Universal Turing Machine Updated

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'J`^nt'Ve:rysoJ Tut;Vt8 {Y)Gc,h;vie

• Il'€ a lmoc}o) of 5enerfcJ Purpose cor\niprled.

• a Tin Cqm execure a+ie algorr:tim ornld, u.he/*a6 CL

a,owtpule7 aqy) etlLecu+a Qmj bcojTam.

Eoi``ie;Y e\ecdrom`.c Covnpuhe+i Were uQLtj c}i.#;cul+ ho yaprro8"MP.

I+ tAa& used .rn a bethei roqct U)hen PeoF)e ghethat

loQcl.ing ci bTo3+qm Gas a Pa7r a+ '`vitur,

•The idea o£ `±+oyea FTojyqun compurei" ac+qau c)rri`8imchd

f rm TUT``Tha

loopg +} T Io8H cM Z
Halts {± T qccapts Z

j e'Cz)

lm par sft.I via ho T

CVcLfh '`± T CTasheB avi I

Encoa:m6 tutlch.an llev

sl4)= a

s|ha) = o s(let)= oo
I;Cqo I Oj'+2 ( Fat eqch C]j G Q! ohe,tTe a SQ'
i e. CEL` con fa;nni' all boJis;t>le
S+Qt.e£ `'v\ €r\/e.a Tut`lry7G ¢Y)qch`.tteJ
i;CL)= 00
slR)= COO

E'ach yv`ov¢ th o| a " ,aesci;baa bd the feTtwu)a

SCP,a)= CC}j b,I)J if em€oded b]J.loeJJz;ioa
a/wh` = j=/b) 1S fa) 1 S(q) 1 i;Cb)1 a(J>) 1

Auj Tin T co`ith im`,iial j3tcLe i, is emcoaed ate ..

€cT)= £cS) 1 ec"i) 1 ec"Li) 1... ectwk:)1
OhiTe matrm2) ... Th`< C2te di.|timc+ "ove8 o€ T, QIYqm84+
{n foyyie onb``+yqua ortc]ey,

A»] 8tt`ino Z= ?iz2~/Zi<, where each .Z; C~ a, is e;"coc}ed a*

ecz) a asczi)1 s czzLas . . . s czk) 1

Encoa`ma rfuvich.on -£ cMe-to ~o,me Thqbp.iTha j {.a , £y eve¥*

Tut^|" tvtqch`jne.) Thevo oTe Thul+b`e I:'hf`lm# C'in ih. emcoJedcfa`try)a

HOLAavgiv, a Lsh`Ivij oJ Wqwd OJJ ary7J 1'£ CQm be €ncacD;wj c)G Qr

whocL~ 1 Try` ,

Exawltle ; C®ry`£:de+ the J®`loco;vl6 Trv7

blbiQ. b/b, L

(The " TeplaceJ IJe€+"atst

` . '`` ``` '

th± afg:gr Ytutrybcrfc .M The Jbllouo;Mj mq"ery:

1cmd 2,
Qib ate 8ivetl murmbe¢z
±' 2' 3-
qo'P,Y „
j.|a) I 00 J£(b)= 000
J;Go) = c,00 LscbD= 0000 i:trj=cF

The<e ate 6 movaa .iyi ourf TM, £ThcSdal C14 :


ee a/b'L
L`b' R, m2-

c)21 1 try3

oulolglo 4021 1

ca blt, i
OflcF± o31

OS 1 a 1 ol01
olJ i
all GF
`Jv`pur +a Ttyi coms;£h Of a cdri"a Of Jbe €oyw ecoecz),

tohe;rfe T .is ci lm cnd Z .rs a Str}+7& overt T's :"Pul-

cl I I hcL bJ,

Cormftrq cti'ch cid TH

Tt coty7Le;inf g +a+e2 w`ith jt>lloco`imj ugJeS :

Tab` I Tm¢ul'o`nd Ou+Fur tcLpe. HIS I.ryi; +'oJ Co"teir i €(T){(zj.

Tctbe I Woqrt`im5 +c+c Jut.im£ LS.`vw|q+'crf) dr T

TQpe- E Etrcoc}aa tfo" Q± £iulL T `is ourfndla i"

•In``tical`.2Q`b.can €teps

• To mowL The d3{iry7j ecz) ±crm Tha+e I fo TaFeE

• To cola be en*cedal frovrm Of Tl< :vi`,Jar aha+a JTow
bea;mn`ima of Tats I to TabeH ond c)ale+a ;+ Sy~
lcLbc I CThgiv :i ro hoTtry `in deled;ty5 Tm``J J}*:m&).

£i"L4`c,h'on giv+J± moco, The +huge +cLfe heads ore QW im S|`cutJ.

Netryn„ o5 T ^P ctde;*tw.iMeJ t>d T'j i:the (€meodcd o"Tha+elfJ

and cuTT€tir s3unbel on T'£ try¢, t^hDJe et)cod;ngf tshatts ;try

a+^ive;mr t>o£;ir`on on Tcibe I . Fr oTc]e< ho i:`itrulQr€ th`i£ Thov€,

Tu twusr secirroh Tape I " The €-+uple tJh@+e EBr +"

die,, ``vi put ®try I;,tt¢ti`an .
PQ7ts rna+cJi thl£

a C)nco the Tuple .p rfeumd, The la4r 3 tper+ +eH Tu hoW

ho s`twuledle, +ie vvtove.


LSuphoj¢ be,foye the Seatc~h9 `Tul£ 5 +tryed look I;ke+his;

Tciba I € A Coo 101 OooO 1 01000110q± o2.1 orlc34oofl

= =J_ = ...

T6pe I .. A Old 01 9 C) 1 o o o 1 zi .. .

TQpeH: A _OOOOA .. .

The cOTv44poviJ;no tape 0£ T is A acibA ...

( Se.e'Ing the coMre;ant Of rtrbe~IT, "Tue tthow

+thalr |iie twov€ `'£ 8|bic}J=|ui b,L)
i ob€e,tveJ fran ifro I

Fiv`U rTef+Su\+ \oob \t'kG thi£

I : A 0001010o 0o 10 1 oc>o ji oooo|oo|ooocDIOcoloo

A 10001. ` .

I; A 01901 Goo 1 ooc>|A ., .

¥., 4 0000C)A r=

me s7wihaol `ai shouid Le chgivtr +o 'b', HcaJ €ho"

twov¢to \eJr amt jstr¢ should be chcwgiv to 3 or v'J

Tu is ty`ou te* Jo s`twulde the fyLedtww .

~? Pivialtry uthetry Tu £'\wu\edeerthe hal+'m3 wove cal T,

CA=£SiAvVIeThcr T hal® / gr doa3 \i'\ce th£ :

A+\~ev toe I :£ chartyffrd appepT'icgivJ, 'i+ etasca froeL€

aui\ch bds covife"r a} trE i® |qu I CcLorTdee I 6
rthe oLtrpwrha 4o hgiv) cant hat.

C he hcLl*mj a+ar¢ 6 choJialed bj 1= ulae~ `+deed

rfual~ 3Vd bq4+ on trycE is '¢' Cc®irerobcmtli'ng

fro scha?=¢j

(A£ WG care rot I;VtoL3`m8 hz eapli'Cl`JIJj toe

S¢¢+ch halts ,cLbviayyytcLwj b¢ccLus€ off" the lcfot

r~tL|p|4 can Tapc 1 ha6 b"in +I.ed Lmlucce,isrfulb,

the 2.YLe9 0| th€ J`£ CLL the emc9 +¢lcfo w`ctth;neL

bc}CJL ho +heL '|n'ih'A ftht,/ Ct,ryl9 th14JL /'J w|\ .`+\Wue


rfucvir` ++n+ s.thi LJ;.th 1 oM be¢t I. Ue c#ny y

CtlTena Tv +a mdecJ~ i^n 3ecoi4P cctje calfo wloean

the, hej4J vvtov4a Ou+ ®f +% idyca

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