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Engl ish As signment 2023-2024, Semester -
Clnss - XI, Unit - II


1• Read the pass age given below.

you know that fingerprints play a large role in
( 1) If rou enjo~, watching crime shows on TV, on is not a new
that using fingerprints for identificati
peopl 8 , But, you might be surprised to find out when
least as far as 1885-1913 B.C.E. In Babylon,
science. In fact, it is very old dating back at th e
press ed their fingerprint s into the clay in which
people agreed to a busin ess contract, ttiey .
been found on clay seals from ancient China
con:ract was written. Thumbprints have also
rprints are
a government docto r recognized that all finge
(2) In 14th century Persia, which is now Iran, of the fingers.
Grew, spoke about the ridged surfa ces
different. In 1684 , a British doctor, Nehemiah Marc ello
of the structure of the human body) named
In 1686, a professo r of anatomy (the study d so
in fingerprints. Malpighi's work was considere
Malpighi, wrote about th e ridges and loops layer of skin is
fingertips was named after him. This
important that a layer of skin found on tlie rprint ing
had studied fingerprints, the value of finge
called the Malpighia n layer. Although scientists
me clear until later.
in the identification of individuals did not beco
thought to be the first European to realize that
(3) Sir William James Herschel is generally ipoor,
chief magistrate in the Hoogly district in Jung
were unique to each person. In his work as nal
prints on contracts. Herschel believed that perso
India, Herschel asked people to put their 1,and or to keep their
likely to honor their commitmen ts,
contact with the contracts made people more were
prints, he began to see that all the handprints
promises. As he looked at more and more hand ent from
s were unique, which means they are all differ
different. He started to believe that fingerprint that they never
they do not ever chang e. To prove
each other, and permanent, which mea ns that
prints over his entire lifetime.
change, Herschel kept track of his own finger
s (also called
Japanese hospi tal, began studying the furrow
(4) Dr. Henry Faulds, a British surgeon at a abou t the use of
hed an article in a scientific journ al
ridges) on fingertips in the 1870s. He publis ifying
also devis ed, or invented, a syste m of class
fingerprints as a tool in identificat ion. He to work
t his findings, but Darwin was getting too old
fingerprints. He wrote to Charl es Darwin abou Using
information to his cousin, Sir Franc is Gallon.
on the findings. So, he promised to pass the rprint s base d on
a major book on class ifying finge
Hen ry Fauld s's findings, Galto n published was the
Edward R. Henry on finge rprint classification
arches, loops , and whorls. His work with Sir Engli sh-
still used by law enforcement agen ges in
basis of a classificat ion system which is Galton-
tigation (FBI) now uses a varia tion of the
speaking countries. The Federal Bureau of Inves
Henry system.
loped in the
ification originated in Britai n, it has been deve
(5) Although the use of fing erprinting in ident the found ation of
collec tions were combined to form
United State s. In 1924, two large finge rprint ated
the Identification Divisi on, the Integ rated Autom
the Identification Division of the FBI. Within United
search and find fingerprints anywhere in the
Fingerprint Identification Systems (IAFIS) can syste ms in
are result s with automated finge rprint
States within thirty minutes. The IAFIS can comp file.
fingerprints of more than 250 million people on
countries around the world . The IAFIS has the
s are
s on file with the FBI. But not all the fingerprint
(6) About one in six Americans has fingerprint
to have their fingerprin ts taken for many other
related to criminal inves tigations. People need ple,
for emf)loyment, licenses, nnd adoption. For exam
reasons. Peop le have their finge rprint s taken rprint s are
in class ified, sflcrc t jobs, thei r finge
when people want to work for the govern ment ts adop ta
al backg round. Wilen prospective paren
checked to be sure they do not have a crimin
those of all criminals for the safet~, of the child.
child, their fingerprint s are matched against
blll•of your understanding of the passage, answer the question.
the most appropriate option.
. le in Babylon do when they agreed lo a business contra,_
Whal did peop "' r
i. They held an official meeting.

ii. They pressed their fingerprints into the clay

iii. They filed the fingerprints with the FBI.

IV. None of these

(b) Who wrote about fingerprints in 1686?

i. Henry Faulds

Marcello Malpighi
iii. Charles Darwin
(c) Sir William James
Who uses a variation of the Galton-Henry system?
i. Japanese Hospital
ii. FBI
iii. Henry Faulds
(d) iv. United States
Where was the use of fin gerprinting in identification originated?
i. Britain
ii. China
iii. India
iv. Iran
Why are fingerprints checked in a classified job?

i. Because they may not discuss your work

ii. Because they work only with fingerprints

iii. Because they work with automated systems

iv. To be sure of any criminal background
(f) What can the IAFIS do?

i. It can form the foundation of the Identification Division of the FBI.

ii. It can search and find fingerprints anywhere in the United States.

iii. It can compare results with automated fingerprint systems in countries around thew
iv. Both (ii) and (ii)
(g) -f'eople have their fingerprints taken for:
i. Employment ii. Licenses
iii. Adoption iv. all of these
(h} The--------------------------- has fingerprints of more than 250 million people.
i. FBI ii. IAFIS
iii. Persia iv. Law enforcement agencies
(i) Pick the option from the following which corresponds to the word 'special'.
i. Unique ii. Track
iii. Honour iv. Entire
U) Pick the option from the following which to the word 'potential".
i. Adoption ii. Classified
iii. Investigations iv. Prospective
2. Read the passag e given below carefull y:
dating back thousnnds of
Colour Ther;.1py Is a complementary thcr.ipy for which there is evidence
~ e:-1rs to the ancient cultures of Egypt, China and India. II we define
it in simple terms, Colour is
wavelength and energy.
a l1~ht of va1ying wavelengths, thus each colour has its own particula r
ging. Each of the seven
2. Colours contribute to energy. This energy may be motivati ona! and encoura
to each of the seven
colours of the spectrum are associa ted with energy. The energy relating
resonate s with the energy
spectrum colours of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet,
therapy can help to re-
of each of tl1e seven main chakras/energy centres of the body. Colour
to the body.
balance and/or stimulate these energies by applying the appropriate colour
solar plexus chakra, green
3. Red relates to the base chakra, orange the sacral chakra, yellow the
es referred to as the third
the heart chakra, blue the throat chakra, indigo the brow chakra (sometim
eye) and violet relates to the crown chakra.
or aura and the energy of
4. Colour is absorbed by the eyes, skin, skull, our 'magnetic energy field'
and emotion al. Every cell in the body
colour affects us on all levels, that is to say, physica l, spiritual
whole body. There are
needs light energy - thus colour energy has widespread effects on the
boxes/la mps with colour
many different ways of giving colour, including; Solarised Water, Light
filters, colour silks and hands on healing using colour.
easier to quantify,
5 Colour therapy can be shown to help on a physical level, which is perhaps
and spiritual levels. Our
however there are deeper issues around the colours on the psychological
ely, many more practitioners, both
v, ellbeing is not, of course, purely a physical issue. Fortunat
or!hodox and complementary, are now treating patients in a holistic manner.
colour should be a part
6. Colour Therapy is a totally holistic and non-invasive therapy and, really,
two with a therapist. Colour
of our everyday life, not just somethi ng we experience for an hour or
beautiful colours of the
is all around us everywhere. This wonderful planet does not contain all the
ng in nature is here
rainbow for no reason. Nothing on this earth is here just by chance; everythi
is to heighten our awarene ss of tile energy
fer a purpose. Colour is no exception. All we need to do
of colour, absorb it and see how it can transform our lives.
on it using headings and
(a) On the basis of your understanding of the above passage, make notes
ry-minim um four) and a format
sub- headings. Use recognizable abbreviations (wherever necessa
you conside r suitable . Also supply an appropriate title to it.
(b) Write a summary of the passage in about 80 words.
be published in the Lost
1. You are Manisha Pant. You lost your passport. Draft an advertisement to
and Found column of a local daily.
n ts and cash. Draft an
2. You have found a ladies purse containing some valuable docume
ad•1ertisement to be given in a local daily.
advertisement to be
3. You are Anamay Prasad. You want to sell your two-wheeler. Draft a suitable
published In a local dally.
You are moving to a new city with your family. Draft an advertisement
tor disposing of items of
furniture and electrica l equipment to be published in a local newspaper.
suitable advertisement for
5. You wish to sell your Kaff chimney along with Kaff gas stove. Draft a
Samant ha of 21 A, First floor,
a local daily, giving all the necessa ry details. You are Samarth /
Shalimar Bagh.
published in the missing
6. Your cat Is missing since the last two days. Write an advertisement to be
column of classified advertisements in 'Tile Tlibune'.
7. Your old grandfather left the house a week
back to go lo tho market ancJ has
an advertisement tor the ncwspnper. ~
8. Write a speech on any one of the topics:
a. What is one t11ing I would like to change
to make this world a better plac
. . e and
b. Commercialization of festivals has taken
their essence out of them
9. In the questions below, a sentence has been
given with some of its part in b
the sentence grammatically and idiomatica
lly correct, you have to replace tho ~d. l
~ne of the correct alternatives stated below.
If the sentence is correct, mark th~d
improvement required' as the answer.
a. It is about time we tell you that you shou
ld start preparing for the exam sincerely.
v/ told you that
ii. tell you that
iii. will tell you that
iv. have told you that
v. No improvement required
b. Mr. Basu is eclipsed by his wife who is much
lively and more intelligent than he is.
i. more lively and much intelligent
ii. much more lively and much more intelligent
iii. much liveli er and more intelligent
iv. much liveliest and most intell igent
v. No impro vement required
c. Indian fa rmers have been reeling under finan
cial stress from immemoria l time.
i. since immemorial time ii. for immemoria l time
iii. for time immemorial iv. from time immemoria l
v. No improvement required
d. The brilliant administrator was destin ed for the
post of Assis tant Commissioner; there was
one to chall enge his caliber.
i. were destined for ii. was destined of
iii. were destined of iv. was desti ned with
v. !Jo improvement required
e. The young man bought a pair of branded trous
er from the new mall.
a pair of branded trousers ii. pair of branded trouser
iii. p;;iir of branded trousers iv. a pair for brnndod trousHrs
v !Jo improvement requi red
. . ti cl"rs were given !110 task but none of
f. EactI of the boys In ,e u~ thom could finish the same
on time.
I. Being given !lie task
II. was given t11e task
111. Been given the task
i. Both I and II ii. Only II
iii. Only Ill iv. Both I and Ill
v. No correction required
g. A comedian analyzes the mundane from a vmiuty of anyles and find the thread among two points.
i. found the threading between two points
ii. finds the tlue.1d between two points
iii. finding the thread among two points
iv. is finding the thread between more than two points
v. No correction required
h. Students from around the world have increasing started opting to online education.
i. has increasingly started opt to
ii. have increasing starting opted to

iii. have increasingly started opting for

iv. have increasingly starting opting for
v. No correction required
10. Change the voice of the following:

a. Who has broken this glass?

b.. Rama killed a snake.

c.. Why are you insulting him?

d.. Will he eat apples?
, 1. Change the direct narration into indirect one:

a. She said to me, "You are my best friend."

b. Ravi said to her, "Please help me out."
c. The master said to his servant, "Go and bring me a glass of water."
d. The teacher said to the students, "When the principal had come, you were making a noise.

We're Not Afraid to Die .. . if We Can All Be Together

Answer the following questions in 40-50 words.

1. List the steps taken by the captain

(i) to protect the ship when rough weather began.

(ii) to check the flooding of the water in the ship.

2. What happened after the 'Ominous Silence'?

3. Describe the mental condition of the voyagers on 4 and 5 January.

4. How can you say Suzanne's injuries were serious?

5. Why did the narrator call lie Amsterdam the best island of the world?
6. "I didn't want to worry you when you were trying to save us all." What does this show about the .
Answer the following questions in 120-150 word s.
1. What difference did you notice between the reaction of the adults and the children when faced with
2, How does the story suggest that optimism helps to endure "the direst stress"?
3. What lessons do we learn from such hazardous experiences when we are face-to-face with death?
4. Why do you think people undertake such adventurous expeditions in spite of the risks involved?
At dawn on January 2, the waves were gigantic. We were sailing with Only
were still making eight knots . As the
ship rose to the top of each wave ll
enormous seas rolling towards us, and . Of th .
the scre amin We
g e wind and spray
ears .
(a) Which figure of speech has been used
in this li~e 'the waves were gigalllic?
i. Simile
11. oxym oron
iii. irony
iv. Hyperbole
(b) Which kind of fears was evide nt in the mind
of auth or during the incident g~ .
(i) fear of death
(ii) fear of losing his fa~l re
(iii) fear of shipwreck
(iv) fear of losing his job laoii
(c) 'screaming of winds' here mea ns---------
(i) sound of wind
(ii) speed of wind
(iii) direction of wind
(iv) intensity of wind
(d) Acco rding to the extract, the speed of eight
knots was considered_ _ __ _
(i) slow
(ii) medium
(iii) average
(iv) high
2. The first indication of impending disaster
came at about 6 p.m., with an ominous silenc
dropped, and the sky immediately grew dark. e. The
Then came a growing roar, and an enormous
towered aft of the ship. With horro r, I realiz
ed that it was not a cloud , but a wave like
had ever seen. It appeared perfectly vertic no
al and almost twice the height of the other
a frightful breaking crest. waves ,
(a) What do you mean by 'the wind dropp ed'?
(i) wind fell down
(ii) wind slipped out of the hands of author
(iii) speed of wind greatly reduced
(iv) wind started coming from below the ship.
(b) Which of the following was not a sign of
impending disaster?
(i) ominous silenc e
(ii) wind dropp ed
(iii) a growing roar (iv) clock struck at 6 p.m.
(c) Which word in the extract means 'forthcomin
(i) growing (ii) roaring
(iii) impending (iv) ominous
(d) Why was the author horrified?
(i) he had never seen such big wave
(ii) the wave was perfectly vertical
(iii) the wave was almost twice the size of norm
al waves
(iv) all of the above
The Laburnum Top

Answer the following questions in 40-50 words.

1. What do you notice about the b0.g1nning and the <inding of the poem?

2. To what is the bird·s movement compared? What is the basis for th e comparison?

3. Why is the image of the E>ngine evoked by the poet?

4. Wt~at does the phrase "her barred face identity mask" mean?
5 Hnw d0es the laburnum tree appear in September? Does the arrival of the goldfinch bring about
a change in it?

Answer the following questions in 120-150 words.

1· How does the poem express the sentiment of co-dependency? How do the laburnum and th e
gok:lf,nch help each other? Elaborate.

2. WI1at values do you learn from goldfinch in the poem?


1. Then sleek as a lizard, and alert, and abrupt,

She enters the thickness, and a machine starts up

Of chit1erings, and a tremor of wings, and trillings-

The whole tree trembles and thrills.

(i) 'She' in the second line is .. ........... .

(ii) The 'machine' referred to in the second line is the nest of the goldfinch where feed and flutter.

/iii) The whole tree trembles and trills because of lizard. [True/False]

2. It is the engine of her family.

She stokes it full, then flirts out to a branch-end

Showing her barred face identity mask

(i) The word 'engine' has been used to describe 'her family' because of the energy, movement
and sound the generates.

(ii) She stokes the engine by feeding her family as needs stoking.

(iii) The first line contains a .... ......... .

Answer the following question s in 40-50 words.
JI.' 'Have you come back? ' said the woman, 'I t hought that no one had come back.' Does
th,sstatement give some clue about the story? If yes, what is it?

/. The story is divided into pre-war and post-war times. What hardships do you think th e girl
underuent during these times?
J3. Who was l..1rs Dorting? Why did she visit Mrs S's house frequently?

/. What were the narrator's feelings initially abou t tile things that had boon left with Mrs Dorling?

5. Why did the narrator not wait for Mrs Dorling on her second visit?
,_,..., the following questions in 120-150 words.
1. Why did the narrator of the story want to forget the address?
Justify the title of the story 'The Address'.
2. 'The Address' is a story of hu111c111 predicament thnt follows war. Comment.
"I was in a room I 1'new nnd did not know," snys the narrator in the story 'Th
prompted her to mai..e this observntion? e Add,
Have you come back?" said the woman . 'I thought that no one had come back, ,
opened and closed in the passage behind her. A musty smell emerged. I ~e nly Ille.•
is not convenient for me now,' said the woman. 'I can't see you. Another time.
cautiously closed the door as though no one inside the house should be disturbed.
~ny ing for you.' 'I've come here specially on the train. I wanted to talk to you ,:et 1

a) Who is the speaker of the line "Have you come back"?

1) Mrs. S
2) Mrs. Dorling's daughter
3) Mrs. S daughter
4) Mrs. Darling
b) Why did the narrator go to Mrs. Dorling's home?
1) To take her money back
2) To take her dresses back
3) To meet her

4) To have a look at the things once owned by her mother

c) What was the address of Mrs. Dorling's home?
1) House no. 45, Marconi Street
2) House no. 46, Marconi Street
3) House no. 47, Marconi Street
4) House no. 48, Marconi Street
d) What does the word 'musty' mean?
1) Stale 2) Unclean
3) Fusty 4) All of these
2. Every time she leaves here she takes something home with her,' said my mother. She took all
table silv&r in one go. And then the antique plates that hung there. She had trouble lugging th1
large vases, and I'm worried she got a crick in her back from the crockery.' My mother shook
head pityingly. I would never have dared ask her. She suggested it to me herself. She e,
insist&d. She wanted to save all my nice things. If we have to leave here we shall lose everythi
she says.
a) Why did rArs. Darling take all their belongings?
1) With a lame excuse of keeping 111cm snfc
2) With a lame excuse of destroying tilcm
3) With a lame excuse of recycling tliern
4) With a lame excuse of burning them
b} Where does the narrator mean by 'Silver'?
1) Silver Spoons 2) Silver Hanukkah
3) Silver Bed 4) All of these
c) Why did Mrs. Dorling have to give everything to Mrs. Dorling?
1) For they could lt'ave country nnytime
2) For they could be arrested by locnl police
3) For they could be given new tilings in place of old ones
4) For they were dealing in drugs
ct) What does the word 'Lugging' mean?
1) Carrying with ease 2) Carrying with difficulty
3) Carrying with comfort 4) None of these

1. Draft a poster advertising a cruise journey. Use a coloured sheet and make it as attractive as
possible. (AIL)

2. Having read the story The Address, you have understood the human predicament after war. Based
on your understanding of the story and the present state of hostility between Ukraine and Russia,
write your views on how such situations can be avoided. Is Pen really mightier than sword?
3. The poem 'The Laburnum Top' gives us a sneak peak into the life of the Goldfinch bird. Study about
other species of birds and animals and share details about their way of bringing up their young

A!so watch 'Tiger Anthem' - a song and a short film about a tigress and her cub - composed and
created as part of the TOl's # Saving Our Stripes initiative.
ENGLISH ASSIGNMENT 2023-2024, Semester-1
CLASS XI, Unit Ill

Read the passage given below .

Wilbur and Orville Wright were two American brothers
who made aviation history with their pioneering
work in building and flying t11e world's first successful
airplane. Born in the mid-19th century, the
Wright brothers grew up with a passion for science and
mechanics . As children , they were fascinated
by th_e idea of flying like birds, and this fascination never
left them as they grew older.

In the early 1900s , powered flight was considered

an impossible dream . Many inventors and
scien tists had attempted to build a machine that could
fly like a bird, but all had failed . However, the
Wright brothers were determined to succeed where
others had not. They spent years studying the
principles of flight and conducting experiments to under
stand the dynamics of how birds flew.

The brea~through came when the brothers realize

d that the key to flight was not just a powerful
engine. but also a mech anism to control the aircraft.
They designed a system of movable surfaces on
the wings and tail, which al.lowed the pilot to contro
l the direction and balance of the aircraft during
flig ht This_innov ation, know n as "wing warping ," was
a fundamental develo pmen t ih aviation history. several years of testing gliders and perfecting their

design , the Wright brothers were finally ready
for poNered flight. On December 17, Hl03, at Kitty Hawk
, North _Caroli na, they achie ved their dream .
Orville piloted the first flight, covering a distan ce of
120 feet in 12 seconds. Wilbur followed with a
fli~ ht coveri ng 852 feet in 59 seconds. The world had
witnes sed the birth of the airplane.

The Wright brothers' achievements did not go unnot

iced, a·nd their invention sparked signifi cant ·
interest and developments in aviation worldwide. They
continued to improve their aircraft, settin g
records for flight durat ion and distan _
ce. However, their success did not come without
challe nges.
They faced skepticism and opposition from the scient
ific community and had to defend their paten ts in
Despite these challe nges, the Wright brothe rs' determ
ination and vision laid the found ation for modern
aviati<;m .. ,:heir l~gacy continues to .i~spi~e generations
of inventors, engineers, and pilots who push
the boundaries of human flight.
Answ er the ques tions :
1. Who were the pioneers of aviation history?
a) Orville and Wilbur Marx
b) Wilbur and Orville Wright
c) Wilbur and Orville Franklin
d) · Orville and Wilbur Edison

- - -- - ---- ---- ----

2. What did the Wright brothers dream of as children?
a) Becoming famous inventors
b) Building a powerful engine
c) Flying hke birds
d) Studying science and 111ecl1a11ics
3 \Vhat made the Wright brotl1ers' design unique and successful?
a) Their powe,iul engine
b) The movable surfaces on t11e wings and tail
c) The loc.~tion of their fit sl flight
d) Their early experiments with gliders
4. When and where did the Wright brothers achievr powered flight?
a) December 17, 1903, in North Carolina
b) December 17, 1905, in Ohio
c) November 17, 1903, in South Carolina
a) November 17, 1905, in North Carolina
5. HJw lung was the first flight by Orville Wright?
a) 120 feet in 12 seconds
b) 852 feet in 59 seconds
c) 59 feet in 852 seconds
d) 12 feet in 120 seconds

6 \'.'hat d id the Wright brothers' inventi~n spark worldwide?

a) Interest and developments in aviation
t) Interest in bird-watching
c) Interest in building gliders
CJ Interest in space exploration
7. V✓hat challenges dtd the Wright brothers face?
a) Opposition from the aviation community
b) A lack of funding for their experiments
c) D1ff1cult weather conditions during their flights
dJ A shortage of skilled pilots

8 Hou did the Wright brothers' legacy continue to inspire people?

a) By setting records for flight duration and distnnce
. b) By v,inning a prestigious aviat1~n _award
c) By establ1sh1ng a fl igl1t sci 1001 for young pilots
d) By inv1::nt1ng a n1::w type of engine

9. What term did the Wright brothers use to desc1il.Je thl:lir i1111ovnt1on for aircraft control?
a) Wing Control
b) Engine Mechanism
c) Wing Warping
d) Tail Balance

their first flight?

10. What location did the Wright brothers choose for
a) Ohio, USA
b) South Carolina, USA
c) Kitty Hawk , North Carolina, USA
d) California, USA
Read th e following passage carefully.
th ty, technology has emerged as a powerful force
In e ever-evolving landscape of modern socie
ation ,
way we communicate to how we access inform
influences every aspect.of our lives. From the
ver, its profound impact on society raises both
technology has revolutjonized the world . Howe
opportunities and challenges .
s vast distances. Social
1 One significant benefit of
technology lies in its ability to connect people acros
d the gap between cultures and enabled seamless
l media platforms and messaging apps have bridge
orations now transcend geographical boundarie
I communication. As a result , friendships and collab
fostering a more interconnected global community.
tries, boosting efficiency, and
More over, techn ological advancements .have revolutionized indus
have streamlined processes, reducing human error
productivity. Automation and artificial intelligence
ology has transformed various
. ~n_ d enabling rapid prog~.ess. From manufacturing to healthcare, techn . .

se~tors, paving th·e way for a _ more(advanced and sustainable future .

gy has given rise to concerns about privacy and
On the flip side, this rapid integration of°technolo
and the reliance on interconne cted systems have
security. The digitization of personal° information
breaches. As society becomes increa singly relian
m ade individua ls vulnerable to cyber threa ts and
digital infrastructure becomes paramount.
on technology , safeguarding personal data and
to exacerbate social inequality. While some have
Another challenge is the potential for technology
ological resources. This
easy access to. .the latest gadgets and .the. internet, others. still lack basic techn
. . . . '
rities, hindering marginalized communities from
digital divide can further deepe n existing dispa
participating in the digital era.
is undeniable. It has revolutionized communica
In conclusion , technology's impact on society
like never before. However, addressing issues such
enhanced produ ctivity , and connected the world
ensuring technology benefits all members of socie
as privacy, security, and inequality is crucial to
nsibil ity
en technological advanceme nt and social respo
, As we move forward, striking a balance betwe
tial consi. deration. .for the better .. huma
ment of nity.
becomes .an .essen
. . . .

Answer the following questions:

passage, make notes on it using headings and
a) On the basis of your understanding of the above
and a format you consider suitable. Also supply
subheadings. Use recognizable abbreviations
an appropriate title to it.
b) Write a summary of the passage in about 80 words
Section B
t the
ent in the classified section of newspaper abou
As mana ger Ace academy, draft an advertisem
sary details.
commencement of language courses. Add neces
Q4. As manager national tour and travel, draft an advertisement giving details of attractive package
suitable destination. Add necessary details.
QS. You are looking for a suitable bride for your brother .Draft an advertisement with necessary details t
the matrimonial column of a newspaper.

06. Prepare a poster to be put up in the school entrance lobby announcing the Annual Athletic Meet
your school.

Q7. Prepare a poster on behalf of an NGO to be placed in various parts of the city, urging the people
save trees.

as. Our large population is not a cause of poverty but an asset, a resource.Write a debate in 150-20
words either for or against the motion.
09. Write a debate in about 150- 200 words either for or against the topic 'Tuition or coaching centres ar
a necessity for students".
010 Choose the correct verb form to complete each sentence:
1. Neither the teacher nor the students_ (is/are) happy with the test results.
2. The book, along with its illustrations, _ (capture/captures) the essence of the story.
3. Ten dollars_ (seems/seem) like a fair price for that item.
Q11 Tenses ·
Fill in the blanks with the correct verb tense:
1. By the time l _ (arrive) ,_ the movie_ (alread.y/start). .
2. They _ (study) in t_he library when the power·~ (go) out.
3. We_ (live) in this neighborhood for five years before we_ (move) to the city
Q 12 Active and Passive Voice

Re write the following sentences in the passiv'e voice:

1. She wrote an inspiring poem.
2. The chef is preparing a delicious meal.
3. The company has launched a new product.
013 Prepositions
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate prepositions:
1. The cat jumped _ the table _ the chair.
2. I have been waiting for you _ 9 o'clock_ this morning.
Q 14 Reported Speech
Rewrite the.following direct speec.h into reported speech:
1. Jack said, "I will meet you at the park tomorrow."
2. "I can't attend the meeting," she said.
3. 'We have completed the project," they said.
Section C
Discovering Tut: the saga continues.
01 . Give reasons:

i) King Tut's body has been subjected to repeated scrutiny.

ii) Howard Carter's investigation was resented.
to chisel away the solidified resins to ra ise
02. What does Howard Carter say in his defense when he had
the king's remains?
of the things that he was buried with.
03. Why was Tut's body buried with golden treasures? Name some
04. Why did the boy change his name from Tutankhaten to Tutankhamun?
as. List the deeds that led Tay Johnson to desc~i
be Akhenaten.

06. What were the results of CT scan ?

Qi . How has archeology changed?
a spring burial?
QS . What eviden ce do we have to reveal that King Tut had
The Voice of the Rain
ons that follow.
Q 1. Read the extract given below and answer the questi
, strange to tell, gave me an answe r, as here
And who art thou? said I to the soft falling shower, Which
translated I am the poem of Earth, said the voice of the rain
i) . ~ho are the _2 _peopl~ in the conversati_
ii) What did the poet ask? ·
iii) Why was it strange to tell?
iv) What does the Rain call_itself? Why?
v)Mention the poetic device used in the above lines.
Q2. Why are the last 2 lines kept within brackets?
Q3. W hat do the words ' Reck'd or unreck'd suggest?
Q4. How does the song seek its fulfillment?
.. . . . . . . .
Section D (Beyond The Text)

Discovering Tut: The Saga Continues.

a group taking oppos ite points of view.
1. Discuss the following in groups of two pairs, each pair in
i) Scientific intervention is necessary to unearth buried myste
events .
ii) Advan ced technology gives us conclusive evidence of past
dge of the world we he in.
iii) Knowledge about the past is useful to complete our knowle
of langua ges. .
iv) . . What could
be. .the reason
•· . . the extinction
s.. for . ~. .

v) importance of preserving languages.

vi) Ways of preventing the extinction of languages and
The Voice of the Rain.
i) Write a nature poem celebrating the coming of ' Rain '
the portrayal of
Express how the poet uses imagery in contributing to
R a 111
purifying force for the human soul.

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