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Living in the IT Era will examine communication and information technologies with
particular emphasis on the internet and its components and in particular how they are
used by the millennial generation.
Millennials and the Rise of Information Society ( 1st week)
• Born 90’s upto 2000
• According to Pew Research: you can only used the label millennial to those who
were born between 1981 and 1996. In today’s time -2020- they are the ones who
age 24 to 38
The Millennial Personality: Other Generations on Millenials
1. They shape and construct their confidence, self-expressiveness, liberation and
their minds that are very much open to change
2. More diverse in terms of ethical and racial perspective
3. Less religious or spiritual
4. Self-centered
5. Developed their minds all through the electronics field
6. Confidence has fading away due to narcissism and issues on one’s self
The difference of Millennials from other Generation
1. Millennials are more educated
2. The number of the female population who has completed education increased.
3. The number of working women increased.
4. Millennials are three times less likely to get married
5. Millenials are more racial and ethnically diverse.
6. Millenial men are less likely to become a veteran
7. Most of the millennials in today’s time live in the metropolitan area.
What is New Technology?
Any set of progress in techniques which offers significant help over the created
technology for a given process.
Whether it is a new invention or an innovation of a previous work as long as it
is a new application of a scientific knowledge for practical purposes
Millennials on Social Media
63% of milennials use social media to keep up with their favorite brands.
• Conflicts of Millenials to social medial with their cellphones discharges chemical
called “dopamine” that when an individual gets a notification; it will make
him/her feel good and better.
• The imbalance of using social media
Fast Facts about Social Media:
• Web 2.0 and interactive
• Has features or user-generated profile
• Users can generate the content
• The 69% users of social media were Americans based on the 2018 survey.
• Two Asian countries lead in the list of social media: India and China
• Online time spent of an individual on social media is over one-fifth.

The Many Forms of Social Media

• For individuals, the use of social media is for family, friends and extended
family that use various applications to look and search for opportunities on
their career, search people world-wide and engage in activities of virtual social
• For business, the role of social media is crucial tool that used some companies
as a platform to find and engage with customers, consumer trends, sales
marketing and promoting.
Most Popular Social Media Websites as of January 2018:
1. Facebook (2.27 billion users)
2. Youtube (1.9 billion)
3. WhatsApp (1.5 billion)
4. Facebook Messenger (1.3 billion)
5. WeChat (1.08 billion)
6. Instagram (1 billion)
7. QQ (803 million)
8. Qzone (531 million)
9. Tiktok (500 million)
10. Sino Weibo (446 million)

Millennials Dependecy on the Internet:

• Information Gathering
• Navigation and Transportation
• Communication
• Education

LESSON 2: Overview of New Technological development

How technology changed the world
A. Technology changed the education system
 Education and learning approaches were changed by the technology
the first time IBM was introduced as the first personal computer
 Technology found an answer and that is to provide online schools.
 Anyone nowadays can have a degree online just by operating his/her
computers with internet
B. Technology changed the methods of communicating
 18th century - Letters and writtern emails were the first kinf of
 1897 - Radios for communicating were invented
 1916 - First and longest time-consumed radio broadcast
 Advantage of doing communication online: constant and fast, easy
and known as the quickest way of communication.
C. Technology changed people’s health
 Technology’s positive and negative effects in the health of people
 These days, health care services and technologies used in checkups are
more developed than the previous generations.

What are the technological development

A. Artificial Intelligence
 Artificial intelligence (AI) is the replication of machine’s intellect and
human intelligence.
 Applications:
 Expertise on systems
 Speech recognition
 Machine vision
 2 categories:
 Narrow AI – weak; its sytem is intended and qualified when it comes
to an actual task. Ex. Apple’s Siri
 Artificial general intelligence – strong; capable of reacting upon
human cognitive abilities
B. 3d printing
 3D Printing is known as additive manufacturing because printing in
3D does not let it eliminate materials, in fact it adds more of it sheet
after sheet

C. Google class
 Augmented Reality or also known as AR has made its ways to be
included in the lives of people in terms of virtual experience and even
education itself.
D. Oculus rift
 3D headset that will make the users feel the impression of being
inside the own video game itself. In the virtual world of the Rift, with
ultra-low latency, you could turn your head around to the sight the
inside world of the game in a high resolution display,

How much has technology changed over time

A. Communication
 Via Telephones
 Cellular phones
 Email
 Facebook, Skype, viber
B. Bills payments
 Gcash, Paymaya, Paypal
 Online backing
 Online payment service
C. Entertainments
 There are about 2 million smartphones being sold everyday
 There are 3.2 billion people who uses internet actively
 YouTube, Netflix being one of the biggest and most popular platforms

NEW technologies that could change the world

A. Agricultural drones
B. Ultra private smartphones
D. Genome editing
E. Microscale 3d printing

Old media in The new world

“…new era of communication’ was made sense by the flow of
information that is one of the main purpose of the internet

 How does internet Affect Traditional Media

Croteau and hoynes - With the complexity of the internet, people can
retrieve new information and knowledge about people and the world
Holmes (2005) -Internet users are not only limited to the use of
information and communication technology but their way of acting and living
their lives are attached to these technology.
Castells (2003) - Internet gave people the idea of the internet being means
of communication from many people to many people in specific time on global
Internet gave people the idea of the internet being means of
communication from many people to many people in specific time on global
 Print Media
Traditional way of knowing information (newspapers, magazines,
posters, banners and any form of printed materials)
• The art of printing started in China during the Tang Dynasty. It was made of
carved woods to print letters
• Diamond Sutra- the first book published in 868 AD by Wang Chick
• Egyptians discovered the paper in 3500 BC.
• Hardbound books are turning into e-books
• Newspapers are now flashed into the screen
• Constanct connection with the world, news comes in eithin a ding of your
• Fake news is widespread in the internet and journalist are being pinted as
the cause of this
• Advancement of media technology relinquishes the quality of the content
• Can eradicate the business of local newspaper publication that has not
made its name online

 Types of Broadcast Media

o Television - Source of information and entertainment; used as
medium of promotion
o Radio -Has wide scope and reach as long as the radio signal to
connect with.
Henry Herman Sr., owner of Electrical Supply Company in Manila,
established the AM Radio in the Philippines in 1924
 Music Industry
o Began in world wars I and II when radios began availbale to families.
o 1923- the first radio advertisment was broadcast
o 1960’s – communication technology has rapidly improved; FM radio
is on full stream
o Improving musical instruments from the sound aynthesizer,
recording music and studios, musicians need to adopt new way and
record their music .
o Les Paul- invented the single-coil solid guitar which was also the
first commercial guitar.




 Millenials and News


- News is the information available to its audience about the current events that are
happenning locally or globally.

The Difference Between Baby Boomers and Gen Xers to the Millennials

Baby Boomers

- People who were born from 1946 - 1964


- People who were born from 1965 - 1980

- How Millennials get-up-to-date? How they perceive news?

Millennials do not rely on the newspapers or the televisions just like the Baby Boomers
and Gen Xers do. They get their news through social media networks.


Two kinds of knowledge:

1. Expert Knowledge - acquired by those who study and read scientific papers,
conducted and examined findings from studies, and those who earned their advance

2. "Wiki Knowledge - Wikipedia, a website on internet which allows users collaboratively

modify the content of some topic and structure directly from the web browser

 Millenials and Social Media

- Social Networking

Most popular and casual use of social media users

- Forum

Provides interaction between users with the same hobby.

- Microblogging

Consist of small amounts of words posted online to share one's thoughts and opinions
for personal matters.


- Bookmarking

Personalize identifier to easily identify the specified network site specifically for the

- Video Site

Allows user to view video material based on preferences.

- Search Engine

Helps user to perform a task on what has been researched.

How Millennials use Social Media for Beneficial Platforms

Social Connections

- Improve your quality of life

- Boost your mental health
- Help you live longer
-Decrease your risk of suicide

Multimedia Sharing

- Videos & Photos

- Social networks that are created to provide professional usage for users creates a
beneficial purpose career - wise
- Ex. linkedln

--Provide interaction for students to students, students to teacher or teacher to teacher
and create a working forum where they can collaborate. Ex. Canvas
- Ex Grow it! And
- Networks that provide assistance and guidance to people in need and answer what the
users need to thier everyday problems. Ex. The Nature Conservancy


 Millenials and Twitter

 Millennials and Mobile Technology


- A computation! understanding on how, when, what and why the multi - nodal lifecycle
can deploy digital initiatives to construct a framework of understanding for the populace

How Social Media affect Millennials on everyday usage

1. People are being used as a product

2. Privacy issues

3. Negative impacts of Health Issues and the result it offers

4. The Rise of Cyberbullying

The Anti-Bullying Act of 2013 (RA 10627)-it covers social bullying who experienced

humiliates the sexual orientation and identity, and perceived belittle individual and/or
group and/or gender-based under Section 3,B-1, RA 10627, Implementing Rules In
section 2, bullying refers to any severe or repeated use by one or more students of a
written, verbal or electronic expression, or physical act or gesture or any combination.


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