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MODAL VERBS Exercise 1. Match the items with the synonyms. 1. They can’t.. 2. My friends might ... 3, Susan can .. 4, Martin had to . 5. You must... 6.CanI... 7.We don't have to 8.I mustn't... 9. You ought to / should ... a). She is allowed to ... b). They aren't allowed to It's your responsibility to ... d). It's possible that they might .. 2). I's against the rules/law to ... 4. I's a good ides to... / IFT were you, 1... 9). It was necessary for Martin to .. hi. Is it allright if. i. It's not necessary .. Exercise 2. Find and correct the mistakes. 4. He don't has to go to school every day. 2. John must wrote his essay again! 3.We should exercising more. It's good for our health. 4, Have you to make your bed every morning? 5. Her brother can't walk when he was a chi 6. Ishe should sleep now? 7. Had he to work last Sunday? Exercise 3. Translate into English. 41. Ty powinienes ograniczyé slodycze. One sq bardzo niezdrowe. 2. Czy musisz rozmawia¢ tak glogno? 3, M6j brat moze wyjedzie zagranice do pracy. On nie jest pewien. 4, Wam nie wolno graé w pilke tutaj! To jest zabronione. 5. Czy moge z tobq porozmawiaé? Nie, nie mozesz. 6. My musilsmy robe zokupy wezora). 7. Czy on powinien graé w gry komputerowe tak czesto? 8. M6j ngjlepszy kolega nie musi sprzqtaé swojego Poko) codziennie. 9. Praykro mi ale nie moge sig 2 tobq spotkag daisios 10. Co powinienem kupié na jej urodziny? My musielismy chodzié do sky? 20 lat temnu! ‘2. Cay mozesz mi poméc 2 mojq pracq domowa z matematyki? Exercise 3, Read each problem and suggest some advice. Use modal Verbs. 4.1.am Betty. lam madly in love with my classmate Karl! I don't know what to do. I'm still thinking about him. Should [tell him or not? What can | do? 2. I'm Tom! My parents bought me a new Smartwatch, but yesterday I broke it because I was careless. I'm afraid to tell my parents about it! What can | do? Exercise 2. Rewrite the sentence so that it means the same. 1L1fs forbidden to use the gym after the lessons, NOT You the gym after the lessons. 2. It's possible I will go to the seaside this summer. MIGHT 1 to the seaside this summer a. Tadvise you to go to the dentist. 10 You... --. goto the dentist. 4.Ttisnit necessary to do the shopping today. NOT You the shopping today. 5. Is it Ok if 1 go to the playground now? CAN ..the playground now? Goon - Bette

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