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Warlock - Giftgiver Bottomless Bag

Level 1 Subclass Feature

The Giftgiver is a mysterious creature in folklore,
At 1st level, much like your patron you can hold a vast
whose true origins are unknown. Some say he was
number of items in a small space. You gain a magical
the visitor who stole fire from divinity to bring it
item called a giftgiver bag. This functions as a bag of
down to mortals, and is now hiding from their wrath.
holding, except instead of its usual limit on the weight
Some say he’s a particularly powerful and cunning
of items it can hold, it can hold a number of pounds
bagman, seeking to grow beyond items and collect
equal to your proficiency bonus times one hundred.
souls. Perhaps both of these rumors and more are
You can create a new giftgiver bag in one hour out
true, perhaps none of them are. But what is known is
of an ordinary bag. When you do this, any previous
that he lurks in the interdimensional space between
giftgiver bags you made expel everything within them
all bags of holding, slipping through the seams to
and become non-magical. Once you create a giftgiver
offer gifts and power.
bag, you must take a long rest before you can do so
Expanded Spell List again.
Additionally, as an action you can pull a small
Level 1 Subclass Feature wooden trinket from the bag. A creature holding the
The Giftgiver lets you choose from an expanded list of trinket can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to one
spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following skill check of its choice. It can roll the die before or
spells are added to the warlock spell list for you. after making the skill check. After the bonus is used, if
Expanded Spell List one minute passes, or if you create a new trinket, the
Spell Spells trinket vanishes without a trace.
1st Detect Evil and Good, Jump
Something for Everyone
2nd Aid, Augury Level 6 Subclass Feature
At 6th level, your giftgiver bag can provide you with
3rd Catnap, Haste
almost anything, pulled from the worktables of your
4th Dimension Door, Fabricate patron. As a bonus action, you can reach into your
5th Creation, Passwall giftgiver bag and pull out a mystic toy. Choose a
number of mystic toys from the list below equal to
your proficiency bonus. When you use this ability,
these are the mystic toys you can choose from. Any
time you level up, you can exchange one mystic toy
for another
A toy is small enough to be held in one hand,
or stowed in a pocket as an object interaction.
Any creature holding or carrying the toy gains the
associated abilities. After one minute, the mystic toy
vanishes and its effects end.
At higher levels, your patron is willing to lend you
stronger creations. You can choose from the lists
below at the appropriate level when deciding which
mystic toys you can pull from the bag.
After you use this ability, you must take a short or
long rest to use it again.

optional rules
At your table, you may wish to play up the Giftgiver’s
ominous nature by giving each of his toys a cost to it. To
do so, add the penalties below to the effects of the toys
given by Something for Everyone, in addition to their
usual benefits. Optional Rule: Give and Take at the end
of this subclass.
Level 6 Mystic Toys Level 14 Mystic Toys
Cloth Doll. As an action you can create a Copper Token. You have advantage on a single roll
scarecrow-like effigy in an empty square within 30 of your choice, which you must decide to use before
feet. Any enemy creature that observes it becomes you make the roll.
convinced that it is a threat and must be destroyed. Magnifying Glass. As a bonus action you can set
The effigy is an object with AC 10, 15 hit points, and a creature or an unattended object within 60 feet on
crumbles apart automatically after one minute. fire. If you try to set a creature on fire, they attempt
Empty Box. The next time you are hidden and a a Dexterity save against your warlock spell DC; on a
creature would discover you, you become invisible for success they aren’t set on fire. A creature or object
one minute. on fire takes fire damage at the start of each of your
Jagged Jacks. As an action, you can cause caltrops turns. This deals 1d4 fire damage the first turn, then
to appear in an empty square within 10 feet. The 1d6 the second, 1d8 the third, 1d10 the fourth, and
caltrops vanish after 10 minutes. 1d12 the fifth and all following rounds until the fire
Scrimshaw Shark. When making a melee attack is extinguished. A creature can take an action to
against a creature with less than its full hit points, you extinguish itself or an adjacent creature.
deal an additional 1d6 damage of the same type. Porcelain Teacup. Any poison you pour into
Skipping Rope. Your jump distance is tripled. the teacup vanishes and appears in another cup or
Wooden Top. You have advantage on attack rolls drinking container of your choice within 30 feet.
against creatures that have advantage on attack rolls Wooden Blocks. As an action, you can create a
against you. wall of wood, using your Charisma as the spellcasting
Level 10 Mystic Toys modifier. This functions as Wall of Stone, but the wall
has vulnerability to fire damage.
Clay Dice. You have advantage on a single roll of
your choice, which you must decide to use before you Level 18 Mystic Toys
make the roll. Bejeweled Dragon. As an action you can exhale
Glass Marbles. As an attack you can flick a marble a gout of flame in a 60 foot cone, dealing 10d6 fire
at a creature within 30 feet, attempting to shove them damage. Creatures can attempt a Dexterity save
using Arcana instead of Athletics against your warlock spell DC, on a success they take
Ragged Kite. You gain a fly speed of 30 feet, but half damage. After you use this ability, you must wait
flying higher is difficult terrain. 1d4 turns to use it again.
Rubber Ball. When you take damage, you can Tin Soldier. You can spend an action to summon
use your reaction to gain resistance to the damage. an iron golem in an adjacent square, which lasts until
When you do so, you’re pushed 5 feet in the opposite the mystic toy vanishes. The golem obeys all of your
direction as the source of the damage for every 5 commands to the best of its understanding and ability.
points of damage it deals to you.
Spring Snake. As an action, you open a can to Coals from the Heavens
release a number of spring-loaded snakes. This Level 10 Subclass Feature
functions as casting Eldritch Blast using your warlock You can sow the ground with burning coals to punish
spell attack bonus, but deals poison damage instead evildoers. You can cast Wall of Fire at 5th level using
of force damage. A creature that takes damage from your warlock spell DC and without expending a spell
this must attempt a Constitution save against your slot. Creatures with a good alignment do not take
warlock spell DC; on a failure it becomes poisoned for damage from this spell. To fiends it deals radiant
1 round. damage rather than fire damage.
Wooden Sword. This sword functions as a +3 After you use this ability, you must take a short or
shortsword that deals bludgeoning damage. long rest to use it again.
Phantom Walls Level 10 Mystic Toys
Clay Dice. If you use the mystic toy to get
Level 14 Subclass Feature
advantage on a roll, you have disadvantage on a
You can pass through walls without effort. As a bonus
single roll of the DM’s choice before your next long
action, you can turn a five foot cube of solid matter
invisible and intangible only to you. This change lasts
Glass Marbles. You have disadvantage on checks
for 1 hour. If it ends while you’re inside the wall, you
or saves against effects that would knock you prone.
are harmlessly ejected into an empty adjacent space.
Ragged Kite. You take double damage from falling,
You can use this ability a number of times equal to
including any damage you take if you were in midair
your proficiency bonus. Afterwards you must take a
when the ragged kite vanishes.
short or long rest to use it again.
Rubber Ball. You treat any terrain other than
Giftgiver’s Workshop smooth, flat surface as difficult terrain.
Spring Snake. At the start of each of your turns,
Level 17 Subclass Feature a hostile poisonous snake appears in an adjacent
You are aided by numerous spirits likewise in service square.
to your patron. You are permanently attended by a Wooden Sword. If you critically hit with this
number of invisible servants equal to your Charisma weapon, the target gains advantage on all attack rolls
score, as per the spell Unseen Servant. If any of the against you on its next turn.
servants are destroyed, they reappear at the start of
Level 14 Mystic Toys
your next turn.
You can also create an entrance to a small fragment Copper Token. When damaged by a cantrip, its
of your patron’s dark workshop. You can cast dice increase by one size. 1d4 > 1d6 > 1d8 > 1d10 > 1d12 >
Demiplane without expending a spell slot. After you 2d6
use this ability, you must take a short or long rest to Magnifying Glass. You have disadvantage on
use it again. Insight, Investigation, and Perception checks unless
you verbally describe the results of these checks loud
Optional Rule: Give and Take enough for all nearby creatures to hear you, including
the subjects of the check.
At your table, you may wish to play up the Giftgiver’s
Porcelain Teacup. You have disadvantage on
ominous nature by giving each of his toys a cost to it.
saves against poison.
To do so, add the penalties below to the effects of the
Wooden Blocks. You have vulnerability to fire
toys given by Something for Everyone, in addition to
their usual benefits.
Level 18 Mystic Toys
Level 6 Mystic Toys
Bejeweled Dragon. Dragons automatically become
Cloth Doll. While the effigy is present, your speed
aware of your presence and precise location if you are
is 0.
within 300 feet of them.
Empty Box. The next hostile creature you
Tin Soldier. Constructs with an Intelligence below
encounter is invisible until it takes an action that
10 will always prioritize attacking you over other
might damage you.
potential targets.
Jagged Jacks. You take 1d4 piercing damage for
every square of difficult terrain you move through.
Scrimshaw Shark. You have disadvantage on
perception checks against creatures that have their
full hit points.
Skipping Rope. Your normal movement is reduced
by 15 feet. Your movement is considered normal when
determining how far you can jump.
Wooden Top. If you do not move during your turn,
you become dizzy and your speed is halved on your
next turn.
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