August 16 Itwr Asynchronous Activity

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APRIL 16,2024


Mahayana Buddhism

Mahayana Buddhism had a more obvious religious following – believers have temples and
rituals, symbolisms and images of the Buddha. Like Theravada, Mahayana also faded in India,
however it was strongly adopted in Tibet, China, Vietnam, Korea, and Japan. A key element of
Mahayana is the concept of religious leaders known as bodhisattvas, who have achieved
enlightenment but remain on earth to show the way to others.

It offers the possibility of becoming a buddha to everyone and exalts the Buddha from a
compassionate teacher to a spiritual leader. Such “buddha realms” or “pure lands” may be
taken literally or metaphorically to represent certain states of being. Devotion to your teacher is
also a key feature of Mahayana traditions. Here, your teacher is seen as the living
embodiment to Buddha.

Mahayana Buddhism emerged as a reaction to early Buddhist orthodoxies although its term did not
appear until the sixth century. Mahayana originated in Northern India and then east and north to Tibet,
Mongolia, China, and Japan. Mahayana deviates philosophically with Theravada and claims to be based
on texts attributable to the Buddha that are not in the Pali Canon and were not discovered until centuries
after the death of the Buddha.

Mahayana Buddhists, however, venerate several Buddhas, including Mattreya and Anitabha, who are
seen as beings of great wisdom and power who preside over pure lands that one can travel to after

Buddhist gods (The Eight Dharmapala)

1. Yama, the god of death.
2. Mahakala, the Great Black One.
3. Yamantaka, the conqueror of death.
4. Vaisravana or Kubera, the god of wealth.
5. Hayagriva, the Horse-necked one.
6. Palden Lhamo, female protectness of Tibet.
7. White Brahma or Tshangs pa
8. Begtse, a war god from Mongolia.

In Buddhism, Sutras, also known as Suttas, are canonical scriptures, many of which are regarded as
records of the oral teachings of Gautama Buddha. They are not aphoristic, but are quite detailed,
sometimes with repetition. This may reflect a philological root of sujta (well-spoken), rather than sutra

Bodhisattva are the vows to reach enlightenment for the benefit of all sentient beings. It is a
commitment toward awakening with an added dimension predicated on the idea of rebirth. In order to
achieve this goal, bodhisattva must go through paramitas or perfections: generosity, morality, patience,
vigor, meditation, wisdom, skillful means, conviction, strength, and knowledge.

Shunyata refers to emptiness or void, the emptiness of self (anatman, anatta)- emptiness is form and
form is emptiness.

Four Great Vows
1. Sentient beings are numberless: I vow to save them.
2. Desires are inexhaustible: I vow to put an end to them.
3. The dharmas are boundless: I vow to master them.
4. The Buddha Way is unattainable: I vow to attain it.

Three Bodies (Trikayas)

1. Nirmanakaya (emanation body) is the historical Buddha as he embodied the truth of the
Dharma in a perfected form. The Buddha and the Dharma are one and the same -
2. Sambhogakaya (bliss body) is the idealized form of the Buddha. The body wherein not
limited to its physical form and, in traditional thought, would occupy different realms or
represent different states of consciousness. This body is experienced through intensive
3. Dharmakaya (truth body) is synonymous with ultimate truth and is seen as being totally
transcendent and unchanging.” It refers to the approximation the human mind can
sometimes make with reality. This body is enlightenment.

Zen Buddhism (The Core of Meditation). Its origins can be traced back to China Bodhidharma went there
in the 6th Century A.D. Zen Buddhism is called in different names: Chan (China), Son (Korea), and Zen
(Japan) all which means “meditation.” The forebearer of Zen Buddhism was one of Buddha’s disciple –
Kashyapa (Mahakashyapa) who alone understood Buddha’s teaching when he held up a flower and

The core practice of Zen is meditation and its teachers are notorious for irreverent, unpredictable, and
unorthodox methods of teaching. It has a large influence in Taiwan, Korea, Vietnam, Japan and parts of

Four Principles of Zen Buddhism

1. Transmission outside the orthodox Buddhist teachers through its lineages
2. A belief that truth is not dependent upon established doctrine and a belief in the value of
experience over the value of scripture
3. A direct point to the mind
4. An emphasis on examining one’s original nature and the attainment of enlightenment

Eight Gates of Zen

1. Zazen the formal seated practice of meditation and the cornerstone of Zen training.
2. Zen Study. Zen is an ancestral lineage and the Zen teacher is “indispensable in helping to
navigate the difficulties along the way, directly pointing to your inherent perfection.”
3. Liturgy an outward manifestation of what is known intuitively and involves bowing and
chanting as expressions of the truths that are cultivated in practice.
4. Art Practice. “Creativity and spirituality share a common source.” Art, both traditional
and contemporary, can help the practitioner, as with liturgy, to express the truths
experienced in Zen practice.
5. Body Practice. Exploring the physical body as a “vehicle for self-realization.” These
practices range from Tai Chi to eating meals.
6. Buddhist Studies. “Academic study of Buddhist texts and commentaries is an essential
part of establishing sound religious practice.”
7. Work Practice. Every dimension of life can be “transformed into a sacred activity.” Work
practice becomes an opportunity to broaden spiritual practice.
8. Right Action is the study and practice of the Buddhist Precepts, “the moral and ethical
teachings of the Buddha. Engaging the precepts teaches you to embody compassion as
the selfless activity of the awakened mind.”

Vajrayana Buddhism (Tantric Buddhism) is also referred to as “Diamond Vehicle”, “Completion Vehicle”,
“Thunderbolt Vehicle”, and the “Indestructible Path.” Its founder is a Buddhist monk - Padmasambhava,
who arrived in Tibet from India.

Vajrayana teachings is believed to have a direct link to the Buddha and it has the purest form of
Buddhism. It is believed that the Buddha practiced this mysterious tradition, but because of its advanced
and special nature it didn’t evolve into common practice. Its teachings can be found in the tantras -
special texts in which the Vajrayana Buddhists believes to be taught by the Buddha.

-Vajrayana Buddhism (Tantric Buddhism) is also referred to as “Diamond Vehicle”, “Completion Vehicle”,
“Thunderbolt Vehicle”, and the “Indestructible Path”.

-Padmasambhava, a Buddhist monk, who came from India and arrived in Tibet, founded Vajrayana

-Vajrayan teachings is believed to have a direct link to the Buddha and it has the purest form of

Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer.
1. In which of the following nations did Mahayana originate?
A. Thailand B. Sri Lanka C. Mongolia D. Russia
2. Which of the following countries was not influenced by Mahayana Buddhism?
A. China B. Japan C. Northern India D. Sri Lanka
3. Which of the following statement is true?
A. Like Theravada, Mahayana also faded in India.
B. Theravada and Mahayana grows in Russia.
C. Theravada and Mahayana does not fade in India.
D. Theravada and Mahayana decreases in Taiwan
4. Which of the following is considered as a key element of Mahayana?
A. Monks B. Bodhisattvas C. Imam D. Rajah
5. Which one of the following does not adopt Mahayana as religion?
A. Taiwan B. Tibet C. Vietnam D. Korea
6. Which statement is true?
A. Bodhisattvas achieved enlightenment.
B. Bodhisattvas remain unfaithful.
C. Bodhisattvas remain in heaven.
D. Bodhisattvas achieved crown of life.
7. Which statement is true?
A. Mahayana originated in Southern India.
B. Mahayana emerged as social activist.
C. Mahayana emerged as social democrat.
D. Mahayana originated in Northern India.
8. Which statement is false?
A. Desires are worthless
B. The Buddha way is unattainable
C. Sentient beings are numberless
D. The dharmas are boundless
9. Which statement is false?
A. Truth body is synonyms with ultimate truth.
B. Bliss body is the idealized form of the Buddha.
C. Healthy body is ideal for sacrifice.
D. Emanation body is the historical Buddha.
10. Which of the following is the core practice of Zen?
A. Yoga B. Taekwondo C. Belly dancing D. Meditation
11. The following are influenced by Zen practices except:
A. Mongolia B. Taiwan C. Vietnam D. Japan
12. The following are Principles of Zen Buddhism except:
A. A direct point to the mind.
B. A direct contact to the soul.
C. A belief that truth is not dependent.
D. An emphasis on examining one’s original nature.
13. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
A. Diamond vehicle C. Thunderbolt vehicle
B. Completion vehicle D. Golden vehicle
14. Which of the following invaded Tibet in 1949?
A. Japanese invasion C. Communists china
B. Mongolian warrior D. Roman empire
15. The following are Buddhist gods except one.
A. Yama B. Mahalata C. Mahakala D.Yamantaka
16. It is regarded as a philosophical system than a religion.
A. Taoism B. Buddhism C. Confucianism D. Zhintoism
17. It is coined as “The awakened one”.
A. Savior B. Prince C. Mahakala D. Buddha
18. Which one does not belong to Buddhist gods?
A. Yama B. Yamantika C. Mahakala D. Yamantaka
19. Which one of the following tells about god from Mongolia?
A. Begtse B. Bugsha C. Shavat D. Shawa
20. Which one of the following tells about god of wealth?
A. Kusera B. Anatolla C. Anatella D. Kubera
21. Which year, Dalai Lama, Tibet’s political and spiritual leader fled to India?
A. 1960 B. 1959 C. 1969 D. 1945
22. Which country where the term Buddhism was coined Zen monk and teacher Thich Nhat Hanh?
A. Laos B. Thailand C. Vietnam D. China
23. Which of the following means paramitas?
A. Perfections B. Complete C. Wholesome D. Perseverance
24. Bodhisattva must go through to achieve his goal. Which of the following does not belong to the
A. Wisdom B. Strength C. Patience D. Kindness
25. Zen practice largely influence in the following countries, which one does not belong to the
A. Japan B. Vietnam C. Indonesia D. Taiwan
26. In Eight Gates of Zen, a teacher of Zen is considered as, which of the following?
A. Indispensable B. Disciple C. Social advocate D. Priest
27. Which statement is true?
A. Art practice is a way of life.
B. Art practice means creativity and spiritually share a common source.
C. Art practice makes perfect.
D. Art practice for better tomorrow.
28. Which statement is true?
A. Body practice is for long life.
B. Body practice to have strong bones.
C. Body practice means a vehicle for self-realization.
D. Body practice means to earn more energy and spirituality.

29. Which statement is false?
A. Buddha promotes from a compassionate teacher to a spiritual leader.
B. A religious leader in Buddhism was called Bodhisattvas.
C. Buddha reals or pure lands may be taken literally or metamorphically to represent
certain states of being.
D. Buddha promotes public figures as part of civic development and progress.
30. Which statement is false?
A. Parts of America practices Zen
B. Parts of Korea practices Zen
C. Taiwan practices Zen
D. Turkey practices Zem

Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer.
1. In which of the following nations did Mahayana originate?
A. Thailand B. Sri Lanka C. Mongolia D. Russia

2. Which of the following countries was not influenced by Mahayana

A. China B. Japan C. Northern India D. Sri Lanka

3. Which of the following statement is true?

A. Like Theravada, Mahayana also faded in India.
B. Theravada and Mahayana grows in Russia.
C. Theravada and Mahayana does not fade in India.
D. Theravada and Mahayana decreases in Taiwan.

4. Which of the following is considered as a key element of Mahayana?

A. Monks B. Bodhisattvas C. Imam D. Rajah

5. Which one of the following does not adopt Mahayana as religion?

A. Taiwan B. Tibet C. Vietnam D. Korea

6. Which statement is true?

A. Bodhisattvas achieved enlightenment.
B. Bodhisattvas remain unfaithful.
C. Bodhisattvas remain in heaven.
D. Bodhisattvas achieved crown of life.

7. Which statement is true?
A. Mahayana originated in Southern India.
B. Mahayana emerged as social activist.
C. Mahayana emerged as social democrat.
D. Mahayana originated in Northern India.

8. Which statement is false?

A. Desires are worthless
B. The Buddha way is unattainable
C. Sentient beings are numberless
D. The dharmas are boundless

9. Which statement is false?

A. Truth body is synonyms with ultimate truth.
B. Bliss body is the idealized form of the Buddha.
C. Healthy body is ideal for sacrifice.
D. Emanation body is the historical Buddha.

10. Which of the following is the core practice of Zen?

A. Yoga B. Taekwondo C. Belly dancing D. Meditation

11. The following are influenced by Zen practices except:

A. Mongolia B. Taiwan C. Vietnam D. Japan

12. The following are Principles of Zen Buddhism except:

A. A direct point to the mind.
B. A direct contact to the soul.
C. A belief that truth is not dependent.
D. An emphasis on examining one’s original nature.

13. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

A. Diamond vehicle C. Thunderbolt vehicle
B. Completion vehicle D. Golden vehicle

14. Which of the following invaded Tibet in 1949?

A. Japanese invasion C. Communists china
B. Mongolian warrior D. Roman empire

15. The following are Buddhist gods except one.

A. Yama B. Mahalata C. Mahakala D. Yamantaka


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