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Bible Study Tools For The Layman • 1


Finding good resources on biblical issues can be a difficult

task. Often believers want to study a certain topic or issue but do
not know where to start or where to find good books. That is why
the pastors and staff of Indian Hills Community Church have
composed this recommended booklist to help the lay member
(and pastors) find resources that are readable and trustworthy.
The following are characteristics of this booklist:
1) Easily Defined Categories. There are four main categories to
this list — General Reference, Old Testament, New Testa-
ment, and Theology and Critical Issues.
2) A Rating System. The books in each list are numbered in
order of preference. Those works that have a * before
them are highly recommended.
3) Readable. This list is geared with the lay member in mind.
Though some books are more challenging than others, we
have tried to avoid those that are technical and require an
advanced knowledge of Greek and Hebrew.
4) Theologically Sound. The books selected are those that the
pastors and staff of Indian Hills Community Church
believe are theologically sound.
Also, since one’s millennial perspective can greatly effect
one’s interpretation of Scripture, we have indicated, when
needed, whether an author is Premillennial (Pre), Amillennial
(A), or Postmillennial (Post). Since we hold to a Dispensational
Premillennial viewpoint on Scripture, most of the works (includ-
ing all prophetic ones) are from a Dispensational perspective.

2 • Bible Study Tools For The Layman

Purchasing Books
Most of the books on this list can be ordered through our
Sound Words bookstore. If you are interested in buying a book,
write us at Sound Words, 1000 South 84th Street, Lincoln, NE
68510, or call us at (402) 483-4541. Our Fax # is (402) 483-6716.
Give us the name of the book and the author. We will then check
on the availability of the book and its price.
We have also supplied a listing of used and out-of-print
bookstores. If a book has gone out of print try contacting one of
these bookstores or a Christian library.
It is our desire to help Christians grow in the grace and
knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. If you have any questions
concerning this booklist or any other matter, please feel free to
contact us.

Bible Study Tools For The Layman • 3



1387 E. Washington Used Books Dept.
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Fax # (818) 797-5237 (616) 957-3110
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mailing: P.O. Box 4885 KREGEL’S BOOK STORE
Wheaton, IL 60189 Out-of-Print Books Dept.
Store: 1340 E. 55th mailing: P.O. Box 2607
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(312) 955-3456 store: 525 Eastern Ave. S.E.
Fax # (312) 955-4116 Grand Rapids, MI 49503


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Fax # (503) 465-9694 (816) 483-2004


320 N. 4th St. (402) 453-9808
Stillwater, MN 55082
(612) 430-1092 FOUNDATION BOOKS
Fax # (612) 439-8504 P.O. Box 7086
Roanoke, VA 24019
STEVEN’S BOOKSHOP (703) 366-9075
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(618) 242-7647

4 • Bible Study Tools For The Layman

Box 21 Dowagiac, MI 49047
Wheaton, IL 60189 (616) 424-5885
(312) 584-8069
755 Bustleton Pike
Feasterville, PA 19047
(215) 357-0888

Bible Study Tools For The Layman • 5


Concordances, Topical, Cross Reference

1. *Thomas, Robert L., ed. New American Standard Exhaus-
tive Concordance of the Bible. Holman, 1981.
2. *Nave, Orville J., ed. Nave’s Topical Bible. Nelson, 1979.
3. *Smith, Jerome H., ed. The New Treasury of Scripture
Knowledge. Revised and expanded. Nelson, 1992.

Dictionaries and Encyclopedias

1. *Unger, Merrill F. The New Unger’s Bible Dictionary. Rev.
and updated edition. Ed. by R.K. Harrison. Moody, 1988.
2. *Orr, James, ed. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia.
5 vols. Eerdmans, 1939.
3. *Tenney, Merrill C., ed. The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclope-
dia of the Bible. 5 vols. 1975.

Commentary Sets
1. *Walvoord, John F., and Roy B. Zuck. The Bible Knowledge
Commentary. 2 vols. Victor, 1983. (In this otherwise out-
standing work, be aware that radical non-lordship
advocate, Zane Hodges, does the commentary on Hebrews
and 1, 2, and 3 John.) (Pre)
2. *Gaebelein, Frank E., general ed. The Expositor’s Bible
Commentary. 12 vols. Zondervan, 1978 -. (Pre)
3. *MacArthur, John. The MacArthur New Testament Com-
mentary. Moody, 1983 - . (Pre)
4. *Wuest, Kenneth S. Wuest’s Word Studies From the Greek
New Testament. 3 vols. Eerdmans, 1973. (Pre)
5. Harrison, E. F., and Charles F. Pfeiffer. The Wycliffe Bible

6 • Bible Study Tools For The Layman

Commentary. Moody, 1962. (Pre)
6. Wiersbe, Warren W. The Bible Exposition Commentary. 2
vols. Victor, 1989. (Pre)

Bible Surveys and Introductions

1. Wilmington, H. L. Wilmington’s Guide to the Bible. Tyndale,
1984. (Pre)
2. Wilkinson, Bruce and Kenneth Boa. Talk Thru the Bible.
Nelson, 1983. (Pre)

(Old Testament)
1. *Benware, Paul N. Survey of the Old Testament (Everyman’s
Bible Commentary). Moody, 1988. (Pre)
2. *Archer, Gleason L. A Survey of Old Testament Introduction.
Rev. ed. Moody, 1974. (Pre)
3. Schultz, Samuel J. The Old Testament Speaks. Harper
Collins, 1990. (Pre)
4. *Howard, David M. An Introduction To The Old Testament
Historical Books. Moody, 1993. (Pre)
5. Bullock, C. Hassell. An Introduction To The Poetic Books of
the Old Testament. Moody, 1979. (Pre)
6. Freeman, Hobart E. An Introduction To The Old Testament
Prophets. Moody, 1968. (Pre)

(New Testament)
1. *Benware, Paul N. Survey of the New Testament
(Everyman’s Bible Commentary) Moody, 1990. (Pre)
2. *Hiebert, D. Edmond. An Introduction to the New Testa-
ment. 3 vols. Moody, 1975-77. (Pre)
3. *Thomas, Robert L., and Stanley N. Gundry. A Harmony
of the Gospels with Explanations and Essays. Harper, 1978.

Bible Study Tools For The Layman • 7

4. *Tenney, Merrill C. New Testament Survey. Revised by
Walter M. Dunnett. IVP, 1985. (Pre)
5. Gromacki, Robert. New Testament Survey. Baker, 1974.
6. Guthrie, Donald. New Testament Introduction. Rev. ed. IVP,
1990. (?)
7. Hoehner, Harold. W. Chronological Aspects of the Life of
Christ. Zondervan, 1977. (Pre)

History, Archaeology, and Geography

1. *Wood, Leon. A Survey of Israel’s History. Rev. by David
O’Brien. Zondervan, 1986.
2. *Edersheim, Alfred. Bible History. Updated. Hendrickson,
3. *Edersheim, Alfred. The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah.
Updated. Hendrickson, 1994.
4. *Edersheim, Alfred. Sketches of Jewish Social Life. Up-
dated. Hendrickson, 1994.
5. *Packer, J. I., Merrill Tenney, and William White. The
Bible Almanac. Nelson, 1980.
6. *Gower, Ralph. The New Manners and Customs of Bible
Times. Moody, 1987.
7. Coleman, William L. Today’s Handbook of Bible Times and
Customs. Bethany, 1984.
8. *Aharoni, Yohanan. The Macmillan Bible Atlas. Macmillan,
9. Beitzel, Barry J. The Moody Atlas of Bible Lands. Moody,
10. Free, Joseph and Howard F. Vos. eds. Archaeology and
Bible History. Revised. Zondervan, 1992.

8 • Bible Study Tools For The Layman

1. *Zuck, Roy B. Basic Bible Interpretation. Victor, 1991.
2. *Tan, Paul Lee. The Interpretation of Prophecy. BMH, 1974.
3. Ramm, Bernard. Protestant Biblical Interpretation. Baker,
1970. (?)

Language Helps
1. *Vine, W. E., Merril F. Unger, and William White. An
Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words. Nelson, 1984.
2. *Brown, Colin, ed. The New International Dictionary of
New Testament Theology. 4 vols. Zondervan, 1975-86.
3. Marshall, Alfred. NASB-NIV Parallel New Testament in
Greek and English (with interlinear translation).
Zondervan, 1986.
4. Arndt, William F., and F. Wilbur Gingrich. Greek-English
Lexicon of the New Testament. Chicago Press, 1957.
5. Robertson, A.T. The Minister and His Greek New Testament.
Baker, 1977.
6. Han, Nathan. Parsing Guide to the Greek New Testament.
Herald Press, 1971.
7. Harris, R. Laird, Gleason L. Archer, and Bruce K. Waltke,
eds. Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament. 2 vols.
Moody, 1980.

Bible Study Tools For The Layman • 9

1. *Davis, John J. Paradise to Prison. Baker, 1976. (Pre)
2. *Boice, James M. Genesis, An Expositional Commentary. 3
vols. Zondervan, 1982-87. (Pre)
3. Ross, Allen P. “Genesis,” in Bible Knowledge Commentary,
Volume 1. Victor, 1985. (Pre)
4. Leupold, H. C. Exposition of Genesis. Reprint. 2 vols.
Baker, 1990. (A)
5. Morris, Henry M. The Genesis Record. Baker, 1976 (Pre)

1. *Davis, John J. Moses and the Gods of Egypt. 2d ed. Baker,
1986. (Pre)
2. *Hanna, John D. “Exodus,” in Bible Knowledge Commen-
tary, Volume 1. Victor, 1985. (Pre)
3. Cole, R. Allen. Exodus. IVP, 1973. (?)
4. Kaiser, Walter C., Jr. “Exodus,” in Expositor’s Bible Com-
mentary, Vol. 2. Zondervan, 1990 (Pre)

1. *Harris, R. Laird. “Leviticus,” in Expositor’s Bible Com-
mentary, Vol. 2. Zondervan, 1990. (A)
2. *Harrison, R. K. Leviticus. An Introduction and Commen-
tary (Tyndale OTC).
IVP, 1980. (A)
3. *Schultz, Samuel J. Leviticus (Everyman’s Bible Commen-
tary). Moody, 1983. (Pre)
4. Wenham, Gordon J. The Book of Leviticus (New Interna-

10 • Bible Study Tools For The Layman

tional Commentary on the Old Testament). Eerdmans,
1979. (?)

1. *Merrill, Eugene H. “Numbers” in Bible Knowledge Com-
mentary, Vol. 1. Victor, 1985. (Pre).
2. *Harrison, R. K. Numbers (Wycliffe Exegetical Commen-
tary). Moody, 1990. (A)
3. *Jensen, Irving L. Numbers (Everyman’s Bible Commen-
tary). Moody, 1964. (Pre)
4. Allen, Ronald B. “Numbers,” in Expositor’s Bible Commen-
tary, Vol. 2. Zondervan, 1990. (Pre)

1. * Deere, Jack S. “Deuteronomy,” in Bible Knowledge
Commentary, Vol. 1. Victor, 1985. (Pre)
2. *Harrison, R. K. “Deuteronomy,” in New Bible Commen-
tary, Revised, ed. D. Guthrie et al. Eerdmans, 1970. (A)
3. *Merrill, Eugene., Deuteronomy (The New American
Commentary). Volume 4. (Pre)
4. Schultz, Samuel J. Deuteronomy, The Gospel of Love, Chi-
cago: Moody, 1971. (Pre)
5. Craigie, Peter C. The Book of Deuteronomy (New Interna-
tional Critical Commentary on the Old Testament).
Eerdmans, 1976. (?)

1. *Davis, John J. and John C. Whitcomb. Israel: From
Conquest To Exile — A Commentary on Joshua — 2 Kings.
Reprint. BMH, 1994. (Pre)
2. *Campbell, Donald K. “Joshua,” in Bible Knowledge
Commentary, Vol. 1. Victor, 1985. (Pre)

Bible Study Tools For The Layman • 11

3. Enns, Paul. Joshua (Bible Study Commentary).
Zondervan, 1981. (Pre)
4 Jensen, Irving L. Joshua: Rest-Land Won, (Everyman’s
Bible Commentary). Moody, 1966. (Pre)
5. Woudstra, Marten H. Joshua (New International Com-
mentary of the Old Testament). Eerdmans, 1981. (A)
6. Boice, James Montgomery. Joshua: We Will Serve the Lord.
Revell, 1989. (Pre)

1. *Wood, Leon J. Distressing Days of the Judges. Zondervan,
1975. (Pre)
2. *Davis, John J., and John C. Whitcomb. Israel: From
Conquest To Exile — A Commentary on Joshua — 2 Kings.
Reprint. BMH, 1994. (Pre)
3. *Enns, Paul. Judges (Bible Study Commentary).
Zondervan, 1982. (Pre)
4. Lindsey, F. Duane, “Judges,” in Bible Knowledge Commen-
tary, Vol. 1. Victor, 1985. (Pre)
5. Cundall, Arthur and Leon Morris. Judges and Ruth.
Wheaton: Tyndale, 1968. (A)

1. *Enns, Paul. Ruth (Bible Study Commentary).
Zondervan, 1982. (Pre)
2. *Davis, John J., and John C. Whitcomb. Israel: From
Conquest To Exile — A Commentary on Joshua — 2 Kings.
Reprint. BMH, 1994. (Pre)
3. Hubbard, Robert L., Jr. The Book of Ruth (New Interna-
tional Commentary on the Old Testament). Eerdmans,
1988. (Pre ?)

12 • Bible Study Tools For The Layman

4. Barber, Cyril J. Ruth: A Story of God’s Grace. Loizeaux
Brothers, 1989. (Pre)

I and II Samuel
1. *Davis, John J., and John C. Whitcomb. Israel: From
Conquest to Exile — A Commentary on Joshua-2 Kings.
BMH, 1971. (Pre)
2. *Merrill, Eugene H. “I Samuel,” in Bible Knowledge Com-
mentary, Vol. 1. Victor, 1985. (Pre)
3. Laney, J. Carl. First and Second Samuel (Everyman’s Bible
Commentary). Moody, 1982. (Pre)
4. Vos Howard F. 1, 2 Samuel (Bible Study Commentary).
Zondervan, 1983. (Pre)

I and II Kings
1. *Constable, Thomas L. “I Kings,” in Bible Knowledge
Commentary, Vol. 1. Victor, 1985. (Pre)
2. * Davis, John J., and John C. Whitcomb. Israel: From
Conquest To Exile -— A Commentary on Joshua-2 Kings.
BMH, 1971. (Pre)
3. Patterson, R. D., and Hermann J. Austel. “1 and 2 Kings,”
in Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Volume 4. Zondervan,
1988. (Pre)
4. Hubbard, Robert L. First and Second Kings (Everyman’s
Bible Commentary). Moody, 1991. (Pre ?)
5. Whitcomb, John C. Solomon to the Exile: Studies in Kings
and Chronicles. Baker, 1971. (Pre)

I & II Chronicles
1. *Merrill, Eugene H. “I & II Chronicles,” in Bible Knowl-
edge Commentary, Vol. 1. Victor, 1985. (Pre)

Bible Study Tools For The Layman • 13

2. Sailhamer, John. First and Second Chronicles (Everyman’s
Bible Commentary). Moody, 1983. (Pre)
3. Payne, J. Barton. “1 and 2 Chronicles,” in Expositor’s Bible
Commentary, Vol. 4. Zondervan, 1988. (Pre)

1. *Whitcomb, John C. “Ezra,” “Nehemiah” and “Esther” in
The Wycliffe Bible Commentary. Moody, 1962. (Pre)
2. *Laney, J. Carl. Ezra and Nehemiah (Everyman’s Bible
Commentary). Moody, 1982. (Pre)
3. Yamauchi, Edwin. “Ezra, Nehemiah,” in Expositor’s Bible
Commentary, Vol. 4. Zondervan, 1988. (?)
4. Boice, James M. Nehemiah: Learning to Lead. Revell, 1988.
5. Martin, John A. “Ezra,” in Bible Knowledge Commentary,
Vol. 1. Victor, 1985. (Pre)

1. *Whitcomb, John C. Esther: Triumph of God’s Sovereignty
(Everyman’s Bible Commentary). Moody, 1979. (Pre)
2. Huey, F. B., Jr. “Esther,” in Expositor’s Bible Commentary,
Volume 4. Zondervan, 1988.(?)
3. Martin, John A. “Esther,” in Bible Knowledge Commentary,
Vol. 1. Victor, 1985. (Pre)

1. *Zuck, Roy B. “Job,” in Bible Knowledge Commentary, Vol.
1. Victor, 1985. (Pre)
2. *Morris, Henry M. The Remarkable Record of Job. Baker,
1988. (Pre)
3. Anderson, Francis I. Job (Tyndale Old Testament Com-
mentaries). IVP, 1976. (?)

14 • Bible Study Tools For The Layman

4. Smick, Elmer B. “Job,” in Expositor’s Bible Commentary,
Vol. 4. Zondervan, 1988. (?)

1. *Ross, Allen P. “Psalms,” in Bible Knowledge Commentary,
Vol. 1. Victor Books, 1985. (Pre)
2. Phillips, John. Exploring the Psalms. 5 volumes. Loizeaux,
1985-88. (Pre)
3. Spurgeon, Charles H. The Treasury of David, 3 Volumes.
Zondervan, 1975. (A)
4. Van Gemeren, W. A. “Psalms,” in Expositor’s Bible Com-
mentary, Volume 5. Zondervan, 1991. (A)
5. Kidner, Derek. Psalms 1-72 and Psalms 73-150, 2 vols,
(Tyndale Old Testament Commentary). IVP, 1973-75. (A)
6. Leupold, H. C. Exposition of the Psalms. Augsburg, 1959.

1. *Ross, Allen P. “Proverbs” in Expositor’s Bible Commen-
tary, Vol. 5. Zondervan, 1991. (Pre)
2. *Harris, R. Laird. “Proverbs,” in Wycliffe Bible Commen-
tary. Moody, 1962. (A)
3. *Jensen, Irving L. Proverbs (Everyman’s Bible Commen-
tary). Moody, 1982. (Pre)
4. Buzzell, Sid S. “Proverbs,” in Bible Knowledge Commentary,
Vol. 1. Victor, 1985. (Pre)
5. Kidner, Derek. Proverbs. IVP, 1972. (A)
6. Bridges, Charles. An Exposition of the Book of Proverbs.
Reprint. Zondervan, 1959. (A)

Bible Study Tools For The Layman • 15

1. *Kaiser, Walter C., Jr. Ecclesiastes: Total Life. (Everyman’s
Bible Commentary). Moody, 1979. (Pre)
2. Wright, J. S. “Ecclesiastes,” in Expositor’s Bible Commen-
tary, Vol. 5. Zondervan, 1991. (Pre)
3. Kidner, Derek. A Time to Mourn, and a Time to Dance. IVP,
1976. (A)
4. Glenn, Donald. “Ecclesiastes,” in Bible Knowledge Com-
mentary, Vol. 1. Victor, 1985. (Pre)
5. Swindoll, Charles R. Living on the Ragged Edge: Coming to
Terms with Reality. Word, 1985. (Pre)

Song of Solomon
1. *Glickman, S. Craig. A Song for Lovers. IVP, 1976. (Pre)
2. *Deere, Jack S. “Song of Songs,” in Bible Knowledge
Commentary, Vol. 1. Victor, 1985. (Pre)
3. *Dillow, Joseph C. Solomon on Sex. Nelson, 1977. (Pre)
4. Patterson, Paige. Song of Solomon (Everyman’s Bible
Commentary). Moody, 1986. (Pre)

1. *Martin, John A. “Isaiah,” in Bible Knowledge Commentary,
Vol. 1. Victor, 1985. (Pre)
2. *Grogan, G. W. “Isaiah,” in Expositor’s Bible Commentary,
Vol. 6. Zondervan, 1986. (Pre)
3. Lindsey, F. Duane. The Servant Songs. A Study in Isaiah.
Moody, 1985. (Pre)
4. Vine, William E. Isaiah, Prophecies, Promises and Warnings.
Oliphants, 1953. (Pre)
5. Morgan, G. Campbell. The Prophecy of Isaiah. 2 vols.
Hodder and Stoughton, 1990. (Pre)

16 • Bible Study Tools For The Layman

1. *Dyer, Charles. “Jeremiah,” in Bible Knowledge Commen-
tary, Vol. 1. Victor, 1985. (Pre)
2. *Feinberg, Charles L. “Jeremiah,” in Expositor’s Bible
Commentary, Vol. 6. Zondervan, 1986. (Pre)
3. Jensen, Irving. Jeremiah and Lamentations (Everyman’s
Bible Commentary). Moody, 1966. (Pre)

1. *Dyer, Charles. “Lamentations,” in Bible Knowledge
Commentary, Vol. 6. Zondervan, 1986. (Pre)
2. *Harrison, R. K. Jeremiah and Lamentations (Tyndale Old
Testament Commentary). IVP, 1975. (A)
3. Jensen, Irving. (See Jeremiah)
4. Kaiser, Walter C. Jr. A Biblical Approach to Personal Suffer-
ing, (Lamentations). Moody, 1982. (Pre)

1. *Feinberg, Charles L. The Prophecy of Ezekiel. Moody,
1969. (Pre)
2. *Dyer, Charles. “Ezekiel,” in Bible Knowledge Commentary,
Vol. 1. Victor 1985. (Pre)
3. *Alexander, Ralph. “Ezekiel,” in Expositor’s Bible Commen-
tary, Vol. 6. Zondervan, 1986. (Pre)
4 Enns, Paul. Ezekiel (Bible Study Commentary).
Zondervan, 1986. (Pre)

1. *Walvoord, John F. Daniel, The Key to Prophetic Revelation.
Moody, 1971. (Pre)
2. *Whitcomb, John C. Daniel (Everyman’s Bible Commen-
tary). Moody, 1985. (Pre)

Bible Study Tools For The Layman • 17

3. *Wood, Leon J. A Commentary on Daniel. Zondervan, 1972.
4. *Pentecost, J. Dwight. “Daniel,” in Bible Knowledge Com-
mentary, Vol. 1. Victor, 1985. (Pre)
5. Showers, Renald E. The Most High God. Friends of Israel,
1982. (Pre)
6. Feinberg, Charles L. Daniel, The man and his Visions.
Christian Herald, 1981. (Pre)
7. *McClain, Alva J. Daniel’s Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks.
Zondervan, 1940. (Pre) (Not a commentary but focuses on
Daniel 9:24-27.)

Minor Prophets
(All the works listed in this general section are highly
recommended for each of the individual books of the Minor
1. *Feinberg, Charles L. The Minor Prophets. Moody, 1976.
2. *Fink, Paul. “Minor Prophets,” in Liberty Bible Commen-
tary. Thomas Nelson, 1983. (Pre)
3. Boice, James M. The Minor Prophets, An Expositional
Commentary. Zondervan, 1983-86. (Pre)
4. Chisholm, Robert B., Jr. Interpreting the Minor Prophets.
Zondervan, 1990. (Pre)

1. *Chisholm, Robert, Jr. “Hosea,” in Bible Knowledge Com-
mentary. Vol. 1. Victor, 1985. (Pre)
2. Wood, Leon J. “Hosea,” in Expositor’s Bible Commentary,
Vol. 7. Zondervan, 1985. (Pre)

18 • Bible Study Tools For The Layman

3. Cohen, Gary G. and H. Ronald Vandermy. Hosea and
Amos (Everyman’s Bible Commentary). Moody, 1981. (Pre)

1. *Chisholm, Robert, Jr. “Joel,” in Bible Knowledge Commen-
tary, Vol. 1. Victor, 1985. (Pre)
2. *Patterson, Richard. “Joel,” in Expositor’s Bible Commen-
tary, Vol. 7. Zondervan, 1985. (Pre)
3. Allen, Ronald B. Joel (Bible Study Commentary).
Zondervan, 1988. (Pre)

1. *Sunukian, Donald. “Amos,” in Bible Knowledge Commen-
tary, Vol. 1. Victor, 1985. (Pre)
2. *Cohen and Vandermy (see Hosea)

1. *Baker, Walter L. “Obadiah,” in Bible Knowledge Commen-
tary, Vol. 1. Victor, 1985. (Pre)

1. *Hannah, John D. “Jonah,” in Bible Knowledge Commen-
tary, Vol. 1. Victor, 1985. (Pre)
2. *Kohlenberger, J. R. III. Jonah and Nahum (Everyman’s
Bible Commentary). Moody, 1984. (Pre)
3. Epp, Theodore. Jonah the Prophet. Back to the Bible,
1960. (Pre)

1. *Martin, John A. “Micah,” in Bible Knowledge Commentary,
Vol. 1. Victor, 1985. (Pre)
2. *Riggs, Jack R. Micah (Bible Study Commentary).
Zondervan, 1987. (Pre)

Bible Study Tools For The Layman • 19

1. *Johnson, Elliott E. “Nahum,” in Bible Knowledge Com-
mentary, Vol. 1. Victor, 1985. (Pre)
2. *Kohlenberger, J. R. III. Jonah and Nahum (Everyman’s
Bible Commentary). Moody, 1984. (Pre)

1. *Blue, Ronald J. “Habakkuk,” in Bible Knowledge Com-
mentary, Vol. 1. Victor, 1985. (Pre)
2. Barber, Cyril J. Habakkuk and Zephaniah (Everyman’s
Bible Commentary). Moody, 1985. (Pre)

1. *Hannah, John D. “Zephaniah,” in Bible Knowledge Com-
mentary, Vol. 1. Victor, 1985. (Pre)
2. Barber (see Habakkuk)

1. *Lindsey, Duane F. “Haggai,” in Bible Knowledge Com-
mentary, Vol. 1. Victor, 1985. (Pre)
2. Wolf, Herbert M. Haggai and Malachi: Rededication and
Renewal (Everyman’s Bible Commentary). Moody, 1976.

1. *Laney, J. Carl. Zechariah (Everyman’s Bible Commen-
tary) Moody, 1984. (Pre)
2. *Barker, Kenneth, L. “Zechariah,” in Expositor’s Bible
Commentary, Vol. 7. Zondervan, 1985. (Pre)
3. Heater, Homer Jr. Zechariah (Bible Study Commentary).
Zondervan, 1987. (Pre)

20 • Bible Study Tools For The Layman

4. Lindey, Duane F. “Zechariah,” in Bible Knowledge Com-
mentary, Vol. 1. Victor, 1985. (Pre)

1. *Kaiser, Walter C., Jr. Malachi: God’s Unchanging Love.
Baker, 1984. (Pre)
2. Wolf (see Haggai)
3. Morgan, G. Campbell. Malachi’s Message for Today. Baker,
1972. (Pre)

Bible Study Tools For The Layman • 21

1. *Toussaint, Stanley D. Behold the King, A Study of Mat-
thew. Multnomah, 1980. (Pre) (Currently out of print.
Look for in libraries. Best work done on Matthew.)
2. *MacArthur, John. The MacArthur New Testament Com-
mentary: Matthew. 4 vols. Moody, 1985-89. (Pre)
3. Kent, Homer A. “Matthew,” in Wycliffe Bible Commentary.
Moody, 1990. (Pre)
4. Barbieri, Louis. “Matthew,” in Bible Knowledge Commen-
tary, Vol. 2. Victor Books, 1985. (Pre)
5. Carson, Donald A. “Matthew,” in Expositor’s Bible Com-
mentary, Vol. 8. Zondervan, 1984. (Pre)

1. *Hiebert, Edmond D. The Gospel of Mark, An Expositional
Commentary. Bob Jones University Press, 1994. (Pre)
2. *Barbieri, Louis. Mark (Moody Gospel Commentary).
Moody, 1995. (Pre)
3. *Wuest, Kenneth. “Mark,” in Word Studies in the Greek
New Testament. Vol. 1. Eerdmans, 1973. (Pre)
4. Burdick, Donald. “Mark,” in Wycliffe Bible Commentary.
Moody, 1990. (Pre)
5. Hughes, Kent. Mark: Jesus, Servant and Savior. 2 volumes
(Preaching the Word Commentary). Crossway, 1989. (Pre)

1. *Martin, John. “Luke” in Bible Knowledge Commentary.
Victor, 1983. (Pre)
2. *Tenney, Merrill. “Luke” in Wycliffe Bible Commentary.
Moody, 1990. (Pre)

22 • Bible Study Tools For The Layman

3. *Benware, Paul. Luke (Everyman’s Bible Commentary).
Moody, 1985. (Pre)

1. *Tenney, Merrill. “John,” in Expositor’s Bible Commentary,
Vol. 9. Zondervan, 1979. (Pre)
2. *Morris, Leon. The Gospel According to John. Eerdmans,
1971. (A)
3. Carson, Donald. The Gospel According to John. Eerdmans,
1991. (Pre)
4. Kent, Homer. Light in the Darkness, Studies in the Gospel of
John. Baker, 1974. (Pre)
5. *Laney, Carl J. John (Moody Gospel Commentary).
Moody, 1992. (Pre)
6. Boice, James Montgomery. The Gospel of John: An Evan-
gelical Commentary 5 vols. Zondervan, 1975-79. (Pre)
7. Bruce, F. F. The Gospel of John. Eerdmans, 1983. (Pre)

1. *Toussaint, Stanley. “Acts,” in Bible Knowledge Commen-
tary, Vol. 2. Victor, 1983. (Pre)
2. *Harrison, Everett. Interpreting Acts: The Expanding
Church. Zondervan, 1986. (Pre)
3. Kent, Homer. Jerusalem to Rome, Studies in Acts. Baker,
1977. (Pre)
4. MacArthur, John. The MacArthur New Testament Commen-
tary: Acts 1-12. Moody, 1994. (Pre)
5. Longenecker, Richard. “Acts,” in Expositor’s Bible Com-
mentary. Zondervan, 1979. (Pre)
6. Stott, John. The Message of Acts: The Spirit, The Church and
the World (Bible Speaks Today series). IVP, 1990. (A)

Bible Study Tools For The Layman • 23

7. Ryrie, Charles. The Acts of the Apostles (Everyman’s Bible
Commentary). Moody, 1960. (Pre)

1. *McClain, Alva. Romans, The Gospel of God’s Grace.
Moody, 1973. (Pre)
2. *MacArthur, John. The MacArthur New Testament Com-
mentary: Romans. 2 vols. Moody, 1995. (Pre)
3. *Morris, Leon. The Epistle to the Romans. Eerdmans, 1988.
(non-dispensational view of chapters 9-11) (A)
4. *Murray, John. The Epistle to the Romans. Eerdmans, 1959.
(A) (see note on Morris.)
5. Hughes, Kent. Righteousness from Heaven (Preaching the
Word). Crossway, 1991. (Pre)
6. Johnson, Alan. The Freedom Letter (Romans). Moody, 1974.
7. Wuest, Kenneth. “Romans,” in Word Studies in the Greek
New Testament, Vol. 1. Eerdmans, 1973. (Pre)
8. Witmer, John. “Romans,” in Bible Knowledge Commentary,
Vol. 2. Victor, 1983. (Pre)

I Corinthians
1. *Johnson, Lewis, S. “First Corinthians,” in Wycliffe Bible
Commentary. Moody, 1990. (Pre)
2. *MacArthur, John. The MacArthur New Testament Com-
mentary: 1 Corinthians. Moody, 1984. (Pre)
3. Fee, Gordon. The First Epistle to the Corinthians (New
International Commentary on the New Testament).
Eerdmans, 1987. (Excellent work but takes a charismatic
view of chapters 12-14.) (Pre)
4. Morris, Leon. The First Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians, An
Introduction and Commentary (Tyndale NTC). Eerdmans,
1984. (A)
24 • Bible Study Tools For The Layman
II Corinthians
1. *Kent, Homer. A Heart Opened Wide: Studies in II Corin-
thians. Baker, 1982. (Pre)
2. Gromacki, Robert. Stand Firm in the Faith. An Exposition of
2 Corinthians. Baker, 1978. (Pre)
3. *Hughes, Philip. Commentary on the Second Epistle to the
Corinthians. (New International Commentary on the New
Testament). Eerdmans, 1962. (A)
4. Hodge, Charles. An Exposition of the Second Epistle to the
Corinthians. Eerdmans, 1962. (Post)

1. *Kent, Homer. The Freedom of God’s Sons: Studies in
Galatians. Baker, 1976. (Pre)
2. *MacArthur, John. The MacArthur New Testament Com-
mentary: Galatians. Moody, 1987. (Pre)
3. Campbell, Donald. “Galatians,” in Bible Knowledge Com-
mentary. Vol. 2. Victor, 1983. (Pre)
4. Gromacki, Robert. Stand Fast in Liberty: An Exposition of
Galatians. Baker, 1979. (Pre)
5. Bruce, F. F. The Epistle to the Galatians. Eerdmans, 1982.
6. Wuest, Kenneth S. “Galatians,” in Word Studies in the
Greek New Testament, Vol. 1. Eerdmans, 1972. (Pre)

1. *Hoehner, Harold. “Ephesians,” in Bible Knowledge Com-
mentary, Vol. 2. Victor, 1983. (Pre)
2. *MacArthur, John. The MacArthur New Testament Com-
mentary: Ephesians. Moody, 1986. (Pre)
3. Kent, Homer. Ephesians, The Glory of the Church. Moody,
1971. (Pre)

Bible Study Tools For The Layman • 25

4. Wuest, Kenneth S. “Ephesians,” in Word Studies in the
Greek New Testament, Vol. 1. Eerdmans, 1953. (Pre)
5. Martin, Alfred. “Ephesians,” in Wycliffe Bible Commentary.
Moody, 1990. (Pre)
6. Hughes, Kent. Ephesians: The Mystery of the Body of Christ
(Preaching the Word). Crossway, 1990. (Pre)

1. *Kent, Homer. “Philippians,” in Expositor’s Bible Commen-
tary. Vol. 11. Zondervan, 1978. (Pre)
2. Wuest, Kenneth S. “Philippians,” in Word Studies in the
Greek New Testament, Vol. 2. Eerdmans, 1942. (Pre)
3. Bruce, F. F. Philippians (New International Biblical Com-
mentary). Hendrickson, 1989. (Pre)
4. Gromacki, Robert. Stand United in Joy. Baker, 1980. (Pre)
5. Lightner, Robert P. “Philippians,” in Bible Knowledge
Commentary, Vol. 2. Victor, 1983. (Pre)

Colossians and Philemon

1. *MacArthur, John. The MacArthur New Testament Com-
mentary: Colossians and Philemon. Moody, 1992. (Pre)
2. *Kent, Homer. Treasures of Wisdom: Studies in Colossians &
Philemon. Baker, 1978. (Pre)
3. *Gromacki, Robert. Stand Perfect in Wisdom: An Exposition
of Colossians and Philemon. Baker, 1981. (Pre)
4. Hughes, Kent. Colossians and Philemon: The Supremacy of
Christ (Preaching the Word). Crossway, 1989. (Pre)
5. Wuest, Kenneth S. “Colossians,” in Word Studies in the
Greek New Testament, Vol. 1. Eerdmans, 1953. (Pre)
6. Hiebert, Edmond. Titus and Philemon (Everyman’s Bible
Commentary). Moody, 1957. (Pre)

26 • Bible Study Tools For The Layman

I and II Thessalonians
1. *Thomas, Robert. “The Thessalonian Epistles,” in
Expositor’s Bible Commentary. Zondervan, 1976-1992. (Pre)
2. *Hiebert, D. Edmond. The Thessalonian Epistles. Moody,
1971. (Pre)
3. *Constable, Thomas. “I and II Thessalonians,” in Bible
Knowledge Commentary. Vol. 2. Victor, 1985. (Pre)
4. Ryrie, Charles. First and Second Thessalonians (Everyman’s
Bible Commentary). Moody, 1959. (Pre)

I and II Timothy and Titus

1. *Kent, Homer. The Pastoral Epistles. Moody, 1982. (Pre)
2. *MacArthur, John. The MacArthur New Testament Com-
mentary: 1 Timothy. Moody, 1995. (Pre)
3. *MacArthur, John. The MacArthur New Testament Com-
mentary: 2 Timothy. Moody, 1995. (Pre)
4. Wuest, Kenneth. “The Pastoral Epistles,” in Word Studies
in the Greek New Testament. Vol. 2. Eerdmans, 1973. (Pre)
5. Getz, Gene. A Profile for a Christian Life-Style, A Study of
Titus. Zondervan, 1978. (Pre)
6. Hiebert, D. Edmond. (See Colossians and Philemon)

1. *Kent, Homer. The Epistle to the Hebrews: A Commentary.
Baker, 1972. (Pre)
2. *MacArthur, John. The MacArthur New Testament Com-
mentary: Hebrews. Moody, 1983. (Pre)
3. Hughes, Philip. A Commentary on the Epistle to the He-
brews. Eerdmans, 1977. (Pre)
4. Wuest, Kenneth. “Hebrews,” in Word Studies in the Greek
New Testament. Vol. 2. Eerdmans, 1973. (Pre)

Bible Study Tools For The Layman • 27

5. Bruce, F. F. The Epistle to the Hebrews (New International
Commentary on the New Testament). Eerdmans, 1990.
6. Morris, Leon. “Hebrews,” in Expositor’s Bible Commentary.
Vol. 2. Zondervan, 1979. (A)

1. *Hiebert, Edmond. James. Moody, 1992. (Pre)
2. *Burdick, Donald. “James,” in Expositor’s Bible Commen-
tary. Vol. 12. Zondervan, 1979. (Pre)
3. *Kent, Homer. Faith that Works, Studies in the Epistle of
James. Baker, 1986. (Pre)
4. Moo, Douglas. The Letter of James: An Introduction and
Commentary (Tyndale New Testament Commentary). IVP,
1985. (Pre)

I Peter
1. *Hiebert, Edmond. 1 Peter. Moody, 1992. (Pre)
2. *Grudem, Wayne. 1 Peter (Tyndale New Testament Com-
mentary). Eerdmans, 1988. (Pre)
3. Barbieri, Louis. First and Second Peter (Everyman’s Bible
Commentary). Moody, 1977. (Pre)
4. Blum, Edwin A. “I Peter,” in Expositor’s Bible Commentary,
Vol. 12. Zondervan, 1981. (Pre)
5. Wuest, Kenneth S. “First Peter,” in Word Studies in the
Greek New Testament. Vol. 2. Eerdmans, 1973. (Pre)

II Peter
1. *Hiebert, Edmond. Second Peter and Jude: An Expositional
Commentary. Unusual Publications, 1989. (Pre)
2. *Hoyt, Herman A. Studies in 2 Peter. BMH, 1983. (Pre)

28 • Bible Study Tools For The Layman

3. *Wuest, Kenneth. “In These Last Days: The Exegesis of
Second Peter,” in Word Studies in the Greek New Testament,
Vol. 2. Eerdmans, 1954. (Pre)
4. Blum, Edwin A. “2 Peter,” in Expositor’s Bible Commentary,
Vol. 12. Zondervan, 1981. (Pre)
5. Gangel, Kenneth. “2 Peter,” in Bible Knowledge Commen-
tary. Vol. 2. Victor, 1985. (Pre)
6. Barbieri, Louis. (See I Peter)

I, II, and III John

1. *Burdick, Donald. The Letters of John the Apostle, An In-
Depth Commentary. Moody, 1985. (Currently out of print.
Look for in libraries and book stores.) (Pre)
2. *Hiebert. Edmond. The Epistles of John: An Expositional
Commentary. Bob Jones, 1991. (Pre)
3. *Wuest, Kenneth S. “In These Last Days: The Exegesis of
First, Second, and Third John,” in Word Studies in the
Greek New Testament, Vol. 2. Eerdmans, 1954. (Pre)
4. Bruce, F. F. The Epistles of John. Eerdmans, 1970. (Pre)
5. Stott, John. The Epistles of John (Tyndale NTC). Eerdmans,
1988. (A)
6. Burdick, Donald. The Epistles of John (Everyman’s Bible
Commentary). Moody, 1970. (Pre)

1. *Hiebert, Edmond. Second Peter and Jude: An Expositional
Commentary. Unusual Publications, 1989. (Pre)
2. *MacArthur, John. Beware the Pretenders. Victor, 1980.
3. *Wuest, Kenneth, S. “In These Last Days: The Exegesis
of Jude,” in Word Studies in the Greek New Testament, Vol. 2.

Bible Study Tools For The Layman • 29

Eerdmans, 1954. (Pre)
4. Blum, Edwin. “Jude,” in Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Vol.
12. Zondervan, 1979. (Pre)

1. *Thomas, Robert. Revelation 1-7 and 8-22, An Exegetical
Commentary. 2 Vols. Moody, 1995. (Pre)
2. *Walvoord, John. The Revelation of Jesus Christ. Moody,
1966. (Pre)
3. Ryrie, Charles. Revelation. Moody, 1968. (Pre)
4. Morris, Henry. The Revelation Record. Creation-Life, 1983.

30 • Bible Study Tools For The Layman


Systematic Theologies
1. *Enns, Paul. The Moody Handbook of Theology. Moody,
1989. (Pre)
2. *Ryrie, Charles C. Basic Theology. Victor, 1986. (Pre)
3. Elwell, Walter A. ed. Evangelical Dictionary of Theology.
Baker, 1984. (Pre ?)
4. Chafer, Lewis Sperry. Systematic Theology. 8 vols. Dallas
Seminary, 1947. (Pre)
5. Fruchtenbaum, Arnold G. Israelology: The Missing Link in
Systematic Theology. Ariel Ministries Press, 1989. (Pre)

Biblical Theologies
1. *Zuck, Roy B., ed. A Biblical Theology of the Old Testament.
Moody, 1991.
2. *Zuck, Roy B., ed. A Biblical Theology of the New Testament.
Moody, 1994.
3. Kaiser, Walter C. Toward an Old Testament Theology.
Zondervan, 1978.

Bibliology (The Bible)

1. *Geisler, Norman L., and William E. Nix. A General
Introduction to the Bible. Moody, 1986. (Pre)
2. Geisler, Norman L., ed. Inerrancy. Zondervan, 1980. (Pre)
3. Underwood, Jonathan. A History of the English Bible. Stan-
dard Publishing, 1983. (?)
4. Bruce, F. F. The Canon of Scripture. IVP, 1988. (Pre)
5. Warfield, Benjamin B. The Inspiration and Authority of the
Bible. Presbyterian and Reformed, 1948. (A)

Bible Study Tools For The Layman • 31

Theology Proper (The Study of God)
1. *Charnock, Stephen. Discourse Upon the Existence and
Attributes of God. 2 vols. Reprint ed. Baker, 1979. (?)
2. Packer, J. I. Knowing God. IVP, 1973. (A)
3. MacArthur, John F., Jr. God: Coming Face to Face with His
Majesty. Victor, 1993. (Pre)
4. Packer, J. I. Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God. Inter-
Varsity Fellowship, 1961. (A)
5. Pink, Arthur W. The Attributes of God. Baker, 1975. (A)
6. Tozer, A.W. The Knowledge of the Holy. Harper and Row,
1961. (?)

Christology (Christ)
1. *Walvoord, John F. Jesus Christ Our Lord. Moody, 1969.
2. Borland, James A. Christ in the Old Testament. Moody,
1978. (Pre)
3. Zeller, George W, and Renald E. Showers. The Eternal
Sonship of Christ. Loizeaux, 1993. (Pre)
4. Sanders, Oswald J. The Incomparable Christ. Moody, 1971.

Pneumatology (Holy Spirit)

1. *Walvoord, John F. The Holy Spirit. 3rd ed. with appendix.
Zondervan, 1975. (Pre)
2. *Ryrie, Charles C. The Holy Spirit. Moody, 1965. (Pre)
3. Packer, J. I. Keep in Step With the Spirit. Revell, 1984. (A)
4. Pache, Rene. The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit. Moody,
1954. (Pre)
5. Unger, Merrill J. The Baptism and Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Moody, 1974. (Pre)

32 • Bible Study Tools For The Layman

Soteriology (Salvation)
1. *Morris, Leon. The Atonement. IVP, 1983. (A)
2. *MacArthur, John F., Jr. The Gospel According to Jesus.
revised and expanded. Zondervan, 1994. (Pre)
3. *MacArthur, John F., Jr. Faith Works. Word, 1993. (Pre)
4. *Boettner, Loraine. The Reformed Doctrine of Predestina-
tion. Presbyterian and Reformed, 1966. (Post) (Excellent
work but holds to limited atonement.)
5. Dieter, Melvin E., Anthony A. Hoekema, Stanley M.
Horton, J. Robertson McQuilkin, and John F. Walvoord.
Five Views on Sanctification. Zondervan, 1987. (Mix)
6. Morris, Leon. The Apostolic Preaching of the Cross.
Eerdmans, 1965. (A)
7. Smith, Charles R. Did Christ Die Only for the Elect? BMH,
1975. (Pre)

Ecclesiology (Church)
1. *Saucy, Robert L. The Church in God’s Program. Moody,
1972. (Pre)
2. *MacArthur, John F., Jr. The Master’s Plan For The Church.
Moody, 1991. (Pre)
3. *Getz, Gene A. Sharpening the Focus of the Church. Victor,
1984. (Pre)
4. *Strauch, Alexander. Biblical Eldership. revised and ex-
panded. Lewis and Roth, 1995. (Pre)
5. Strauch, Alexander. The New Testament Deacon. Lewis and
Roth, 1992. (Pre)
6. Pickering, Ernest. Biblical Separation: The Struggle for a
Pure Church. Regular Baptist Press, 1979. (?)
7. Laney, Carl J. Guide to Church Discipline. Bethany House,
1985. (Pre)

Bible Study Tools For The Layman • 33

8. Adams, Jay E. Handbook of Church Discipline. Zondervan,
1986. (A)

Eschatology (End times) / Dispensationalism

1. *McClain, Alva J. The Greatness of the Kingdom. Moody,
1959. (Pre)
2. *Ryrie, Charles, C. Dispensationalism. revised and ex-
panded. Moody, 1995. (Pre)
3. *Pentecost, Dwight J. Things to Come. Dunham, 1958.
4. *Ice, Thomas and Timothy Demy, eds. When the Trumpet
Sounds. Harvest House, 1995. (Pre)
5. Benware, Paul N. Understanding End Times Prophecy.
Moody, 1995. (Pre)
6. Willis, Wesley R., and John R. Master. eds. Issues in
Dispensationalism. Moody, 1994. (Pre)
7. Walvoord, John F. The Nations, Israel and the Church in
Prophecy. Zondervan, 1988. (Pre)
8. Hoyt, Herman A. The End Times. BMH, 1969. (Pre)
9. Showers, Renald E. There Really is a Difference: A Compari-
son of Covenant and Dispensational Theology. Friends of
Israel, 1990. (Pre)
10. Walvoord, John F. Major Bible Prophecies: 37 Crucial Proph-
ecies that Affect You Today. Zondervan, 1991. (Pre)
11. Walvoord, John F. The Prophecy Knowledge Handbook.
Victor, 1990. (Pre)
12. Walvoord, John F. The Rapture Question. revised and
enlarged. Zondervan, 1979. (Pre)
13. House, Wayne H. And Thomas Ice. Dominion Theology:
Blessing or Curse? Multnomah, 1988. (Pre)

34 • Bible Study Tools For The Layman

Charismatic Issues
1. *MacArthur, John F., Jr. Charismatic Chaos. Zondervan,
2. *Ice Thomas and Robert Dean Jr. Overrun by Demons.
Harvest House, 1990.
3. *Gromacki, Robert. The Modern Tongues Movement. Baker,
4. *Mayhue, Richard. The Healing Promise. Harvest House,
5. Smith, Charles R. Tongues in Biblical Perspective: A Sum-
mary of Biblical Conclusions Concerning Tongues. BMH, 1973.
6. Masters, Peter and John C. Whitcomb. The Charismatic
Phenomenon. The Wakeman Trust, 1989.
7. Masters, Peter. The Healing Epidemic. The Wakeman Trust,
8. Horton, Michael. ed. The Agony of Deceit. Moody, 1990.
9. Unger, Merrill F. Biblical Demonology. Scripture Press,
10. Davis, John J. Demons, Exorcism and the Evangelical. BMH,

1. *Bobgan, Martin and Deidre Bobgan. Psychoheresy.
EastGate Publishers, 1987.
2. *Bobgan, Martin and Deidre Bobgan. Prophets of
Psychoheresy I. EastGate Publishers, 1989.
3. *Bobgan, Martin and Deidre Bobgan. Prophets of
Psychoheresy II. EastGate Publishers, 1990.
4. *Owen, Jim. Christian Psychology’s War on God’s Word.
EastGate Publishers, 1993.

Bible Study Tools For The Layman • 35

5. Brownback, Paul. The Danger of Self Love. Moody, 1982.
6. Bobgan, Martin and Deidre Bobgan. Psychological Way/The
Spiritual Way. Bethany House, 1979.
7. Adams, Jay E. Biblical View of Self-Esteem, Self-Love, Self-
Image. Harvest House, 1986.
8. Ganz, Richard. PsychoBabble. Crossway, 1993.

Roman Catholicism / Cults

1. *Boettner, Loraine. Roman Catholicism. Presbyterian and
Reformed, 1962.
2. *McCarthy, James G. The Gospel According to Rome. Har-
vest House, 1995.
3. Hunt David. A Woman Rides the Beast. Harvest House,
4. Hislop, Alexander. The Two Babylons. Loizeaux, 1959.
5. *Martin, Walter. The Kingdom of the Cults. Bethany House,
6. Carlson, Ron and Ed Decker. Fast Facts on False Teachings.
Harvest House, 1994.
7. Ridenour, Fritz. So What’s the Difference? Regal Books,

Bible and Science

1. *Whitcomb, John C. And Henry M. Morris. The Genesis
Flood. Presbyterian and Reformed, 1961.
2. *Whitcomb, John C. The Early Earth. Baker, 1986.
3. *Whitcomb, John C. The World That Perished. Baker, 1988.
4. Morris, Henry M. Biblical Creationism. Baker, 1993.
5. Morris, Henry M. Science and the Bible. revised and ex-
panded. Moody, 1986.

36 • Bible Study Tools For The Layman

6. Huse, Scott M. The Collapse of Evolution. Baker, 1993.
7. Heeren, Fred. Show Me God. Searchlight, 1995.

Mens / Womens Roles

1. *Knight, George W., III. New Testament Teaching on the
Role Relationship of Men and Women. Baker, 1977.
2. *Piper, John and Wayne Grudem. eds. Recovering Biblical
Manhood and Womanhood. Crossway, 1991.
3. Ryrie, Charles C. The Role of Women in the Church. Moody,
4. MacArthur, John F., Jr. Different By Design. Victor, 1994.

Church History/ Historic Theology

1. *Estep, William R. The Anabaptist Story. Eerdmans, 1975.
2. *Schaff, Philip. History of the Christian Church. 8 vols.
reprinted. Eerdmans, 1972.
3. *Shelley, Bruce L. Church History in Plain Language. Word,
4. *Murray, Iain H. The Forgotten Spurgeon. Banner of Truth,
5. Marsden, George. Reforming Fundamentalism. Eerdmans,
6. Smith, M. A. The Church Under Siege. IVP, 1976.
7. Smith, M. A. From Christ to Constantine. IVP, 1971.
8. Ryken, Leland. Worldly Saints. Zondervan, 1986.
9. Foxe, John. Foxe’s Book of Martyrs. Whitaker, 1981.
10. Woodbridge, John D. ed. Great Leaders of the Christian
Church. Moody, 1988.

Bible Study Tools For The Layman • 37

Preaching / Teaching
1. *MacArthur, John F., Jr. Rediscovering Expository Preach-
ing. Word, 1992.
2. *Logan, Samuel T., Jr. ed. The Preacher and Preaching.
Presbyterian and Reformed, 1986.
3. Lloyd-Jones, Martyn D. Preaching and Preachers.
Zondervan, 1971.
4. Spurgeon, C.H. Lectures To My Students. The Old-Time
Gospel Hour, 1894.
5. Stott, John. The Preacher’s Portrait. Eerdmans, 1961.
6. Stott, John. Between Two Worlds. Eerdmans, 1982.
7. Carter, Tom. comp. Spurgeon At His Best. Baker, 1988.
8. Spurgeon, C.H. An All-Round Ministry. Banner of Truth,
9. Wiersbe, Warren W. Walking With The Giants. Baker, 1976.

1. *MacArthur, John F., Jr. Reckless Faith. Crossway, 1994.
2. *Adams, Jay E. A Call To Discernment. Harvest House,
3. *Wells, David F. No Place For Truth. Eerdmans, 1993.
4. MacArthur, John F., Jr. Ashamed of the Gospel. Crossway,
5. MacArthur, John F., Jr. Our Sufficiency in Christ. Word,

Personal Growth
1. MacArthur, John F., Jr. Keys to Spiritual Growth. Revell,

38 • Bible Study Tools For The Layman

2. MacArthur, John F., Jr. The Ultimate Priority. Moody, 1983.
3. Bridges, Jerry. The Pursuit of Holiness. Navpress, 1978.
4. Whitney, Donald S. Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian
Life. Navpress, 1991.
5. MacArthur, John F., Jr. The Vanishing Conscience. Word,
6. Murray, John. Principles of Conduct. Eerdmans, 1957.

Bible Study Tools For The Layman • 39

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