Syarifah Zahwa Naskah Storytelling

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Greeting 6 religion, firstly first let me introduce my self, my name is syarifah zahwa you can call
me awa, I am a midwifery student of health polytechnic north Acehnese study program.

I made this video to tell you guys about my aunt`s story

Talking about my aunty she is really wonderfull women, she is beautifull, kind, independent and
also good women. She is a lecture in health university, so she always talking about health,and
she never expected that one day she become a leukemia`s patient. Because she always talking
about healthy she never expect will be a patient.

The story start whe my father and my mother bring me to her house,because they got information
about her sickness,when I come to her house I really excited because like I say before she is
really good women, when I come,soon.

“ hi aunty, how are you?, I really miss you,I hear you are sick,what is that?”

“hi darling, I miss you too,yeah im sick,you know.. leukemia?”

That time I was to young to know what is that leukemia, and I said

“no, what is that?”

“do you know cancer?”

“yeah,ofcourse, I know cancer, you got cancer?”

“cancer have 20 types,there is a lot of cancer type,like heart cancer,breast cancer,cervics

cancer,and others. One of that is blood cancer or the other people use to know as leukemia”

And I thing..

“so you got cancer”

She`s smile,and honestly I don’t really understand what is that leukemia,then I asking again

“so what is that leukemia?”

“ leukemia is the cancer of blood forming tissues that including bone marrow,you know?even
leukemia is one type of cancer,but leukemia have many types to,there is 3 type of leukemia,1.
Leukemia limfoblastic acute, 2. Leukemia mileoid acute, 3. Leukemia limfostic acute”

Oh no. I really excited about this topic and I ask again

“ I don’t really understand aunty,talk to me again!”

“leukemia is blood cancer that manifesting to hemoglobin.leukosit,and trombosit,leukemia is

cancer that consequens by body….”

“why by body?”

And my aunty talk again

“cause body that to much produce the white bloodcells,until this white bloodcells growth
uncontrolled and become ubnormally”

“okey I got it,so cancer coming because you get old?”

My aunty laugh and said

“nooo, this cancer affect to many type of human,like children,teenagers and adult,maybe you are

She scared me, and honestly I really scared that time, and soon I asking my aunty

“ so what is causes of this cancer?”

“the causes of this cancer is abnormalities in blood”

So I thing ,the people who have the abnormally blood only can get leukemia

“NO” my auty said

“there is many factor that expected can increase the risk of exposing leukemia”


And my aunty start explain to me

“1. Having a family that ever or in suffering leukemia,like me, maybe you are next,2. Having
genetic abnormally,like down syndrome maybe,3.ofc having an abnormally blood and the last
one” she start talking slowly

“the last one is really normalize in our country”

“what is that?”

We know smoking really normalize in our country.

“why smoking can be the reason of leukemia?’

“you know, I know, everyone know that smoking is really dangerous,ciggerets is really
dangerous,because the main ingridients of ciggerets id tobacco,and we use to know that tobacco
killing half smoker in evry single day”

“but what is continued about smoking and leukemia?”

“in the ciggerest there is 100 coumpond can triggering the cancer, because in ciggerets there is
have carsinogen and mutagen or the oher name from this coumpond is cancer promotor, okey
you got it?”

We can take from research said the smoker getting higher risk to exposing leukemia or the other
cancer more than the other people that not a smoker.and also from research in 2020 there is
14.000 case of leukemia and 11.000 death case of leukemia and 3000 of that is taken by
teenagers around 17-19 years old.

So it proof. Its proof wht my aunty said right? That is continued about leukemia,smoker and
teenagers.because a lot of teenagers is smoking and the ciggerest is the reason of leukemia.and I
remember one time my ainty said

“you guys don’t need to thing what will happen to this leukemia patient,but you guys need to
thing how to stop this leukemia to your next generation”

And you know? What is the key of this problem?


because when we keep our teenagers, we keep our generation.

Thankyou for your attention, assalamualaiku,shalom,omswastiastu,BYE.

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