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Yêu cầu: Phân tích câu hoặc giới hạn cụm; kèm phân tích
từ loại 4 đáp án (Xem ví dụ mẫu)

1. Lasner Electronics' staff have [extensive ------ ] of C

S V O = NP Cụm giới hạn là O = NP (vì nằm
current hardware systems. sau V ngoại)
(A) know (v) Cuối NP là N => Chọn C
(B) known (v3/adj-ed)
(C) knowledge (n)
(D) knowledgeable (adj)

2. A spokesperson for Ermine, Inc. Is expected to make

[an important _______] about the company’s future C
tomorrow afternoon.
Giới hạn => Cụm NP vì an
A. announce (v) đứng đầu
B. announcing (V-ing) => Cuối NP là N
C. announcement (n) => Chọn C
D. announced (Ved)

3. While all of the ballots have been cast, it will take

several hours before they can be _______ counted.
A. accuracy (Vo) B
Be + adv + V3/ed
B. accurately (adv)
=> Chọn B
C. accurate (adj)
D. accuracies (V chia thì số ít)

4. There are [too many ______ issue] in the

software, so customers have been filing numerous C
Giới hạn => Cụm NP vì too many
A. technician (n) đứng đầu
B. technology (n) Trước N là adj
C. technical (adj) => Chọn C
D. technique (n)
5. Mail service was disrupted for several days since the
roads were flooded during the period of [____ heavy rain.]
A. remark (Vo) B
Giới hạn sau of => Cụm NP
B. remarkably (adv)
Trước adj là adv
C. remarks (V chia thì) => Chọn B
D. remarktion (n)

6. Buses from the business district to the suburbs leave

[an _____] of once every ten minutes during rush hour.
A. averaging C
Giới hạn => Cụm NP vì an đứng
B. averages (n số nhiều)
C. average (n số ít) => Cuối NP là N số ít
D. averaged => Chọn C

7. If [the______] is not submitted by four o’clock

tomorrow afternoon, every member of the team will be B
reprimanded. Giới hạn => Cụm NP vì the đứng
A. reported (Ved)
B. reporter (n) Cuối NP là N
C. reports (V chia thì) => Chọn B
D. report (Vo)

8. A committee has been formed to come up with some C

new ways to increase employee ____ .
Sau danh từ empoyee là N
A. product (n) A hoặc C
B. productive (adj) Dịch: Product: sản phẩm
C. productivity (n) Productivity: năng suất
=> Chọn C
D. produce (Vo)

9. Melinda Jasper made the project _____when she

came up with a popular advertising slogan for it.
A. success (n số ít)
Sau Make + O + adj
B. successfully (adv) => Chọn C
C. succeeded (adj)
D. successes (n số nhiều)

10. The vice president is ------- to announce that all

sales targets were exceeded this month.
(A) pleased (adj) A
Sau be + adj
(B) please (Vo)
=> Chọn A
(C) pleases (V số ít)
(D) pleasure (n)
11. Should the car salesperson give [-------], the buyers will
feel more comfortable making the purchase. B
(A) assures (V số ít) Giới hạn
Sau give động từ ngoại => cần tân
(B) assurance (n)
ngữ O = N theo sau
(C) assured (Ved) => Chọn B
(D) assure (v)

12. Investigators visited the site to ensure that it complied

with [the ------- regulations] in the field. D
(A) applicability (n) Giới hạn => Cụm NP vì mạo từ the
(B) apply (Vo)
Trước N là Adj
(C) applies (V số ít) => Chọn D
(D) applicable (adj)

13. Mr. Hughes broke up the staff into small discussion

groups to improve [ -- ----- ] in meetings.
(A) participation (n chỉ vật)
Chọn A
(B) participates (V số ít)
(C) participant (n chỉ người)
(D) participated (Ved)

14. By ------- planning the relocation in advance, we

can minimize unexpected expenses and increase
efficiency. A
(A) carefully (adv) Câu đã đủ nghĩa
=> Adv trước V để bổ nghĩa cho V
(B) cares (V ct)
=> Chọn A
(C) to care (to + Vo)
(D) cared (V3)

15. The new policies were implemented in an effort to

encourage [better ------- ] among the corporation's
(A) communication (n vật)
(B) communicative (adj)
(C) communicate (v)
(D) communicator (n chỉ người)

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