established on mixing two gases A 2 and C
(i) 3A 2  g  A6  g  K P  1.6atm2
(ii) A 2  g   C  g  A 2C  g 
If A 2 and C are mixed in 2 : 1 molar ratio, calculate K P of the reaction (ii). Given that the total
pressure to be 1.4 atm and partial pressure of A 6 to be 0.2 atm at equilibrium. Give your answer
multiply by 10.

32. In a container of constant volume at a particular temperature N 2 and H 2 are mixed in the molar ratio
of 9:13. The following two equilibria are found to be coexisting in the container
N 2  g   3H 2  g  2NH 3  g 
N 2  g   2H 2  g  N 2H 4  g 
The total equilibrium pressure is found to be 3.5 atm while partial pressure of NH3  g  and H 2  g  are
0.5 atm and 1 atm respectively. Calculate the value of K P1  K P2  10 , where K P1 and K P2 are
equilibrium constants of the two reactions given above.

33. Amongst the following, the total number of compounds whose aqueous solution turns red litmus paper
blue is :
KCN K 2SO4  NH 4 2 C2O4 NaCl Zn  NO3 2
FeCl3 K 2CO3 NH4 NO3 LiCN

34. In 1 L saturated solution of AgCl  K sp  AgCl    1.6 10 10 ] , 0.1 mol of CuCl
 K sp  CuCl   1.0  106  is added. The resultant concentration of Ag  in the solution is 1.6 10 x . The
value of "x n " is

35. Consider a solution of monoprotic weak acid having dissociation constant K a . What is the minimum
value of concentration C / Ka , such that the concentration of the undissociated acid can be equated to
C within a 10% limit of error. Assume that activity coefficient corrections are negligible.

36. 1.0 L of solution which was in equilibrium with solid mixture of AgCl and Ag 2CrO4 , was found to
contain 1104 moles of Ag  ions, 1.0 106 moles of Cl ions and 8.0 104 moles of CrO24 ions.
At constant volume, Ag  ions are added slowly to the above mixture till 8.0 107 moles of AgCl got
precipitated. How many moles of Ag 2CrO4 were also precipitated? Give your answer after
multiplying with 106 .

37. Two solids A and D dissociated into gaseous products as follows:

A s B  g   C  g  : K P1  300 ;
D s E  g   C  g  : K P3  600
At 27  C , then find the total pressure(in atm) of the solid mixture.

38. When equal volumes of 0.2 MAgNO3 and 1MKCN solutions were mixed then at equilibrium, concentration
of Ag  was found to be 106 M . While when equal volumes of 0.2 M Zn  NO3 2 solutions and of 1 M KCN
solution were mixed then at equilibrium, concentration of Zn ion was found to be 1012 M . Then find the
equilibrium constant of following.
 2
2 Ag  CN 2   aq   Zn 2  aq   Zn  CN 4   aq   2Ag  aq 

39. Ordinary white phosphorus P4 forms a vapour and dissociates into diatomic molecules at high
temperature as : P4  g  2P2  g  . A sample of white phosphorous, when heated 1000 K, formed a
mixture at equilibrium having: total pressure of 16 atm and a density of 18.6 gm/litre. Use this
information to evaluate K p for the above reaction [Use : R = 0.08 atm-litre/K-mole]

Matrix-Match Type
This section contains Three (03) Matching list questions. Match the Column – I to Column – II.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and –1 in all other cases.

40. (Use log1.8  0.26, k a of formic acid  1.8 104 , k a of acetic acid  1.8 105 , k b of ammonia
 1.8 105 , k a1 of H 2S  107 and k a 2 of H2S  1014 , for the following matchings)
Match the entries of column II for which the equality or inequality given in the column I are satisfied.
Column – I Column – II
(A) 105 M HCl solution  0.1M H2S solution (P)  water (degree of dissociation of
(B) CH3COOH solution at pH equal to 4.74  NH4OH (Q)  OH  
 
solution at pH equal to 9.26.
(C) 0.1M CH3COOH solution  1.0MHCOOH solution (R)  (degree of dissociation of
(D) 0.1M of a weak acid HA1  k a  10  solution (S) pH
 5

 0.01M of a weak acid HA 2  k a  10 6  solution

(T) 1
 H  

Column – I Column – II
(A) N 2O4 (g) 2NO2 (g) (P) Density of gaseous mixture remain
On increasing volume at constant temperature
(B) H 2 (g)  I 2 (g) 2HI(g) (Q) Density of gaseous mixture
On addition of inert gas He at constant P and T
(C) 2NO(g)  Br2 (g) 2NOBr(g) (R) Average molar masses of gaseous
mixture increases.
On decreasing pressure at constant temperature
(D) CaCO3 (s) CaO  s   CO 2 (g) (S) Total number of moles of gaseous
On increasing temperature at constant volume.
(T) Value of equilibrium constant

Column – I Column – II
(Reactions) (Favourable conditions)
(A) Oxidation of nitrogen (P) Addition of inert gas at
N 2 (g)  O2 (g)  180.5kJ 2NO(g) constant pressure
(B) Dissociation of N 2O4 (g) (Q) Decrease in pressure
N 2O4 (g)  57.2kJ 2NO2 (g)
(C) Oxidation of NH3 (g) (R) Decrease in temperature
4NH3 (g)  5O2 (g) 4NO(g)  6H 2O(g)  905.6kJ
(D) Formation of NO2 (g) (S) Increase in temperature.
NO(g)  O3 (g) NO2 (g)  O 2 (g)  200kJ


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