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Practical Grammar 1 Forms of the infinitive Active Voice [Passive Voice. Present Infinitive (to) make (to) be made Present Continuous Infinitive (to) be making = cal Perfect Infinitive (to) have made (o)have been made Perfect Continuous Infinitive (to) have been making » Forms of the infinitive corresponding to verb tenses Present Simple, Future Simple ~ Present Infinitive Present Continuous, Future Continuous — Present Continuous Infinitive ast Simple, Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Perfect — Perfect Infinitive Past Continuous, Present Perfect Continuous, Past Perfect Continuous, Future Perfect Continuous ~ Perfect Continuous Infinitive The verbs believe, expect, feel, hope, know, report, say, think etc. are used in the following passive patterns in personal and impersonal constructions. The police report that she is in France. > it+ passive verb + that-clause Ais reported that she is in France. > subject (person) + passive verb + to-infinitive ‘She is reported to be in France. 1 Turn the following sentences into the passive as in the example. 18) They think he is lying. 4) They expect he will pass his driving test. It is thought that he is lying. It He is thought to be lying. He b) They believe he got lost in the forest. g) People said they were wrongly accused. It... It. He. They sssoeee ©) People say she has been very il, h) They believe he is leaving soon. It. It — She .... — fe . He : 4) They said the president had been shot. i) They say his health is very poor. It. tess The president e His health ses €) They believe she was taking drugs. 4) They report that some papers have been stolen. It Peres It She Some papers ....... Passive Voice — impersonal and personal constructions ‘Turn the following into the passive as in the example. They think he is lying. Itis thought that he is lying. He is thought to be lying, I They say he is a millionaire. It He 2 They expect the plane will be landing soon Irn The plane 3 They believe he was working illegally. It... He. 4 They say he is feeling better. It He. 5 They thought she had been brave to do so. It She... 6 The police think he has escaped from prison. It He vessee 7 They expect he'll pass his exams. it, 8 People say they lied to the police. it They 9 The teachers say they miss too many lessons. It They o.oo 10 They know she was always late for work. It She . Causative Form Causative Form {have sth done) @ We use have + object + past participle to say that we arrange for someone to jo something f He asked Sally to type the letters. He had the letters typed. (He didn't do it himsell «Sally ¢ "Present Simple She makes dresses. s Present Continuous She Is making a dress. She is having a dress m Past Simple She made a dress. She had a dress made, Past Continuous She was making a dress. She was having a dress made Future Simple ‘She will make a dress. She will have a dress made Future Continuous ‘She will be making a dress. She will be having a dress made. Present Perfect ‘She has made a dress. She has had a dress mace. Present Perf. Cont. She has been making des: ‘She has been having dresses made, Past Perfect She had made a dress. — _ She had had a dress made. Past Perfect Cont. ‘She had been making dresses. She had been having dresses made, Infinitive She can make dresses. "She can have dresses made. n She likes making dresses, The verb to have, used in the causative, forms its negations and aeeemn ‘old oes a or di | (Past Simple). He doesn’t have his shirts ironed. Did he h ave ti the | 1 Complete the following sentences with the appropriate form of have. 8) The doctor examined Paul’s ankle, What did Paul do? He . examined. b) Someone delivers her groceries once a week. What does she do? She .. groceries delivered once a week, ©) A hairdresser has cut Pamela's hair. What has she done? Pamela cut. 4) Someone will repair our leaking roof, What will we do? We roof repaired. ©) Someone had serviced their car before they went on holiday. What had they done? ‘They - (have) their car serviced before they went on batiay £) Someone is designing some furniture for hin, What © he doing? He . some furniture designed. £) He was building their swimming pool. What were they doing? They swimming pool built. .» (have) his ankle . (have) her (have) her hair . (have) our leaking - (have) .- (have) their Rewrite each sentence without the words underlined, using a causative have construction, 3 ‘Make any other necessary changes a Some painters have painted the outside of our house We, have. had the. outside. of our house. painted bb Ahaindresser cut Matin’ hair yesterday, € Some plumbers are installing a new central heating system at our house tomorrow. 4 An optician is going to examine my eyes this afternoon, © Asurgeon altered Tom’s nose last year # The dry-cleaness cleaned my leather coat specialy | 9 Anatt specialist has valued our paintings | h Amechanic looked atthe car before Maria bought it. 1 Acarpenter replaced the windows in our house last year, JA dentist i going to take out two of Julia’ teth. Rewrite each sentence with a causative have construction, beginning as shown. Include the agent (the person who performed the action) if this is important. 2 Katie's car was stolen by one of her friends. Katie had her car stolen by one. of her friends 'b A photographer is going to take a photo of us We © Can you come quickly? Someone has broken into my house. ‘Can you come quickly? | 4 Tracey Emin, the well-known British artist, is going to paint Laura's portalt Laura © Awell-known architect designed their house, ‘They £ Allocal tailor makes all my suits 1 4g, Someone repalred Dave's bike ata shop in the High Street. Dave hy A surgeon is replacing my hip next week I i Someone broke one of To ‘Tony. J A local firm is going to redecorate Maria's flat Marla fingers while he was playing cricket. 4 Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use two to five words. a) They are going to clean our garden. have We are YoU sven ©) Has your leg been X-rayed? had Have cleaned. +) You should ask someone to water your plans while you're on holiday. watered ‘while you're on holiday. ° 4) Will you ask someone to deliver the compute? ‘computer will Sophie ©) He was mending the table for Sophie. was 2 -- mended, 1 ast weing ‘reception organised by caterers? have organized by caterers? ) My father likes people taking his photograph. having ‘My father likes hh) Would you like someone to do the shopping for you? to ‘Would you ... 4) Doa’t ask anyone to post the letters. have Don't. 4) Is the mechanic repairing her car now? ear Isshe taken, the shopping done for you? posted. now? do something, but their meaning is slightly different. She made John do the shopping. % “Soe should do the shopping.) She had John do the shopping. (She asked John fo do is So Je "0 Get. tan to! 1 Rephrase the following using have, get or make as in the example: She insisted that they go to the meeting. ...She made them go to the + mecting. We are going to ask the plumber to install a new shower. We persuaded Paul to lend us some money. . The teacher asked Sam to open the window. . The dentist insisted that George sit stil. Mrs Jones will ask the attendant to fetch her car. ‘The doctor persuaded her to go to hospital My brother insisted that I give him back his book She persuaded her friend to help her with the cleaning. 10 We'll ask the receptionist to give him his key. 11. He insisted on them keeping quiet. 12. My father persuaded me to help him wash his car... 13. Mr Smith insisted that Jane stay late at work, 14 ll ask Pam to turn down the ra 15 Sue persuaded the caretaker to fx the door. wovounens 2. Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use two to five words. 1 The hairdresser will have to cut your hair. have You'll ..have to have your hair... cut. 2 Alarge dog has attacked my cat. been My cat . ..a large dog. 3. Her mother insisted that she buy a new dress for the party. her Her mother anew dress for the party 4 Someone will steal your purse if you don't look after it. be Your purse eee if you don't look atter i. 5. Jane insisted that I have some more cake, made wane some more cake, 6 They are resurfacing our drive tomorrow. resurfaced We ... tomorrow. 7 Our furnace will need servicing soon. have We will need Seer soon. 8 Someone cleans my house every week, have 1 every week. 9. How did he persuade you to do it? get How 2 do it? 10. She got a friend to make her an evening dress. made She by a friend. 11. Their house had been burgled when I last saw them. had They .. 42. | asked my parents to pay for my fight home when | last saw them. had 1 .. for my flight home. 43 Hooligans attacked Barney outside the stadium. got Barney outside the stadium, 44 She doesn't like ironing so the cleaner does it for her. done She doesn't like ironing 80 by the cleaner. 45. He arranged for a friend to bring his books over rom England had He .. from England.

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