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Food and Agriculture

Organization of the
United Nations

Standard operating procedure

for cation exchange capacity
and exchangeable bases

1N ammonium acetate, pH 7.0 method

• • ••••• •


Standard operating procedure
for cation exchange capacity
and exchangeable bases
1N ammonium acetate, pH 7.0 method

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Rome, 2022
Required citation:
FAO. 2022. Standard operating procedure for cation exchange capacity and exchangeable bases 1N ammonium acetate,
pH 7.0 method. Rome.

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Global Soil Laboratory Network GLOSOLAN-SOP-17
EXCHANGEABLE BASES BY AMMONIUM Version number : 1 Page 1 of 17
ACETATE METHOD Effective date : 26 July 2022




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01 26 July 2022 All comments by RESOLANs and First version no modification

reviewers to the draft SOP were



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Global leader:
Technical Committee
Lesego Mooketsi-Selepe,
Global Soil Laboratory Network GLOSOLAN-SOP-17
EXCHANGEABLE BASES BY AMMONIUM Version number : 1 Page 2 of 17
ACETATE METHOD Effective date : 26 July 2022

1. Introduction to CEC and exchangeable bases................................................................................. 3
2. Scope and field of application ......................................................................................................... 3
3. Principle .......................................................................................................................................... 4
4. Apparatus ........................................................................................................................................ 5
5. Materials ......................................................................................................................................... 5
6. Health and safety ............................................................................................................................ 7
6.1 Personnel Safety ....................................................................................................................... 7
6.2 Chemical Hazards ...................................................................................................................... 7
7. Sample preparation ........................................................................................................................ 7
8. Procedure ........................................................................................................................................ 7
9. Calculations .................................................................................................................................... 9
9.1 Calculations for CEC .................................................................................................................. 9
9.2 Calculation for exchangeable bases .......................................................................................... 9
10. Quality assurance / quality control ........................................................................................... 10
10.1 Precision Test ................................................................................................................... 10
10.2 Accuracy Test .................................................................................................................. 10
10.3 Quality Control Chart ....................................................................................................... 10
11. Reference documents .................................................................................................................... 12
12. Appendix I – Acknowledgments ............................................................................................... 13
13. Appendix II – List of authors .................................................................................................... 13
14. Appendix III – Contributing laboratories .................................................................................. 14

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Global leader:
Technical Committee
Lesego Mooketsi-Selepe,
Global Soil Laboratory Network GLOSOLAN-SOP-17
EXCHANGEABLE BASES BY AMMONIUM Version number : 1 Page 3 of 17
ACETATE METHOD Effective date : 26 July 2022

1. Introduction to CEC and exchangeable bases

Cation exchange capacity (CEC) is the capacity of a soil to adsorb or hold cations and to exchange
species of cations in reversible chemical reactions by neutralizing the negative charge in the soil. The
higher the CEC, the more cations it can retain. It can be expressed in terms of milliequivalents/100 g
of soil (meq/100 g) or centimoles of positive charge per kg of soil (cmol(+)/kg), which is numerically
equal to meq/100 g. It is a fundamental property for assessing soil fertility used to predict plant
nutrient availability and retention in the soil. In general, the higher the CEC, the higher the soil fertility.
The CEC of a soil generally increases with soil pH due to the greater negative charge development on
organic matter and clay minerals such as kaolinite due to deprotonation of functional groups with
increased pH (Sumner and Miller, 1996). Clay content, organic matter, and root surfaces all have a
direct relationship with soil CEC because they act as seats for negative charge.

The term “exchangeable bases” or “total exchangeable bases” refers to the sum of the concentration
of the bases (calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium) in exchangeable form. Exchangeable
cations are those that can be exchanged by a cation of an added salt solution. Calcium is more
dominant than other cations in most agricultural soils. The minerals present in the soils govern the
dominance of exchangeable bases. In the absence of excess CaCO3, the cations Ca2+, Mg2+, and Na+
appear to be exchangeable by NH4OAc, except in certain soils containing trioctahedral vermiculites.

This method plays an important role for soil taxonomy (Soil Survey Staff, 1975) and it is widely used
for non-calcareous, neutral soils which are dominated by clay minerals with permanent surface

2. Scope and field of application

This procedure outlines the process for the determination of cation exchange capacity (CEC) and
exchangeable bases (calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium) in soil using 1N ammonium acetate
at pH 7. The method gives an estimation of plant-available exchangeable bases.

This method overestimates the CEC of acidic soils as additional negative charge is developed on
colloidal exchange sites after the addition of ammonium acetate solution having pH 7.

The method underestimates the CEC of soils containing carbonates or gypsum because the release of
calcium carbonates or sulfates from the soil into the ammonium acetate solution limits the saturation
of exchange sites by ammonium ions.

Caution should be exercised in using this method for soils dominated by vermiculite and mica clays
because ammonium ions are fixed between the layers of these clays. This methods thus causes the
layers to collapse and the fixed ions can no longer be exchanged by sodium ions.

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Global leader:
Technical Committee
Lesego Mooketsi-Selepe,
Global Soil Laboratory Network GLOSOLAN-SOP-17
EXCHANGEABLE BASES BY AMMONIUM Version number : 1 Page 4 of 17
ACETATE METHOD Effective date : 26 July 2022

In relation to the exchangeable bases, for soils with the presence of gypsum (calcium sulfate),
extraction with ammonium acetate only allows the quantification of exchangeable magnesium,
sodium and potassium, since the calcium content is affected by the excess calcium in the gypsum.

Likewise, in soils containing calcium and magnesium carbonates, extraction with ammonium acetate
only allows the quantification of exchangeable sodium and potassium, since the content of calcium
and magnesium is affected by the excess of ions from the carbonate.

Another problem arises in soils affected by salts, because the soluble cations (from the salts) are
extracted together with the exchangeable bases.

3. Principle
CEC determination is based on reference solution conditions (buffered to pH 7.0) by minimizing the
errors to obtain the data that should be accepted universally. It is the crucial step to select the proper
method as different methods give different results. Methods to determine the CEC consists of various
steps like soil pre-treatment, saturation, washings, etc.

Different methods have been developed to determine CEC, depending on the type of colloidal material
involved in the cation exchange of the soil. This SOP describes the most widely used method for
agricultural soils.

The soil is treated with 1 normal ammonium acetate solution buffered at pH 7.0 to remove
exchangeable cations from the exchange sites of the soil colloids and to saturate them with
ammonium ions. Then the exchangeable cations are quantified using different instrumental
methodologies (Atomic Absorption/Emission spectrometry using flame atomizers or Inductively
Coupled Plasma). The excess of ammonium ions in the soil samples are removed by washing with
ethanol. Then the adsorbed ammonium ions on soil sample are extracted using acidified sodium
chloride. Finally the ammonium is measured by distillation and titration.

In soils, with carbonates or gypsum, when preparing the report it is necessary to take into account and
not include Ca-Mg or Ca content in the report.

In saline soils, one of the options is to pre-wash samples with 70% alcohol to eliminate the salts
(soluble bases) and then carry out the extraction with ammonium acetate to quantify the
exchangeable cations. Another option is to perform a saturation extract and quantify the soluble basic
cations. The exchangeable bases (EB) are estimated from the subtraction of the soluble cations from
the total obtained by extraction with ammonium acetate

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Global leader:
Technical Committee
Lesego Mooketsi-Selepe,
Global Soil Laboratory Network GLOSOLAN-SOP-17
EXCHANGEABLE BASES BY AMMONIUM Version number : 1 Page 5 of 17
ACETATE METHOD Effective date : 26 July 2022

4. Apparatus
4.1. Reciprocal shaker, with a path that allows the complete agitation of the sample

4.2. Precision balance, with an appreciation of 0.001 g

4.3. Centrifuge, with head for 50 mL centrifuge tubes

4.4. Volumetric dispensers (known uncertainty is preferable)

4.5. Funnels and qualitative fine porous filter paper

4.6. Volumetric flasks of 100 mL

4.7. pH meter and buffer solutions

4.8. Plastic tubes/centrifuge tubes with screw on caps, 50 mL

4.9. Graduated or automatic burette, with appreciation of 0.02 mL

4.10. Steam distillation unit

4.11. Distillation tubes for the Kjeldahl equipment, with a nominal capacity of 250 mL

4.12. Erlenmeyer flasks of 250 mL & 100 mL

4.13. Stirrer and magnetic bar

4.14. Flame or Plasma spectrophotometer

4.15. Atomic Absorption

5. Materials
5.1 Deionized water/distilled water, It should have a specific conductivity not higher than 0.2
mS/m at 25 °C and a pH greater than 5.6 (or grade 2 water or type II water according to ISO
3696 and ASTM D1193-06, respectively, if this is the quality of water produced in the

5.2 Concentrated ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH 14N, AR);

5.3 Glacial acetic acid (CH3COOH 99.5%, AR);

Dilute 57 mL of glacial acetic acid (CH3COOH 99.5%) with deionized/distilled water to a

volume of approximately 1 L. Then add 68 mL of concentrated ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH
14 N) and add deionized/distilled water to obtain a volume of about 980 mL. Check the pH of
the resulting solution, add more NH4OH or CH3COOH as needed, to obtain a pH of 7.0, and
dilute the solution to a volume of 1 L with deionized/distilled water.
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Global leader:
Technical Committee
Lesego Mooketsi-Selepe,
Global Soil Laboratory Network GLOSOLAN-SOP-17
EXCHANGEABLE BASES BY AMMONIUM Version number : 1 Page 6 of 17
ACETATE METHOD Effective date : 26 July 2022

Immediately before use, the pH should be checked to be 7.0±.1. If the pH is not 7.0, it should
be adjusted by adding diluted acetic acid or ammonium hydroxide (approximately 10% m/v).

5.4 Ammonium acetate, NH4CH3COO, AR;

1N Ammonium acetate solution, pH 7. Dissolve 77.08 g of ammonium acetate (NH4, CH3COO)

in 900 mL of deionized water or distilled water. Bring to a final volume of 1000 mL with distilled
or deionized water and homogenize.

Alternatively, the ammonium acetate solution could be prepared using glacial acetic acid and
concentrated ammonium hydroxide.

96% ethanol, AR;

5.5 Methyl orange;

5.6 Sodium chloride (NaCl, AR);

5.7 Concentrated hydrochloric acid (HCl, 32-36%);

5.9 Sodium chloride (NaCl) solution 10% (m/v), pH 2.5;

Dissolve 100 g of NaCl in 1000 mL of water. Drops of HCl are added, to adjust the pH to 2.5±0.2,
and heliantin, to identify the change in pH of the solution (through the heliantin turning red).

5.10 Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution 10 mol/l;

Dissolve 400 g of NaOH in 800 mL of deionized water or distilled water, conveniently

refrigerating. Allow to cool to room temperature and bring to a final volume of 1000 mL with
distilled/deionized water.

5.11 1N Hydrochloric acid/ sulphuric acid, analytical grade;

5.12 Boric acid (H3BO3) AR;

5.13 Boric acid (H3BO3) solution 4% m/v (4 g/100 mL);

Dissolve 40.0 g ± 0.1 g of H3BO3 in 800 mL of preheated water at a temperature below 60 ºC.
Allow to cool to room temperature and bring to final volume of 1000 mL with water. Add 10
mL of each of these indicators (bromocresol green (50 mg in 100 mL alcohol) and methyl red
(50 mg in 100 mL alcohol). Add 1N sodium hydroxide drop by drop until the pH is adjusted to
value close to 5.0.

5.14 Required gases (purity recommended by equipment manufacturer);

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Global leader:
Technical Committee
Lesego Mooketsi-Selepe,
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EXCHANGEABLE BASES BY AMMONIUM Version number : 1 Page 7 of 17
ACETATE METHOD Effective date : 26 July 2022

6. Health and safety

6.1 Personnel Safety
Exercise special care when preparing reagents for this procedure because many of the metal salts are
extremely corrosive and may be fatal if ingested. Personal Safety Wear includes protective clothing
(coats, aprons, gloves and sleeve guards) and eye protection face shield, goggles or safety glasses).

6.2 Chemical Hazards

Restrict use of concentrated HCl, NaOH and H2SO4 to a fume hood.

Spillages: Neutralize spilled acids with dilute solution of sodium bicarbonate or cover with dry sand or
other non-combustible material and place in appropriate waste disposal container.

Alcohol is a flammable liquid, and vapor and containers can build up pressure if exposed to heat and/or

Ammonium acetate is a corrosive, flammable liquid and vapor and can causes severe eye irritation
and skin burn. Thoroughly wash hands after using chemical reagents.

Refer to MSDS for all chemicals to be used.

7. Sample preparation
On reception, examine sample status, break big lumps, and discard the big stones and the plant parts,
if any. If samples are moist, spread them on a cloth or paper or tray to dry under shade (not under
sun) where the sample will not be contaminated. If wet, dry for 2 to 3 days under shade and dry in
oven at 40oC overnight. Dried sample: disaggregate and sieve through 2 mm sieve. Repackage in
storage container and submit to laboratory for testing.

Prepare the soil sample according to the SOP Handling and Preparation of Soil Samples for Chemical
and Physical Analyses (

8. Procedure
8.1 Weigh 5g of <2mm sieved soil in a 50 mL container/extraction tubes;

NOTE: Include a blank and reference sample in every batch

8.2 Add 33 mL of 1N ammonium acetate pH 7.0;

8.3 Shake 15 min in a reciprocal shaker;

8.4 Centrifuge and filter the supernatant in a clean 100 mL volumetric flask with qualitative fine
porous filter paper. Repeat steps 8.2 to 8.3 two more times to obtain a total of approximately 100 mL

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Global leader:
Technical Committee
Lesego Mooketsi-Selepe,
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EXCHANGEABLE BASES BY AMMONIUM Version number : 1 Page 8 of 17
ACETATE METHOD Effective date : 26 July 2022

at the end. Fill up to the 100 mL mark with ammonium acetate and mix well. Keep the soil sample in
the 50 mL extraction/centrifuge tubes for step 8.6;

8.5 Analyze the extractant in 8.4 for Ca, Mg, Na and K by Atomic Absorption flame or plasma
spectrophotometry. Following the manufacturer’s guide: Suitable spectral lines are: Ca = 422.7 nm;
Mg = 285.2 nm; Na = 589.0 nm; and K = 766.5 nm. Ca2+ and Mg2+ are measured on dilute extracts,
whereas, extracts of Na+ and K+ analysis are only diluted if over range. And for plasma suitable
wavelengths are: Ca = 430.25 nm; Mg = 285.2 nm; Na = 588.96 nm; and K = 766.49 nm. It is suggested
to use a flame AA but an ICP-OES can also be used. The range of standards presented in table 1 is
Table 1 – Recommended standard range

Ca Mg Na K

100 mL Vol. of Final Vol. of Final Vol. of Final Vol. of Final

flasks 100mg/l conc. 100mg/l conc. 100mg/l conc. 100mg/l conc.
mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l

Flask 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Flask 2 2 2 1 1 5 5 5 5

Flask 3 4 4 2 2 10 10 10 10

Flask 4 6 6 3 3 15 15 15 15

Flask 5 8 8 4 4 20 20 20 20

Flask 6 10 10 5 5 25 25 25 25

8.6 The samples in 50 mL extraction/centrifuge tubes from step 8.4 must be subjected to 2
consecutive washes with 50 mL 96% ethanol following the procedure in steps 8.2 and 8.3. Discard the
ethanol after each wash;

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Global leader:
Technical Committee
Lesego Mooketsi-Selepe,
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EXCHANGEABLE BASES BY AMMONIUM Version number : 1 Page 9 of 17
ACETATE METHOD Effective date : 26 July 2022

8.7 To displace the adsorbed ammonium ions ; add 33 mL of a 10% NaCl solution to the sample,
shake for 15 minutes, centrifuge and filter into a clean 100 mL volumetric flask;

8.8 Repeat steps 8.7 two more times to obtain a total of approximately 100 mL of NaCl solution
at the end. Fill up to 100 mL with NaCl and mix well;

8.9 Distillation and titration;

Transfer 50 mL of aliquot NaCl extract into the distillation tube and connect to the distillation
unit. Then add 10 mL sodium hydroxide and distilled water to be automatically added to the aliquot
by the distillation unit.

Fill 25 mL boric acid into a receiving Erlenmeyer flask and place in position for distillate and
start the distillation.

Titrate the distillate with 0.01N H2SO4 or HCl.

9. Calculations
9.1 Calculations for CEC
Sample weight = 5 g
Extract = 100 mL
Aliquot = 50 mL
HCl concentration = 0.01 N
CEC meq/100g soil = (HCl used for sample - HCl used for blank) * HCl concentration * 100/5 *

9.2 Calculation for exchangeable bases

Ca Cmol(+)/kg soil = (Sample concentration in mg/l - blank concentration in mg/l) x 100/1000 x 1000/5
x 2/40.08 x 1/10 x dilution factor

Mg Cmol(+)/kg soil = (Sample concentration in mg/l - blank concentration in mg/l) x 100/1000 x

1000/5 x 2/24.31 x 1/10 × dilution factor

Na Cmol(+)/kg soil = (Sample concentration in mg/l - blank concentration in mg/l) x 100/1000 x 1/10
x 1/22.99 x 1000/5 x dilution factor

K Cmol(+)/kg soil = (Sample concentration in mg/l - blank concentration in mg/l) x 100/1000 x 1/10 x
1/39.098 x 1000/5 x dilution factor

100/1000 conversion to L

1/10 conversion to Centimol

1000/5 conversion to Kg
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Global leader:
Technical Committee
Lesego Mooketsi-Selepe,
Global Soil Laboratory Network GLOSOLAN-SOP-17
EXCHANGEABLE BASES BY AMMONIUM Version number : 1 Page 10 of 17
ACETATE METHOD Effective date : 26 July 2022

10. Quality assurance / quality control

10.1 Precision Test
Perform replicate analysis on one sample at every 10 (or 20) samples in batch tests in a single run on
a single day. Calculate the Percent Relative Standard Deviation (%RSD) to determine if the replicate
analysis is out of the control.
%𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅 = ∗ 100%


• s = standard deviation of the triplicate result

• x̄ = mean

Compare results with the target precision for the analyte concentration (table of expected precision
as a function of analyte concentration by AOAC – see table 2).
Table 2: Expected precision (repeatability) as a function of analyte concentration.

Analyte, % Analyte ratio Unit RSD, %

100 1 100% 1.3
10 10-1 10% 1.9
1 10-2 1% 2.7
0.01 10-3 0.1% 3.7
0.001 10-4 100 ppm (mg/kg) 5.3
0.0001 10-5 10 ppm (mg/kg) 7.3
0.00001 10-6 1 ppm (mg/kg) 11
0.000001 10-7 100 ppb (µg/kg) 15
0.0000001 10-8 10 ppb (µg/kg) 21
0.00000001 10-9 1 ppb (µg/kg) 30
Source: AOAC Peer Verified Methods Program. Manual on Policies and Procedures(1998).
AOAC International Gathersburg. MD.

10.2 Accuracy Test

Participation in Inter-laboratory Proficiency Test (either national or international) should be done at
least once a year. The z-score should be less than 2. If not, identify the root cause, develop corrective
and preventive actions, and address the problem.

10.3 Quality Control Chart

Analyze at least a duplicate of the Check Sample (Internal Quality Control sample, IQC) or Internal
Reference Material [IRM] once for every batch analysis. Plot the result in the control chart. Monitor

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Global leader:
Technical Committee
Lesego Mooketsi-Selepe,
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EXCHANGEABLE BASES BY AMMONIUM Version number : 1 Page 11 of 17
ACETATE METHOD Effective date : 26 July 2022

for Out of Control Signals (+/- 2 SD). If Out of Control Signal/Trend is observed, identify root cause,
develop corrective and preventive actions.

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Global leader:
Technical Committee
Lesego Mooketsi-Selepe,
Global Soil Laboratory Network GLOSOLAN-SOP-17
EXCHANGEABLE BASES BY AMMONIUM Version number : 1 Page 12 of 17
ACETATE METHOD Effective date : 26 July 2022

11. Reference documents

AOAC Peer-Verified Methods Program, Manual on Policies and Procedures (1998) AOAC
INTERNATIONAL, Gaithersburg, MD.

Blakemore, Leslie Clifford. "Methods for chemicalanalysis of soils." NZ Soil Bureau Sci. Rep. 80 (1987):

Chapman, H.D.,1965 "Cation-exchange Capacity,", in C.A. Black (ed.), Method of Soil Analysis, Part 2:
Chemical and Microbiological Properties, Am. Soc. Agron., Madison, Wisconsin. pp. 891-900.

Kalra, Y.P., Maynard, D.G., 1991. Methods Manual for Forest Soil and Plant Analysis. Northern Forestry
Centre, Edmonton, Alberta.

Sumner, M. E., & Miller, W. P. (1996). Cation exchange capacity and exchange coefficients. In
“Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 3. Chemical Methods” (D. L. Sparks, Ed.), Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Book Ser. 5,
pp. 1201–1229. Soil Sci. Soc. Am., Madison, WI.

van Reeuwijk, L. P. (1986). Procedures for soil analysis.

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Global leader:
Technical Committee
Lesego Mooketsi-Selepe,
Global Soil Laboratory Network GLOSOLAN-SOP-17
EXCHANGEABLE BASES BY AMMONIUM Version number : 1 Page 13 of 17
ACETATE METHOD Effective date : 26 July 2022

12. Appendix I – Acknowledgments

GLOSOLAN would like to thank Ms. Lesego Mooketsi-Selepe from Botswana for leading the
harmonization of this SOP and the members of the working group that served as leaders for their
regions and contributed to the writing of this SOP (appendix II).

GLOSOLAN would also like to thank the experts who were part of the Review Panel and who ensured
the finalization of the SOP, all the laboratories that provided inputs for the harmonization of this
method, all the experts from the GLOSOLAN Technical Committee who technically reviewed this SOP,
and Ms. Magdeline Camille Vlasimsky (University of Gent) for proofreading it.

13. Appendix II – List of authors

Leading author:

• Ms. Lesego Mooketsi-Selepe, Soil and Plant Analytical Laboratory, Botswana

Main authors (in alphabetical order):

• Daniel Carreira, Laboratorio del Instituto de Suelos CIRN-CNIA-INTA, Argentina

• Pushpajeet L. Choudhari, Charles Renard Analytical Laboratory, India
• Rob de Hayr, Australasian Soil and Plant Analysis Council (ASPAC), Australia
• Leocadie Jamet, Laboratoire des Moyens Analytiques Nouméa, New Caledonia
• Nuha Abdalla Mohamed Khamis, Main Soil Laboratory-Land Evaluation Research Section,
• Miriam Ostinelli, Laboratorio del Instituto de Suelos CIRN-CNIA-INTA, Argentina
• Nopmanee Suvannang, Office of Science for Land Development Department, Thailand
• Laura Uribe, Laboratorio Tecnianálisis S.A.S., Colombia
• Tetiana Voloh, Testing laboratory of the “Druzhba-Nova” Agricultural Limited Liability
Company, Ukraine

Members of the Review Panel (in alphabetical order):

• Gilles Colinet, Axe Echanges Eau-Sol-Plantes, GxABT, Liege University, Belgium

• Clemence Mariage, Axe Echanges Eau-Sol-Plantes, GxABT, Liege University, Belgium
• Karim Shahbazi, Soil and Water Research Institute Laboratory, Islamic Republic of Iran
• Takesure Tendayi, Department of Soil Science and Environment - University of Zimbabwe,

Reviewers from the GLOSOLAN Technical Committee:

• Daniel Carreira, Laboratorio del Instituto de Suelos CIRN-CNIA-INTA, Argentina

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Global leader:
Technical Committee
Lesego Mooketsi-Selepe,
Global Soil Laboratory Network GLOSOLAN-SOP-17
EXCHANGEABLE BASES BY AMMONIUM Version number : 1 Page 14 of 17
ACETATE METHOD Effective date : 26 July 2022

• Claudia Isabel Hidalgo Moreno, Laboratorio de Fertilidad de Suelos y Química Ambiental,

• Md. Abdul Kader, School of Agriculture and Food Technology, Samoa

14. Appendix III – Contributing laboratories

GLOSOLAN thanks the following laboratories for completing the GLOSOLAN form on the method and
providing information on their standard operating procedure for the cation exchange capacity and
exchangeable bases by 1N ammonium acetate method. This information was used as a baseline for
the global harmonization.

From the African region:

• Department of Agricultural Research, Botswana

• Laboratoire de Pédologie de l’Université de Kinshasa - LABOPEDO UNIKIN, Democratic
Republic of the Congo
• Soil Research Laboratory, Eritrea
• National Agricultural Soil Laboratories - KALRO, Kenya
• Soil Research Institute - Analytical Services Laboratory, Ghana
• Laboratoire Sol-Eau-Plante - LPCM/LSEP, Mali
• Laboratório de Solos, Agua e Plantas do IIAM (Institute of Agricultural Research of
Mozambique - Central Soil and Plant tissue testing Laboratory), Mozambique
• Laboratoire des Moyens Analytiques - IRD, Senegal
• Laboratory of CIAT-STP, Sao Tome and Principe
• Soil and Plant Tissue Analytical Laboratory NARL - National Agricultural Laboratories, Uganda
• Soil Chemistry Laboratory - National Semi Arid Resources Research Institute (NaSARRI),

From the Asian region:

• Soil Resource Development Institute, Bangladesh

• Soil and Plant Analytical Laboratory, Bhutan
• Agri-Biochem Research Lab, Subsidiary of M/s Pushpa J Shah, India
• Laboratorium Pengujian, Balittanah - Soil Test Laboratory (Indonesian Soil Research Institute),
• Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences, NARO (NIAES), Japan
• Department of agricultural land managament (DALaM), Lao PDR
• Soil Science, Water Utilization and Agricultural Engineering Division in DAR - Department of
Agricultural Research, Myanmar
• Soil Science Division - Nepal Agricultural Research Council, Nepal
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GLOSOLAN SOP Tech. W.G. By GLOSOLAN 26 July 2022 26 July 2022

Global leader:
Technical Committee
Lesego Mooketsi-Selepe,
Global Soil Laboratory Network GLOSOLAN-SOP-17
EXCHANGEABLE BASES BY AMMONIUM Version number : 1 Page 15 of 17
ACETATE METHOD Effective date : 26 July 2022

• Fauji Fertilizer Company Limited, Pakistan

• Bureau of Soils and Water Management - Laboratory Services Division (BSWM-LSD),
• Department of Agriculture - Regional Field Office Cordillera Administrative Region, Regional
Soils Laboratory, Philippines
• Department of Agriculture - Regional Field Office 3 - ILD - Regional Soils Laboratory,
• Department of Agriculture - Regional Field Office 4A, Philippines
• Office of Science for Land Development, Land Development Department, Thailand

From the European region:

• Department of Agroecology, Aarhus University, Denmark

• Soil Laboratory - Agricultural University of Iceland, Iceland
• AGRARIA Department Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria, Italy
• Kosovo Institute of Agriculture, Kosovo
• Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e veterinária (INIAV), Portugal
• Laboratório de Solos e Fertilidade da Escola Superior Agrária de Castelo Branco - IPCB-ESA,
• Laboratorio Quimico Agricola Rebelo da Silva - INIAV/SAFSV/LQARS, Portugal
• National Research and Development Institute for Soil Science, Agrochemistry and
Environment - ICPA Bucharest, Romania
• Research Group Soil Quality Assessment - Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
• Soil, Water, Plant, Fertilizer Laboratory - International Agricultural Research and Training
Center IARTC-UTAEM, Turkey
• Ministry of Food Agriculture and Livestock, General Director of Agricultural Research and
Policies Soil Fertilizer and Water Resources Central Research Institute, Turkey
• Soil Analysis Laboratory, Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition - Ankara University,

From the Eurasian region:

• Research Center of Ecology and Environment of Central Asia (Almaty), Kazakhstan

• Institute of Biology of Komi Science Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of
Sciences (IB Komi SC UB RAS), Russian Federation
• Testing Center of Soil Science Faculty - Moscow State University named after MV Lomonosov,
Russian Federation

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GLOSOLAN SOP Tech. W.G. By GLOSOLAN 26 July 2022 26 July 2022

Global leader:
Technical Committee
Lesego Mooketsi-Selepe,
Global Soil Laboratory Network GLOSOLAN-SOP-17
EXCHANGEABLE BASES BY AMMONIUM Version number : 1 Page 16 of 17
ACETATE METHOD Effective date : 26 July 2022

• Laboratory of Chemical and Biological Factors, Ukraine

From the Latin American region:

• Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA), Estación Experimental Agropecuaria

Anguil, Argentina
• Laboratorio del Instituto de Suelos CIRN-CNIA-INTA, Argentina
• Laboratorio de Suelo y Agua RILSAV-EEA Bariloche (INTA), Argentina
• Laboratorio de Suelo y Agua RILSAV-EEA Rafaela (INTA), Argentina
• Laboratorio de Suelo y Agua RILSAV-EEA Hilario Ascasubi (INTA), Argentina
• Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazzi - IGAC, Colombia
• LABOSUELOS/LABOAGRO - Universidad Autonoma de Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
• Agencia de Regulación y Control Fito y Zoosanitario - AGROCALIDAD, Ecuador
• Laboratorio de FUSADES, El Salvador
• Lab.Quimico Agricola y Residuos de pesticidas - FHIA, Honduras
• Soil Health Plant Tissue and Water Laboratory, Jamaica
• Colegio de Postgraduados, Campus Montecillo (LABFER -CPM), Mexico
• Departamento de Análisis de Materales de INEGI, Mexico
• Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias, Mexico
• Instituto Tecnológico del Valle de Oaxaca, Mexico
• Laboratorio de Análisis de Suelos, Agua y Plantas de Instituto de Ecología, A. C., Mexico
• Laboratorio de Edafología Ambiental - Instituto de Geología (UNAM), Mexico
• Science Institute-Lab-DICA, Mexico
• Laboratorio de Suelo y Agua Comandante Fidel Castro Ruz - INTA, Nicaragua
• Laboratorio de Suelo y Agua LABSA - Universidad Nacional Agraria, Nicaragua
• Laboratorio de Fertilidad de Suelo y Agua - Instituto de Innovación Agropecuaria de Panamá,
• Laboratorio de Análisis de Suelos, Plantas, Aguas y Fertilizantes de la Universidad Nacional
Agraria La Molina, Peru
• Department of Food Production Soils Laboratory - The University of the West Indies, Trinidad
and Tobago
• Laboratorio de Suelos, Plantas y Agua - Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria INIA,
• Laboratorio de Suelos y Aguas de la Dirección General de Recursos Naturales – MGAP,

From the Near East and North African region:

• Desert Studies Center - University of Anbar, Iraq

• Ministry of Science and Technology, Directorate of Agricultural Research, Iraq
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GLOSOLAN SOP Tech. W.G. By GLOSOLAN 26 July 2022 26 July 2022

Global leader:
Technical Committee
Lesego Mooketsi-Selepe,
Global Soil Laboratory Network GLOSOLAN-SOP-17
EXCHANGEABLE BASES BY AMMONIUM Version number : 1 Page 17 of 17
ACETATE METHOD Effective date : 26 July 2022

• Soil and Water Resources Centre, Directorate of Agricultural Researches, Ministry of Science
and Technology, Iraq
• KIMIA AB environmental and agricultural consulting laboratory, Islamic Republic of Iran
• Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kuwait
• Lebanese Agriculture Research Institute, Lebanon
• Soil Characterization Lab - AUB, Lebanon
• LABOMAG, Morocco
• National Institute of Agricultural Research - INRA, Morocco
• Homs lab - GCSAR, Syrian Arab Republic
• DRS/DGACTA, Tunisia

From the North American region:

• Kellogg Soil survey Laboratory, United States of America

From the Pacific region:

• Nutrien Ag solutions, Australia

• Laboratoire des Moyens Analytiques Nouméa - IRD, New Caledonia
• Environmental Chemistry Laboratory, Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research, New Zealand
• Unitech Analytical Services Laboratory - Papua New Guinea University of Technology, Papua
New Guinea
• School of Agriculture and Food Technology - The University of the South Pacific, Samoa

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GLOSOLAN SOP Tech. W.G. By GLOSOLAN 26 July 2022 26 July 2022

Global leader:
Technical Committee
Lesego Mooketsi-Selepe,
The Global Soil Partnership (GSP) is a globally
recognized mechanism established in 2012.
Our mission is to position soils in the Global
Agenda through collective action. Our key
objectives are to promote Sustainable Soil
Management (SSM) and improve soil govern-
ance to guarantee healthy and productive
soils, and support the provision of essential
ecosystem services towards food security and
improved nutrition, climate change adapta-
tion and mitigation, and sustainable develop-


GLOSOLAN is a Global Soil Laboratory

Network which aims to harmonize soil
analysis methods and data so that soil informa-
tion is comparable and interpretable across
laboratories, countries and regions.
Established in 2017, it facilitates networking
and capacity development through coopera-
tion and information sharing between soil
laboratories with different levels of
experience. Joining GLOSOLAN is a unique
opportunity to invest in quality soil laboratory
data for a sustainable and food secure world.

Thanks to the financial support of


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