Ce-Me-Chem-Mcqs-Metal Alloy and Refractory

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1. The product from a blast furnace in metallurgy of iron is known as ---------------------

a) Cast iron b) wrought iron c) pig iron d) steel
2. The process of separating metal from its ore is called as ----------------
a) Magnetic separation b) froth floatation c) metallurgy d) polymerization
3. Naturally occurring metallic compound are called ---------------
a) Metalloids b) mineral c) hard solids d) matrix
4. The process of converting an ore into its oxides is called as -----------------
a) Smelting b) roasting c) refining d) bessemerisation
5. In magnetic separation ,magnets are used to separate -----------------
a) Ore and gangue b) metal and mineral c) metal and gangue d) iron and steel
6. The material having metallic characteristic and made –up of two or more elements one of
which is a metal --------------
a) Element b) properties c) fusion d) alloy
7. The content of an alloy in terms of what element are present and in what amount is -----------
a) Fusion b) properties c) composition d) application
8. The science and technology of extracting metals from their ores, refining them and
preparing them for use is known as ----------------
a) Alloying b) metallurgy c) hardening d) all of the above
9. The property which enables metals to be drawn into wire is known as ---------------
a) Malleability b) ductility c) tensile strength d) plastic deformation
10. A solder consist of --------------
a) Lead and tin b) tin and white metal c) zinc and tin d) tin and antimony
11. The flux used in a blast furnace while melting iron ore is --------------------
a) Carbon b) oxygen c) lime stone d) coke
12. Brass is an alloy of ----------------
a) Copper and tin b) copper and zinc c) copper and lead d) copper and nickel
13. Bronzy is an alloy of ----------------
a) Copper, lead and tin b) Copper and tin c) copper and zinc d) zinc ,nickel and tin
14. The naturally occurring methods from which metals can be extracted profitably are called---
a) Alloys b) flux c) ores d) amalgams
15. The rocky impurities associated with the ore are called as ---------------
a) Alloys b) flux c) slag d) matrix
16. What are the major steps involved in the extraction of a metal after its ore is mined?
a) Concentrated of the ore b) reduction of metallic oxide c) refining of impure
metal d) all of the above
17. The removal of impurities associated with the is called as -------------------------
a) Reduction of the ore b) floatation of the ore
c) concentrated of the ore d) roasting of the ore
18. The method used to separate magnetic ore from non –magnetic gangue is -------------
a) Chemical method b) magnetic separation c) calcination d) roasting
19. The method used for separating ore and and gangue by preferential wetting with oil and
water is
a) Froth floatation b) gravity separation c) chemical method d) magnetic separation
20. Froth floatation is applied for ---------------
a) Oxide ore b) sulphide ore c) aluminium ore d) zinc ore
21. The compound of metal found with earthy impurities is called as -----------------
a) Ores b) minerals c) gangue d) slag
22. Oxidation is combination of an element and ----------------
a) Hydrogen b) ozone c) helium d) oxygen
23. Froth floatation method uses ----------------
a) Pine oil b) alcohol c) acid d) alkali
24. The hardness is the property of a material due to which it -------------
a) Can be roll or hammered into thin sheet b) can be drawn into wire
c) breaks with little permanent distortion d) can cut another metal
25. Pig iron is extracted from----------------
a) Haematite b) magnetite c) siderite feldspar
26. The coke in the charge of a blast furnace -----------------------------
a) Supplies heat to reduce ore and melt the iron b) act as an iron bearing mineral
c) Controls the grade of pig iron d) form a slag by combining with impurities
27. Copper is extracted from----------------------
a) Malachite b) haematite c) copper pyrite d) dolomite
28. In the extraction of copper from copper pyrites, iron is removed as -----------------
a) FeSO4 b) FeSiO3 c) Fe3O4 d) Fe2O3
29. Froth floatation process is used for the concentration of the ore of ----------------
a) Fe b) Al c) Cr d) Cu
30. In the extraction of copper , metal is formed in the baser converted due to the reaction------
a) Cu2S+ Cu2O and 6Cu+SO2 b) Cu2S+ 2Cu+S
c)Fe+ Cu2S and 6Cu+ FeO d) 2Cu2O and 4Cu+ O2
31. High purity copper metals is obtained by -----------------------
a) Carbon reduction b) hydrogen reduction
c) electrolytic reduction d) thermite reduction
32. Silica is added to roasted copper ore during extraction in order to remove ---------------
a) Cuprous sulphide b) ferrous sulphide c) ferrous oxide d) cuprous oxide
33. In the electrolytic refining of copper , Ag and Au are found ---------------
a) On anode b) in electrolyte solution c) in anode mud d) in cathode mud
34. Blister copper is ---------------
a) Pure copper b) impure copper c) alloy of copper d) ore of copper
35. Haematite ore is connected by -----------------
a) Gravity separation b) froth floatation c) amalgamation d) all of these
36. The material mixed before ore is subjected for smelting in the extraction of iron are -----------
a) Coke and silica b) coke and lime stone
c) lime stone and silica d) coke ,lime stone and silica
37. Molten matte is a mixture of ----------------
a) Cu2S+FeS b) Fe2S+CuS c) Cu2O+FeS d) FeO+ Cu2O
38. In purification of copper (refining of copper), anode is--------------
a) Pure copper b) impure copper c) pure carbon d) none of these
39. Slag is a product formed when -------------
a) Gangue react with flux b) flux reacts with ore
c) gangue reacts with ore d) flux reacts with mineral
40. The ability of a metal to cut by cutting tools is ----------------
a) Machinability b) weld ability c) tensile strength d) toughness
41. The ability of a metal to resist deformation in response to an applied force is ------------------
a) Cast ability b) refractoriness c) stiffness d) machinability
42. Weakening of metal due to repeatedly applied load is -------------------
a) Stiffness b) specific heat c) density d) fatigue
43. Ferrous alloys contains --------------------
a) Copper as major element b) iron as major element
c) iron as alloying element d) none of these
44. Woods metals and solders are prepared by --------------
a) Fusion method b) compression method c) smelting d) oxidation
45. Plain carbon steel is classified on the basis of ----------------
a) Percentage of iron present b) Percentage of carbon present
c) both (a) and (b) d) none of these
46. Bronze is-------------
a) Ferrous alloy b) tin alloy c) copper alloy d) zinc alloy
47 ------------- alloy is used for making parts of aeroplanes
a) Brass b) bronze c) duralumin d) woods metal
48. Woods metal is --------------
a) Tough alloy b) hard alloy c) fusible alloy d) all of these
49. Tinmanns solder is an alloy of ------------
a) Pb+Zn b) Pb+Ni c) Pb+Cu d) Pb+Sn
50 ---------------- Steel is used in railway engineering.
a) Low carbon steel b) medium carbon c) high carbon steel d) all of these
51. Initial setting time of cement should not be less than ---------------
a) 15 minutes b) 30 minutes c) 28 minutes d) 1 hours
52. Final setting time of cement should not be more than --------------
a) 1 hour b) 2 hour c) 5 hour d) 10 hour
53. Early strength of ordinary Portland cement is contributed by ---------------
a) Tricalcium silicate b) tricalcium aluminate
c) tetra calcium aluminium ferrite d) dicalcium silicate
54. Gypsum is added to cement in ordered to --------------
a) Prolong hydration b) increase strength after hydration
c) decrease heat of hydration d) reduce curing time
55. The material used as an ingredient of concrete is usually -------------
a) Cement b) aggregate c) water d) all of these
56. In the manufacturer of cement the dry and wet mixture of calcareous and argillaceous
material is burnt in a ----------------
a) Country kiln b) muffle furnace c) blast furnace d) rotary kiln
57. Argillaceous materials contains ----------------
a) Calcium b) lime c) alumina d) all of these
58. Hydration of cement is ---------------
a) Exothermic b) endothermic c) none of these d) both (a )and (b)
59. The chemical ingredient of cement which provides quick setting property to the cement is ---
a) Lime b) silica c) alumina d) iron oxide
60. The presence of lime in cement --------------
a) Increase the setting time of cement b) provides strength to cement
c) make the cement unsound d) all of these
61. Refractory lining may be -----------------
a) Acidic only b) basic only c) neutral only d) Acidic, basic and neutral
62. Refractory should passes the ability to --------------
a) Be perfectly conducting b) be perfectly isolating
c) reflect light d) fuse at condition of usage
63. Which of the following ingredient of cement when added in excess quantity causes the
cement to set slowly?
a) Lime b) silica c) alumina d) iron oxide
64. In order to provide colour , hardness and strength to the cement , the ingredient used is ----
a) Lime b) silica c) alumina d) iron oxide
65. The presence of tricalcium silicate in cement -------------
a) Hydrate the cement rapidly b) generate less heat of hydration
c) offer high resistance to sulphur attack d) all of these
66. The presence of dicalcium silicate in cement -------------
a) Hydrate the cement slowly b) generate less heat of hydration
c) has more resistance to sulphur attack d) all of these
67. The tricalcium aluminate in cement has he property of --------------
a) Reacting fast with water b) causing initial setting of cement
c) generating large amount of heat of hydration d) all of these
68. Hydration of cement is due to chemical action of water with ----------
a) Tricalcium silicate and dicalcium silicate b) dicalcium silicate and Tricalcium aluminate
c) Tricalcium aluminate and Tricalcium alumino ferrite d) all of these
69. Refractory bricks are used for ------------------
a) Retaining walls b) columns c) piers d) combustion chambers
70. Quick lime is ------------------
a) Obtained by the calcination of pure lime stone b) has great affinity to moisture
c) amorphous d) all of these
71. The commonly used lime in white washing is ---------------
a) White lime b) fat lime c) hydraulic lime d) quick lime
72. The lime which contains mainly calcium oxide and slacks with water is -------------------
a) fat lime b) quick lime c) poor lime d) hydraulic lime
73. lime mortar is generally made with -----------------
a) quick lime b) fat lime c) poor lime d) hydraulic lime
74. good quantity cement contains higher percentage of ---------------
a) Tricalcium silicate b) dicalcium silicate c) Tricalcium aluminate d) all of these
75. Which is not basic refractory ---------------
a) Chrome magnetite b) dolomite c) magnetite d) silicon carbide
76. The capacity of a refractory brick to with stand sudden changes in temperature is denoted
by the property called -----------------
a) None of these b) spilling resistance
c) refractoriness d) refractoriness under load (RUL)
77. A naturally occurring substance present in the earth crust contain is known as ---------------
a) Mineral b) ore c) Gangue d) Flux
78. A mineral from which metal can be extracted is called as --------------------
a) Mineral b) gangue c) ore d) flux
79. A chemical formula –Al2O3.2H2O represents ore----------------------
a) Hematite b) Haematite c) Bauxite d) Ferrite
80. Impurities present in an ore is ---------------------
a) Gangue b) Flux c) Slag d) Ore
81. A chemical formula –Fe2O3 represents ore----------------------
a) Haematite b) Bauxite c) Magnetite d) Galena
82. A chemical formula –ZnS representation
a) Zinc blende b) Zincate c) Cinnabar d) Mica
83. Earthy unwanted impurities present in ore are ---------------------
a) Flux b) Matrix c) slag d) mineral
84. There is process of extraction of metal from ore
a) Ore b) Flux c) Metallurgy d) Gangue
85. The process of removal of Gangue from ore is -------------------
a) Oxidation b) reduction c) Smelting d) Concentration
86. The haematite ore is concentrated by the process
a) Gravity b) magnetic separation c) Frothy floatation d) Roasting
87. Iron is obtained from iron oxide by use of
a) Oxidising agent b) Reducing agent c) Crushing d) Brushing
88. Ore tinstone is concentrated by process
a) Calcination b) Roasting c) Gravity Separation d) Electrolysis
89. Reduction of ore is the process carried out by --------------
a) Smelting b) poling c) Liquation d) distillation
90. The hot blast of air entering into furnace through---------
a) Double cup and cone feeder b) twyer c) slag d) flux
91. The flux used in blast furnace
a) CaO b) CaSiO3 c)feSiO3 d)MgCO3
92. Purification of metal to get extra pure metal the process is known as ---------------
a) Reduction b) Calcination c) roasting refining
93. Metals lead and tin are refined by process
a) Distillation b) Poling c) liquation d) Electrolytic refining
94. Metals like mercury and zinc are purified by the process.
a) Distillation b) liquation c) Electrolytic refining d) Poling
95. Melting point of Iron is -------------------
a) 10830 c b) 15300 c c) 2320 c d) 4190 c
96. Chemical formula of malachite is --------------
a) CuO2 b) MgSO4 c) CuCO3. CuOH2 d) MnO2
97. Sulphide ore is concentrated by the process
a) Calcination b) Gravity separation c) Roasting d) Frothy floatation
98. Roasting is carried out in a furnace,
a) Reverberator furnace b) Blast furnace c) Muffle furnace d) Electric oven
99. Copper matte contains copper in it .
a) 30-50 % copper b) 4-10 % copper c) 70-80 % copper d) 90% copper
100. Copper matte is the mixture of----------------
a) FeS+ Cu2O b) Cu2S+ FeO c) Cu2O+ Cu2S d) FeS+ FeO
101. The process in which copper matte is converted into blister copper.
a) Frothy floatation b) Gravity separation c) bessemerisation d) calcination
102. Blister copper contains copper in it.
a) 96-80 % copper b) 40-45 % copper c) 60-65 % copper d) 70-80 % copper
103. In the process of electro refining of copper , anode is made up of ----------------
a) Carbon b) Platinum c) Graphite d) copper
104. The electrolyte used in electro refining of copper is -------------
a) 15 % CuSO4 +10 % H2SO4 b) 15 % H2SO4 c) 15 %KOH d) 15 % KAg (CN)2
105. Melting point of pure copper is
a) 15300 c b) 10830 c c) 42000 c d) 23200 c
106. Copper in pure form has Sp. gravity.
a) 5.98 b) 9.85 c) 8.95 d) 5.89
107. Copper react with non –oxidising acid hydrochloric acid produces--------------
a) Copper sulphate b) Copper oxide c) Copper Nitrate d) Cuprous chloride
108. A property of metal in which it can be drawn into its wire is known as --------------
a) Ductility b) Malleability c) Weld ability d) Machinability
109. An ability of metal to carry a load without breaking is --------------------
a) Brittleness b) Tensile Strength c) Toughness d) Hardness
110. Metal combines with mercury to form alloy known as -----------------
a) Metalloid b) Blister copper c) Amalgam d) Malachite
111. Alloy is not prepared by method
a) Fusion b) Reduction c) Compression d) Electromagnetic separation
112. Alloy which do not contain iron as main component known as ------------------
a) Non -ferrous alloy b) ferrous alloy c) Steel d) Magnetic steel
113. Medium carbon steel contains carbons carbon in it
a) 0.05 to 0.3 % b) 0.3 to 0.6 % c) 0.06 to 1.5 % d) 2.5 to 4.5 %
114. High carbon steel have tensile strength
a) Law b) medium c) Highest d) none of these
115. Solder is an alloy contains.
a) Lead and tin b) mercury and zinc c) iron and carbon d) copper and zinc
116. Duralumin contains major element
a) Aluminium b) copper c) zinc d) iron
117. Wood metal is used for ---------------
a) Making AL clad sheets b) safety plugs of pressure cooker c) body of vehicles d) ship
118. Portland cement contains lime in it.
a) 00-10 % b) 5-10 % c) 17-25 % d) 60-67 %
119. Chemical formula of lime
a) CaCO3 b) MgCO3 c) CaO d) MgO
120. Fat lime contains caO in it.
a) 75 % b) 80 % c) 90-95 % d) 50 %
121. Fat lime contains caO in it.
a) 95 % b) 75 % c) 60 % d) 50 %
122. Example of acid refractory is ------------------
a) MgO b) Graphite c) Al2O3 d) bauxite
123. Example of basic refractory is ------------------
a) Al2O3 b) SiO2 c)chromite d) MgO
124. Which is not neutral refractory?
a) Graphite b)Alumina c)chromite d) zirconia



1-C 2-C 3-B 4-B 5-A 6-D 7-C 8-B 9-B 10-A
11-C 12-B 13-B 14-C 15-D 16-D 17-C 18-B 19-A 20-B
21-A 22-D 23-A 24-D 25-A 26-A 27-C 28-B 29-D 30-A
31-C 32-C 33-C 34-B 35-A 36-B 37-A 38-B 39-A 40-A
41-C 42-D 43-B 44-B 45-B 46-C 47-C 48-C 49-D 50-B
51-B 52-D 53-B 54-A 55-D 56-D 57-C 58-A 59-C 60-D
61-D 62-B 63-B 64-D 65-A 66-D 67-D 68-D 69-D 70-D
71-B 72-B 73-D 74-A 75-D 76-D 77-A 78-C 79-C 80-A
81-A 82-A 83-B 84-C 85-D 86-A 87-B 88-C 89-A 90-B
91-A 92-D 93-C 94-A 95-B 96-C 97-D 98-A 99-A 100-B
101-C 102-A 103-D 104-A 105-B 106-C 107-D 108-A 109-B 110-C
111-D 112-A 113-B 114-C 115-A 116-A 117-A 118-D 119-C 120-C
121-B 122-B 123-D 124-B

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