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Pakistan International School (English Section) Riyadh

First Term 2023-2024

Name:____________ Grade 5_____

Modal Verbs Worksheet

Choose the best modal verb to complete the following sentences.

1. You __________ touch that dog. It looks dangerous!

Couldn’t shouldn’t mustn’t

2. The bus__________ be here by now. That’s what the schedule says.

Must should could

3. When I was six, I _________ play violin but I haven’t practised since then so I_______
play anymore.
Won’t could can’t

4. I _________ rather stay at home than go out and have dinner in a restaurant.
Would could must

5. She ________study harder if she wants to pass the exam.

Can may must

6. I’m tired. I __________go to bed early tonight.

Should could must

7. Passengers_________speak to the driver when he’s on duty.

Shouldn't mustn’t won’t

8. You’ve just had a huge breakfast. You _______ be hungry anymore.

Couldn’t shan’t can’t

9. Ask Henry. He __________know the answer but I’m not sure.

Might could should

10. When I was younger I ___________ climb to the top of the mountain without being out
of breath.
Should could would

11. I ___________ have gone to the doctor ,but it got better after a few days.
Might should would

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12. If you speak to her, she_______ probably tell you the truth.
May will might

13. The company boss_______be extremely rich if he owns several sports cars.
Must can could

14. We are not completely sure but Cindy _________ come back tomorrow.
could may can

15. When I was a child, in the summer afternoons we _________play in the street with boys
from the neighbourhood.
Should would might

16. ________ I have some more juice,please?

Can could shall

17. I ________believe my eyes. Is George the one who is standing over there?
Can’t mustn’t mightn’t

18. He ________ be the richest person in the village. He’s just bought two luxurious cars.
Should can must

19. He _________ have studied more for the final exams.

Could should would

20. _______I use your mobile phone? Its an emergency.

Might May will

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