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Part 1: Post Secondary Pathway (1 mark)

1. In the space below, write down where you would like to go after high school (this is what we worked
on in last week’s assignment).

Post Secondary Pathway

(Job, apprenticeship, college or university program)

I want to go to university for undergrad and get a BA degree in English or legal studies in order to write
my LSAT and get into Law School.


Possible Career(s)

Corporate Lawyer (my one and only career goal)


2. Complete the following information about your post secondary pathway: (3 marks)
a. How many years will it take for you to complete your post secondary education? List all of the
education you will have to complete: 4 years of undergraduate at a university and 3 years to get a JD at
a Law School.
b. Where will you go? I want to go to either York, Laurier, or Ontario Tech for my undergraduate, and
then my dream is to get into U of T law school so I can work at one of the 7 Sister Law Firms in Toronto.
c. How much is the starting salary for the career you are looking into? Starting salary is listed at
$155,000 annually.

Part 2: What courses do I need to take in Grades 11 and 12 to be prepared? (16 marks)

It is important to plan your high school credits based on what the requirements are for your future pathway.
Now that you have completed some research on your options and selected a program or area you are
interested in pursuing, you will plan your grade 11 and 12 school years.

Keep in mind the following:

➔ Determine the prerequisite courses required. Provide the course codes and
levels (University / College / Mixed) for credits in grade 11 / 12.
➔ Plan backwards – knowing the grade 12 courses needed for programs in college,
university, or apprenticeships, which courses do you need to select in grade 11?
➔ Fill in the blanks to make a plan for your high school course selection.

Use the Ontario Ministry of Education’s Course Descriptions and Prerequisites to select your
courses. Every possible course is listed in this document however, not all of these courses are
offered at every school so it is important to review your plan with a guidance counsellor.

Complete the following chart:

Grade 9 / Year 1 Grade 10 / Year 2 Grade 11 / Year 3 Grade 12 / Year

8 8 8 4
credits credits credits 6
\English English English English

Science Science Mathematics International Business

Canadian Canadian History Entrepreneurship: The Analysing Current
Geography Venture Economic Issues
Mathematics Mathematics Marketing: Goods, World History since the
Services, Events Fifteenth Century
Physical Education 0.5 Civics The Individual and the Canadian and
0.5 Career Studies Economy International Law
French Canadian History since American History Canadian and
World War I Academic International Politics
Introduction to Integrated Arts Understanding The Writer’s Craft
Business Canadian Law
Information and Media Arts Politics in Action: Philosophy
Communication Making Change
Technology in

(I wanted to take extra credits instead of having spare so i can get more knowledge on what to expect for my future and it would
benefit me as well)

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