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(Commonwealth of Pamsyivania [DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION —[ 353 Market St, Harisburg, PA 171260353 ] Pennsylvania Statewide Evaluation Form for Student Professional Knowledge and Practice Freels Emma Student/Candidate’s Last Name Fist Middle Math Subjects) Taught Grade Level ‘This form is to serve as a permanent record of a student teacher/candidate’s professional performance evaluation during a specific time period, based on specific criteria. This form must be used at least twice during the 12-week (minimum) student teaching experience. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Directions: Examine all sources of evidence provided by the student teacher/eandidate and bear in mind the aspects of teaching for ‘each of the four categories used in this form. Check the appropriate aspects of student teaching, and indicate the sources of evidence used to determine the evaluation of the results in cach category. Assign an evaluation for each of the four categories and then assign ‘an overall evaluation of performance. Sign the form and gain the signature of the student teacher. ‘Category I: Planning and Preparation — Student teacher‘candidate demonstrates thorough knowledge of content and pedagogical sis in planning ‘and preparation, Student teacher makes plans and sts goals based on the content tobe taughtlearned, their knowledge of assigned students and hier Instructional context Alignment: 384.38, (D(A) (B), (©), (G0, ‘Student Teacher/Cendiate’s performance appropriately demonstrates Knowledge of content Knowledge of pedagogy Knowledge of Pennsylvania's K-12 Academic Standards Knowledge of students and how to use this knowledge to impart instruction Use of resources, materials, or technology available through the school or district ‘Instructional goals that show a recognizable sequence with adaptations for individual student needs Assessments of student learning aligned tothe instructional goal and adapted as required for student needs + Use of educational psychological principles/heories in the construction of lesson plans and seting instructional goals ‘Sources of Evidence (Chesk all tat apply and include dates, iypesiles and number) Lesson’ Unit Plans. Student Teacher Interviews Resoutes/Material Technology Classroom Observations Assessment Materials Resource Documents Information About Studens TEP’) O otter ame Ta Teper Fai Tieng Poa sion Oa Tisch Conte | Techs caatpeat™—| Tinie cine aa] Ticoinc seh ors al er ‘routed denen inicos | afar casas | mopar eral Seciaincasot_| Spat ‘seats, | Sto a os pts ai cate) Vv] [3] Oo O “ustifcation for Evaluation Ms. Freels is knowledgeable of her content area and uses the technology/resources available to provide instruction. Standards and goals are included in the Lesson Plans, She uses pedagogy appropriate for her lessons and the grade levels of her students. Her assessments are aligned to the. goals and standards. PDE430 1 [Commonwealth of Pennsylvania [DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION | 333 Market St, Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333 ] Freels Emma Seadent/Candidate’s Last Name Fist ‘Middle Social Security Number Category Ilz Classroom Environment — Stndent teachericandidate establishes and maintains a purposeful and equitable environment for learning, in ‘which students fel sae, valued, and respected, by instituting routines and setting clear expectations for student behavior. ‘Alignment: 38433. (1D(E) (8) ‘Student Teacher/Candidaies performance appropriately demonstrates [Expectations for student achievement with value placed on the quality of student work ‘Attention to equitable learning opportunities for students ‘Appropriate interactions between teacher and students and among students Effective classroom routines and procedures resulting in Title or no loss of instructional time ‘Clear standards of conduct and effective management of student behavior ‘Appropriate attention piven to safety in the classroom tothe extent that its under the control of the student teacher Ability to establish and maintain rapport with students ‘Sources of Evidence (Check all Wat apply and include dates, typesttles, and number) som Obeeiaions Vinal Teology Informal Observations/Visits [B_ Resources/Materials/Technology/Space Oy Bie reshoutanate Interviews O_ other my SGT eT a a [Tea a ea a ——— cna | Teer Bee eg | pe oe a Fe semveres, | | semen a_i —- cat lv] Oo oO O “Fasification for Evalwation? Classroom procedures and routines are implemented with fidelity according to school policies and communicated cleaty to students. All teaching resources are evident the material, the technology, and student worksheets. Ms, Freels interacts frequently with the students asking questions and checking on progress. She has established a caring rapport with her students and a supportive environment. PDE430 2. [Commonwealth of Pennsylvania [DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION | 333 Market St., Harrisburg, PA_17126-0333 | Freels Emma Student/Candidate’s Last Name Fist Middle ‘Social Security Number ‘Category III — Instructional Delivery ~ Student tacher/ndldate, through knowledge of content pedagogy and skill in delivering instruction, engages students in learning by sing a variety of instructional strategies. ‘Alignment: 35433. (HOD){.G) ‘Student Teachereandidae's pevTormance appropriately demonsiraes Use of knowledge of content snd pedagogical theory through histher instructional delivery Instructional goals reflecting Pennsylvania K-12 standards ‘Communication of procedures and clear explanations of content Use of instructional goals that show a recognizable sequence, clear student expectations, and adaptations for individual student needs Use of questioning and discussion strategies tht encourage many students to participate [Engagement of students in learning and adequate pacing of instruction Feedback to students on their leaning Use of informal and formal asessments to meet laring gous and to monitor student learning Flexibility and responsiveness in mesting the leaming needs of students Integration of disciplines within the educational curriculum ‘Sources of Evidence (Check al that apply and include dates, typesfitles, or number) Classroom Observations (Student Assignment Sheets EF intomat Otserstns Visi Ey Stale Work Assesment Mana Inconel ResouceaMatealTechology Sinden Teaches eviews otter a apy Sra [sa FF sa Tat a 0 Cag Ten | Te ath | rin a | Toe mince Teseiaatcanaoun | monesbiowmmras” | porate le Tec camet | Space Sais | Sener io am a ay [1 O Titstin for Eva Goals and expectations are communicated to students at the beginning of each lesson. Ms. Freels checks frequently for understanding and provides assistance when needed. Students are given feedback on their responses. Informal assessment is visible with a "thumbs up" strategy while checking for prior knowledge. She guides students through the lessons and models frequently for understanding. Math-related tasks are integrated with reading and writing. Lessons flow smoothly with few interruptions in the leaning process. PDE430 3 ((Commaonsath of Pennsyivania [DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 333 Market Si, Harisburg, PA 17136-0555 ] Freels Emma Srudent/Candidate’s Last Name Fit Middle Social Security Number ‘Category IV ~ Professional beyond the clasroom/ulding, Alignment: 35433. 10D.) Student Teacher'Candidate's performance appropratly demonstrates sm ~ Student eachercandidate demonstrates qualities that characterize a professional person in aspects that occur in and Knowledge of school and dist procedures and regulations related to attendance, punctuality and the like Knowledge of school or district sequrements for maintaining accurate records and communicating with Knowledge of schoo! and/or district events Knowledge of district or college's profesional growth and development opportunities Integrity and ethical behavior, professional conduct es stated in Pennsylvania Cade of Professional Practise and Conduct for “Edusatrs; and lcel, state, and federal, laws and regulations + Effective communication, both oral and written with students, colleagues, praprofessionals, elated service personnel, and, administrators + Ability to cultivate professional relationships with school colleagues + Knowledge of Commonwealth requirements for continuing professional development and licensure Sources of Evidence (Check all hat apply and include dates, typestites, or number) penal inde Ty "Suen Aasgnent Shoots Informal Observations! Visits (1 Student Work ecoment Mori Fy src! ResoureevMatealTechnaogy Soden Teter evs ‘writen Documentation 1 otter Say aang ae [Seo me | ei Tang —| ean | Toor ala Reema Teel i ee haan | Seeaemaee | nemmartar eet See oo cece ere | emer ore = a a ; a Vv oO a Taian or Evaluation Ms. Freels is familiar with most school policies and procedures as well as requirements for PA licensing. She has established a positive working relationship with her mentor and other colleagues. She demonstrates professional behavior at all times. PDE-430 4 (Commonwealth of Pensylvania DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION [335 Market St, Tanisburg, PA 17126-0333 ] Overall Rating Ca Po Superior Saco asatacory (Otinimumet 12 ons) | __Qtnimum Poss) __| —_(inimum of Points) {Ooi tera Tr Wang | The canis constseny | Thocandate aly nd Tics omens od] Th anit rior ever tn hry Trost damonsene dear | eden demrsimes | inappropriate raped ‘Emons non of | of peromance inden ofperermance, demonstrates cas of petomanes. pesoman Taig ata) Vv [I Note: This assessinent instrument must be used a minimum of two times. A satisfactory rating (1) in each of the 4 categories, ‘resulting in a minimum total of at least (4) points, must be achieved on the final summative rating to favorably complete this assessment. Tustification for Overall Rating Ms. Freels has met the challenges of working with students at varied ability levels and adjusts the math instruction as needed. She consistently prepares lessons with the students’ needs in mind, has established a positive working relationship with her students and mentor teacher, and continually monitors the students’ understanding through formative and summative assessments. She is patient with students and provides assistance wherever needed. Students are aware of learning expectations and are provided multiple opportunities to demonstrate learning. She is aware of most professional development requirements and licensing for teachers in Pennsylvania. Freels Emma Student Teacher/Candidaie’s LastName Fist Middle Social Security Number Distriet/IU: Hanover Area School: Memorial Elem. Interview/Conference Date: 3/2/2024 ‘School Year: 2023-24 ‘Term: Seng ‘Required Signatures . supervisorévatator: LY yi, Yjtlonng Dae: F [2 [2004 Student/Teacher Candidate: Mf. Fed re (Confidential Document) PDE-S30 5

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