Hydrogeochemical Modeling of The Water Seepages Through Tannur Dam, Southern Jordan

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Hydrogeochemical modeling of the water seepages through Tannur Dam,

southern Jordan

Article in Environmental Earth Sciences · May 2004

DOI: 10.1007/s00254-004-0967-6


20 635

2 authors:

Ali El-Naqa Mustafa M. Al Kuisi

Hashemite University University of Jordan


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Original article

Hydrogeochemical modeling of the

water seepages through Tannur
Dam, southern Jordan
Ali El Naqa Æ Mustafa Al Kuisi

Abstract This paper reveals the geochemical dolomite. Ca(HCO3)2 is the primary water type, as a
processes of dissolution, precipitation and cation result of dissolution of carbonate minerals such as
exchange that took place during water–rock calcite and dolomite prevailing at the dam site.
interaction between water seepages through the However, cation-exchange processes are responsible
Tannur Dam. The Schoeller diagram indicates that for the formation of the Na2SO4 water type from the
there are three major water types originating during CaSO4 type that formed due to the dissolution of
water–rock interaction. The first water type is gypsum.
characterized by low salinity that ranges from 1,300
to 2,800 ls/cm, which represents the reservoir water Keywords Tannur Dam Æ Seepage water Æ
and the water in the right side of the central gallery. Geochemical modeling Æ Water–rock interaction Æ
The second water type is in the left side of the Southern Jordan
central gallery, which exhibits medium salinity that
reaches about 4,400 ls/cm. The third water type is
characterized by very high salinity that reaches a
value of around 8,500 ls/cm and represents the
water in the right existing adit. The increase of
salinity can be explained due to the dissolution of Introduction
carbonate and sulfate minerals that form the matrix
of the foundation and the abutment rocks, and the Jordan can be described as a semiarid region, which suf-
dissolution of the grout curtain, which is composed fers from water shortage and limited water supply. In re-
of cement and bentonite. Hydrogeochemical cent years, water demands have increased due to the high
modeling, using a computer code PHREEQC, was rate of population growth, together with the higher needs
used to obtain the saturation indices of specific of industry in the country. To satisfy the water needs in the
mineral phases, which might be related to future, decision-makers in the Ministry of Water and
interaction with water seepages, and to identify the Irrigation have selected a number of sites in southern
chemical species of the dissolved ions. The desert areas, which may be suitable for the construction of
thermodynamic calculations indicate that most of storage dams to be used primarily for domestic use,
the water samples were undersaturated with respect recharge of groundwater, and irrigation.
to gypsum, anhydrite and halite, and were saturated Tannur Dam is the first roller compacted concrete (RCC)
and/or supersaturated with respect to calcite and dam. It is 150 km south of Amman on the Wadi Hasa. The
dam is 60 m high, 250 m long, and has a storage capacity
of 17·106 m3 (Fig. 1). It forms part of a water-supply and
irrigation project serving 1,200 ha of farmland, plus
industrial demand in Southern Ghors, south of the Dead
Received: 2 October 2003 / Accepted: 16 December 2003 Sea.
Published online: 24 March 2004 Tannur Dam lies in a narrow, V-shaped valley in a highly
 Springer-Verlag 2004 seismic area. The steep sides of the valley rise at 30 for
100 m above the bed of the ‘‘wadi’’ (a stream that remains
A. El Naqa (&) dry, except in the rainy season when it feeds the southern
Institute of Lands, Water and Environment, Dead Sea).
Department of Water Management and Environment, A combination of factors, including the narrow site and
Hashemite University, P.O. Box 150459, 13115 Zarqa, Jordan reasonably good bedrock at shallow depth, led to the
E-mail: elnaqa@hu.edu.jo
Tel.: +9625-3826600
choice of a concrete gravity dam, with the availability of
Fax: +9625-3826823 naturally occurring pozzolan making RCC the most suit-
able form. In total, the dam contains 215,000 m3 of RCC,
M. Al Kuisi
Specialized Engineering Service Company, with a further 4,000 m3 in its stilling basin. The concrete
P.O. Box 430616, 11143 Amman, Jordan mix has a high cement content for water tightness because

DOI 10.1007/s00254-004-0967-6 Environmental Geology (2004) 45:1087–1100 1087

Original article

The presence of highly fractured carbonate rocks on the

foundation and dam abutments causes increased leakage,
which may endanger the performance of the dam. There-
fore, water–rock interaction plays a major role in the
widening of fractures that led to channel solutions within
the carbonates or gypsum rocks. The fracture system in
the study area consists of three perpendicular sets of
fractures creating a series of cubes, bounded by fractures.
The fracture spacings range from 0.2 to 0.9 m, and the
fracture apertures are 5 mm, in some locations reaching
10 cm. This causes a dramatic increase of leakage and
dissolution rates along these fractures.
This study is focused on the geochemical interaction be-
tween the carbonate and sulfate rocks constituting the dam
abutment and foundation, which leads to an increase in
the salinity of seepage water through the dam itself. The
carbonate rocks consist mainly of limestone with inter-
Fig. 1 calation of gypsum layers. To evaluate the solubility
View of the Tannur Dam behavior of these rocks in water, water samples were taken
from different localities in the dam area and were analyzed
of the region’s high seismicity. Advanced methods were for their chemical constituents. Furthermore, a geochem-
used for placing both the RCC and the two-line foundation ical model was carried out using the computer software
grout curtain up to 55 m deep. Construction of the dam PHREEQC to explain the thermodynamic condition of the
was completed in 2002. water during water–rock interaction.

Fig. 2
Location map of the Tannur Dam

1088 Environmental Geology (2004) 45:1087–1100

Original article

Geological framework the dam axis and in the adits constructed on the dam axis.
The sequence contains bands of marl and fossiliferous
The Tannur Dam site is in a steep valley of the Wadi Al- limestone up to 0.5 m thick. The Wadi Es Sir Limestone
Hasa at Jebel Tannur, approximately 5 km downstream (A7) overlies the limestone sequence at the top of the FHS
from the bridge of the King’s Highway, which is about and consists of massive, thickly and thinly bedded
50 km south of Karak (Fig. 2) The dam area was investi- limestone with nodules of chert interbedded with marly
gated by local and international consulting engineering limestone and dolomitic limestone.
firms (McDonald and Partners 1965; Howard Humphreys The colluvial deposits are frequently encountered
and Partners 1995; MacDonald 1999). A generalized geo- throughout the dam area, primarily on hillsides and
logical map of the dam site and reservoir area is shown in hilltops outside of wadis. Colluvium comprises a hetero-
Fig. 3. On this map the outcrops of different bedrock geneous mixture of angular to subrounded particles from
geologic units and the different types of surficial deposits boulders to sand-sized particles, with some silt and silty
are shown. Outcropping rocks at the dam site and reser- clay and marl. Mostly thick unstable landslide materials
voir area belong to the Ajlun Group of Late Cretaceous and/or colluvium cover the dam site and the reservoir
age. The oldest rocks in the dam site area are the Fuheis area. The bed of the Wadi Al-Hasa downstream of the siq
Hummar Shueib (FHS) Formation (A3/A6), representing in the Nau’r limestones comprises wadi gravel up to 70 m
the dam foundation rocks. This formation outcrops at the wide, and a maximum thickness of 15 m at the dam axis.
left abutment and the reservoir area, and consists of thin The wadi gravel comprises cobbles and boulders with a
to moderately thick-bedded (1 to 50 cm thick) limestone, silty sand matrix.
marlstone, marl and clayey marl, with gypsum bands. The The major structural feature of the area is the Wadi Al
limestone is moderately hard and moderately weak. These Hasa Fault, which strikes WNW in the region of the dam
strata were encountered in all exploratory boreholes along and lies 500 m to the northeast of the dam site. The Wadi

Fig. 3
Generalized geological map of the Tannur
dam site area

Environmental Geology (2004) 45:1087–1100 1089

Original article

Al Hasa Fault strikes generally E–W from the Dead Sea (204/88), the second one striking NE–SW (116/80), and
Fault, which is about 23 km west of the dam site. To the the third joint set trending 254/70. In the right adit, three
east it dies away in a series of minor faults to merge with joint sets were identified trending WNW–ESE (189/72),
the Karak-Faiha Fault (Bender 1974). NW–SE (254/88), and NNW–SSE (282/82). Three joint
Structural features of the area are intimately related to the sets striking NNW–SSE (248/77), NNE–SSW (285/88),
tectonics and geological processes that contributed to the and NW–SE (215/87) characterize the left adit.
Al-Hasa Fault. Characterization of the fracture system was
obtained through a geostructural survey carried out on
dam abutments and reservoir area. The fracture-orienta-
tion data were interpreted statistically and plotted on a Hydrogeology
Schmitt net using the computer program Rockworks
(Rockware Inc. 1999). Three representative sets of fractures The aquifer systems in the study area can be differenti-
have been identified from stereo diagrams of fractures in ated into three main aquifers, which are the Kurnub
the two formations: Wadi Sir (A7) and FHS (A3/A6). The Sandstone Aquifer (Lower Cretaceous), the Wadi Es Sir
dip of bedding in both formations showed a general ori- Limestone Aquifer (Upper Cretaceous), and the alluvial
entation of 010/20 on the right abutment, and 300/20 on deposits aquifer (Recent).
the left abutment. Three major joint sets were also recog-
nized on the right abutment, which are oriented WNW–ESE Kurnub Sandstone Aquifer
(186/72), NW–SE (244/82), which is inclined toward the The Kurnub Sandstone Formation, exposed 2 km away
SW, and NNW–SSE (264/88), which is inclined toward from the dam site, consists mainly of massive white and
the SW (Fig. 4). In the left abutment, three major joint sets varicolored arenaceous sandstones. It is usually poorly
also have been identified; the first set is oriented NW–SE cemented and sorted sandstone, which contains a

Fig. 4
Topographic map and stereonets of joint
sampling sites

1090 Environmental Geology (2004) 45:1087–1100

Original article

considerable amount of fine particles and has a maximum limestone, dolomitic limestone, marl, marly limestone, and
thickness of about 300 m (Amireh and Abed 2000). One chert nodules. Permeability tests were carried out on the
well has been drilled in the Kurnub Sandstone Aquifer, dam abutments to determine the permeability of this
which produces water under artesian conditions. The aquifer. From these tests the permeability ranges between
hydraulic parameters of this aquifer were derived from the 2·10)8 and 1.49·10)5 m/s, with an average value of
pumping test data. The permeability of the aquifer is 5.5·10)6 m/s. It is obvious that the permeability of A7 is
4.5·10)5 m/s (WAJ 1999). In addition, the transmissivity quite similar to that of the Kurnub Sandstone Aquifer.
and storage coefficient of this aquifer were estimated to be
1.31·10)3 and 0.002, respectively. Alluvial deposits aquifer
This aquifer extends along the wadi floor and consists of
Wadi Es Sir Limestone Aquifer gravels and fragments of limestones, chert, and basalts.
This formation outcrops on dam abutments and reservoir The permeability of the aquifer ranges between 6.5·10)4
area and consists of alternating beds of crystalline and 1.3·10)2 m/s, with an average value of 6.6·10)3 m/s.

Fig. 5
Groundwater flow in the study

Environmental Geology (2004) 45:1087–1100 1091

Original article

It is obvious that the permeability of the alluvial deposits is Water chemistry

about three orders of magnitude higher than the Kurnub
Sandstone and Wadi es Sir Limestone aquifers. Sampling and analytical procedures
Sampling of reservoir water and water from nine seep-
Groundwater flow ages, as shown in Fig. 6, was performed between October
Groundwater levels were recorded in the boreholes drilled 2001 and May 2002. All samples were collected in poly-
on the dam abutments and reservoir area. The majority of ethylene bottles (1,000 mL) and transported to a labora-
these boreholes tap the Wadi Sir Limestone Aquifer. tory in cold storage. The samples for ion analysis
However, the groundwater contour map of this aquifer, (200 mL) were then filtered through a 45-lm cellulose
prepared using the Surfer 7.0 computer program (Keckler nitrate membrane filter using a vacuum pump. Samples
1999) as shown in Fig. 5, shows that the groundwater flow for cation analysis were treated to acidify the samples to
on the right side of the reservoir area and right abutment pH<2, and all samples were cooled before chemical
is toward the southwest, while on the left side of the res- analysis. Electrical conductivity, temperature, redox po-
ervoir area and the left abutment, groundwater flows to the tential (Eh), dissolved oxygen (DO) and pH were mea-
north and northeast. sured in situ using portable devices. The concentrations

Fig. 6
Location of the water sampling sites

1092 Environmental Geology (2004) 45:1087–1100

Table 1
Complete chemical analysis of the water samples

No. Source Date EC TDS pH va- Ca Mg Na K Cl SO4 CO3 HCO3 NO3

(ls/cm) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L)

1 Wadi water 8/9/1999 1,150 774.95 7.89 122.00 85.00 136.00 12.00 281.00 359.00 0.00 260.00 6.50
2 Spring downstream 31/10/2000 1,782 1,200.83 7.15 162.32 43.72 64.86 8.97 140.73 321.64 0.00 192.76 1.00
3 Drain water bottom outlet 17/12/2000 2,260 1,522.94 7.78 202.40 74.08 169.97 28.08 351.72 533.24 0.00 186.05 1.00
4 Lake water 8/10/2001 3,550 2,392.22 7.93 155.00 117.00 277.00 40.00 711.00 347.00 0.00 184.00 14.00
5 Lake water 19/3/2002 1,429 962.95 8.06 89.38 54.20 89.70 7.80 188.94 232.99 9.00 184.22 16.12
6 Drain water right existing adit 16/1/2002 6,299 4,244.68 7.39 290.98 207.50 499.79 24.57 1,423.79 381.35 0.00 289.75 52.00
7 Middle drain (central gallery) 10/2/2002 5,062 3,411.11 7.33 260.00 226.00 511.00 42.00 1,233.00 711.00 0.00 316.00 30.00
8 Right drain (spring) 10/2/2002 5,075 3,419.87 7.31 260.00 229.00 502.00 35.00 1,234.00 719.00 0.00 331.00 33.00
9 Right drain (spring) 17/3/2002 5,960 4,016.24 7.19 271.54 226.71 518.88 15.65 1,367.00 558.58 0.00 316.59 60.14
10 River upstream (base flow) 17/3/2002 1,802 1,214.31 8.28 89.18 82.03 112.47 6.63 278.99 264.70 13.00 184.22 16.74
11 River downstream 17/3/2002 5,870 3,955.59 7.35 244.29 237.43 586.50 21.84 1,433.13 550.53 0.00 25.80 45.88
12 Main drain downstream 17/3/2002 5,995 4,039.83 7.48 290.98 207.50 499.79 24.57 1,423.79 381.35 0.00 289.75 52.00
13 Right drain (spring) 17/3/2002 5,880 3,962.33 7.35 388.00 212.00 430.00 32.00 1,550.00 239.00 0.00 545.00 38.00
14 Middle drain (central gallery) 17/3/2002 3,090 2,082.25 7.33 323.80 57.37 159.85 11.70 4,74.43 443.79 0.00 289.75 7.44
15 Drain water right existing adit 17/3/2001 7,840 5,283.11 7.34 333.67 253.83 899.99 21.84 1,912.82 856.08 0.00 316.59 77.50
16 Drain water right existing adit 17/3/2002 7,760 5,229.20 7.20 335.00 255.00 900.00 23.00 1,911.00 853.00 0.00 318.00 68.00
17 CSD 28 center 1/5/2002 4,390 2,958.27 7.26 280.60 149.38 399.97 19.89 899.64 646.56 0.00 263.52 14.26
18 Center L/D 1/5/2002 3,990 2,688.73 7.44 292.20 122.18 349.83 29.64 795.23 648.00 0.00 157.99 11.78
19 D/S right 1/5/2002 7,510 5,060.73 7.84 290.40 276.18 899.99 29.64 1,849.21 939.84 0.00 211.06 40.30
20 Center right 1/5/2002 7,030 4,737.28 7.71 290.40 235.01 849.85 39.78 1,713.15 943.20 0.00 237.29 40.92
21 Reservoir 1.5·106 1/5/2002 1,369 922.52 7.97 94.80 50.64 111.32 8.97 165.94 285.60 0.00 211.06 3.10
22 D/S left 1/5/2002 5,680 3,827.56 7.87 261.40 199.66 545.79 29.64 1,313.78 654.24 0.00 211.06 27.90
23 D/S middle 1/5/2002 7,440 5,013.56 7.79 309.80 258.57 815.81 29.64 1,863.62 738.24 0.00 263.52 39.06
24 D/S right 1/5/2002 7,330 4,939.44 7.73 309.80 264.40 864.80 19.89 1,820.38 706.08 0.00 553.88 33.48
25 Existing right adit 1/5/2002 8,810 5,936.76 7.41 329.00 305.69 713.92 24.57 2,131.86 787.68 0.00 289.75 52.70
26 Downstream river 1/5/2002 7,010 4,723.80 7.70 271.00 246.79 999.81 24.57 1,604.87 1,330.08 0.00 211.06 32.86
27 Right drain (spring) 1/5/2002 7,240 4,878.79 7.23 290.40 270.35 907.81 19.89 1,676.59 1,050.72 0.00 316.59 32.86
28 Central gallery right drain 1/5/2002 2,800 1,886.82 7.50 150.20 72.87 245.87 7.80 253.83 123.36 0.00 474.58 4.34
29 D/S middle drain 19/5/2002 7,330 4,939.44 7.23 309.80 246.79 815.81 24.57 1,748.66 815.04 0.00 263.52 39.68
30 Central gallery middle 19/5/2002 4,660 3,140.22 7.16 290.40 199.79 369.84 24.57 934.09 729.60 0.00 263.52 11.16
31 Central gallery left drain 19/5/2002 2,130 1,435.33 7.49 145.20 64.49 199.87 9.75 306.56 468.00 0.00 105.53 6.20
32 Existing right adit 19/5/2002 8,160 5,498.75 7.21 309.80 282.01 966.92 24.57 1,940.26 945.60 0.00 316.59 50.22
33 Downstream right drain 19/5/2002 7,190 4,845.10 7.20 280.60 258.57 761.99 24.57 1,676.59 779.52 0.00 263.52 37.82
34 Downstream left drain 19/5/2002 5,720 3,854.51 7.69 367.80 135.05 603.98 24.57 1,293.39 683.04 0.00 263.52 28.52
35 Reservoir 19/5/2002 1,355 913.09 8.01 73.40 61.09 52.90 8.97 181.76 143.52 6.40 184.22 3.10
36 Central section CSD15 1/7/2002 4,810 3,241.30 12.24 286.20 0.00 522.79 79.56 761.48 573.12 258.00 26.23 5.58
37 Existing right adit 1/7/2002 7,010 4,723.80 7.92 233.20 228.20 871.70 30.42 1,582.02 919.20 0.00 289.75 47.12
38 Existing right adit drain 1/7/2002 5,350 3,605.18 8.00 199.80 166.75 731.40 29.64 1,125.70 956.16 3.20 263.52 26.04
39 Right gallery drain 1/7/2002 2,230 1,502.72 12.30 88.20 5.95 199.87 59.67 239.41 181.92 75.00 262.30 6.20
40 Mixed right gallery/adit 1/7/2002 5,870 3,955.59 8.86 199.80 171.85 799.94 30.42 1,269.13 915.36 25.80 263.52 35.96
41 Central gallery left drain 1/7/2002 4,160 2,803.28 8.81 203.20 127.28 485.99 34.71 774.49 782.88 25.20 214.72 9.92
42 Central gallery left drain 1/7/2002 4,260 2,870.67 9.30 233.20 151.69 492.89 39.78 790.31 879.36 72.00 289.75 11.78
43 Central gallery right drain 1/7/2002 3,020 2,035.08 9.21 146.60 105.18 316.02 29.64 528.04 621.60 69.60 184.22 1.86
44 Left drain downstream 1/7/2002 5,320 3,584.97 8.11 216.40 166.14 690.69 24.57 1,153.12 832.32 39.00 263.52 20.46
45 Right drain downstream 1/7/2002 6,340 4,272.31 7.76 199.80 202.34 876.99 24.57 1,413.27 953.28 0.00 263.52 34.72
46 Middle drain (central gallery) 1/7/2002 5,630 3,793.87 7.72 233.20 202.34 822.94 24.57 1,508.90 840.00 0.00 289.75 34.72

Environmental Geology (2004) 45:1087–1100

Original article

47 Downstream right (spring) 1/7/2002 6,600 4,447.52 7.65 233.20 227.60 822.94 19.89 1,508.90 927.84 0.00 263.52 33.48

Original article

of selected ions (Ca, Mg, Na, K, Cl, SO4, HCO3, CO3, and




NO3) were analyzed at the laboratories of the Department
of Water Management and Environment and the
(mg/L) Department of Chemistry at Hashemite University. The

analytical error was calculated to verify the analytical
accuracy, which has been discussed in Arnold and others
(1992). It was found that the analytical errors of all
samples were less than 5%, which ensured the reliability




of the chemical data.

Statistical analysis


The complete water analyses for the water samples are


summarized in Table 1.
Table 2 summarizes the descriptive statistics of the

chemical analyses of water samples. The concentration of



chemical constituents of the water seepages from the

drains is higher than the original reservoir water. The
average pH value of the water is around 7.5, indicating


that the dissolved carbonates are predominantly in the


HCO3 form. Nevertheless, the pH value of some water

samples in the reservoir reaches a value of 8.28. The total


dissolved solids (TDS) vary widely from 694 mg/L of


floodwater to around 6,000 mg/L in the right adit. The

increase in salinity can be explained by the chemical
reactions that take place during water–rock interaction,



and that led to dissolution and precipitation of mineral

The Pearson’s correlation matrix to find the relation-



ships between two or more variables was carried out


using Statistica software (Swan and Sandilands 1995), as

shown in Fig. 7. Samples showing r>0.7 are considered
pH va-

to be strongly correlated, whereas r>0.5–0.7 shows



moderate correlation at a significance level (p) of <0.05.

Strong correlations exist among the major elements Na,
Ca, Mg, SO4, Cl, NO3, and EC (r>0.7; Fig. 8). These




relationships clearly identify the main elements con-

tributing to the salinity of water seepages, and their
tendency to follow a similar trend (e.g., due to con-

centration by water–rock interaction and ion exchange).


Moderate correlations (r>0.5–0.7) between NO3, K, and

SO4 were obtained.
The major exchangeable ions, Na–Ca and Na–Mg, corre-

late positively, as shown in Fig. 9. It can therefore be


postulated that the concurrent increase/decrease in the

cations is the result mainly of dissolution/precipitation
reactions and concentration effects.
Umm Ishrian Spring (500 m) DS
Umm Ishrian Spring (200 m) DS

To determine the relationship between different parame-

ters of the carbonate systems, the carbonate species were
subjected to product linear correlations to determine the
Downstream river
Reservoir 1.5·106
Left drain gallery

correlation coefficient with other variables. These rela-

CSD 13

tionships show that HCO3 correlates directly with Ca and


Mg (Fig. 10), which means an increase in carbonate con-

centration results from increasing calcium and magnesium
concentrations. The source of calcium and magnesium in
the water seepages is believed to be calcite, dolomite,
gypsum and anhydrite in the Wadi Es Sir and FHS for-
Table 1

mations. The reverse relationship between Ca and HCO3

with pH value can be attributed to the decrease of these

two ions at high pH values due to the precipitation of




1094 Environmental Geology (2004) 45:1087–1100

Original article

Table 2
Descriptive statistics of hydrochemical data (S.D. standard deviation)

Parameter No. Mean Minimum Maximum S.D.

EC (ls/cm) 50 4,470.46 574.00 8,810.00 2,649.27

TDS (mg/L) 50 3,012.49 694 5,936.76 1,785.25
pH value 50 7.53 7.15 8.28 0.31
Temperature (C) 50 22 18 27 11.23
Ca (mg/L) 50 223.41 40.48 388.00 103.73
Mg (mg/L) 50 157.68 18.00 305.69 94.57
Na (mg/L) 50 445.17 38.41 999.81 323.26
K (mg/L) 50 20.57 5.00 42.00 10.40
HCO3 (mg/L) 50 251.88 25.80 553.88 103.23
Cl (mg/L) 50 1,000.26 72.00 2131.86 700.42
SO4 (mg/L) 50 541.50 41.79 1,330.08 309.35
NO3 (mg/L) 50 26.36 0.10 77.50 21.31

Fig. 7
Pearson’s correlation matrix of
the hydrochemical data

Representation of hydrochemical data gallery, which exhibits medium salinity that reaches about
A Schoeller diagram provides a convenient means for the 4,400 ls/cm. The third water type is characterized by very
visual inspection of chemical data from water samples. The high salinity that reaches a value of around 8,800 ls/cm
Schoeller semi-logarithmic plot permits the total concen- and represents the water in the right adit.
tration (mequiv/L) of major cations and anions of several Furthermore, the major cations and anions for the ana-
water samples to be represented on a single graph. lyzed water were plotted on a Piper diagram (Piper 1944)
Therefore, major groupings or trends in the data can be to determine the water type according to the Langguth
distinguished visually. The ionic composition lines for classification (Furtak and Langguth 1967), as shown in
mean concentrations (mequiv/L) of major cations and Fig. 12. From this figure, it is evident that the water type is
anions in water samples collected from all locations are earth alkaline water with increased portions of alkalis and
plotted in Fig. 11. The mean values were used because prevailing sulfate. The Ca(HCO3)2 is primarily a result of
there was no statistically significant difference in the mean dissolution of carbonate minerals, such as calcite and
concentration values of the major ions over time at each dolomite, which is prevalent at the dam site. The removal
location. of calcium, through the precipitation of carbonate min-
The difference between ionic composition lines on the erals, may cause a disturbance in chemical equilibrium,
Schoeller diagram indicates that there are three major resulting in the dissolution of minerals containing calcium
water types originating during water–rock interaction. The such as gypsum (Freeze and Cherry 1979). This is con-
first water type is characterized by low salinity that ranges firmed by the saturation index of the water with respect to
from 1,300 to 2,800 ls/cm, which represents the reservoir gypsum, which is undersaturated. Thus, CaSO4-type water
water and the water in the right side of the central gallery. may be developed, and sulfate reduction leads to the for-
The second water type is in the left side of the central mation of Ca(HCO3)2.

Environmental Geology (2004) 45:1087–1100 1095

Original article

Fig. 8 determined by calculating the chemical equilibrium of the

Correlation analysis between EC and Ca, Mg, Na, Cl, SO4 concentra- water with the mineral phases. The equilibrium state of the
tions of analyzed samples
water with respect to a mineral phase can be determined
Geochemical modeling by calculating a saturation index (SI) using analytical data.
The geochemical interactions lead to changes in water The SI is defined as the logarithm of the ratio of the ion
chemistry. The potential for a chemical reaction can be activity product to the mineral equilibrium constant at a

1096 Environmental Geology (2004) 45:1087–1100

Original article

Fig. 9
Correlation between Na and Ca and Mg concentrations of the
analyzed samples

given temperature. If SI is equal to zero (0), the water is in

equilibrium with the mineral; if it is less than 0, the water
is undersaturated and, if present, that mineral will dis-
solve. If the ratio is greater than 0, the water is supersat-
urated and mineral precipitation would be possible.
Because of uncertainties in analytical and thermodynamic
constants, water with a SI value between 0.1 and )0.1 is
assumed to represent saturation conditions or is in equi-
librium with respect to the mineral phase (Swancar and
Hutchinson 1992). The mass-balance model PHREEQE
(Parkhurst and others 1980) was used to simulate the
geochemical reactions that may occur when water reacts
with minerals making up the dam abutments and foun-
dation area. PHREEQE is a generalized aqueous specia-
tion, solubility, mass-transfer computer code that can Fig. 10
simulate several types of reactions including acid-base, Correlation between Ca, Mg, pH and HCO3 concentrations of the
cation-exchange, and redox reactions. Modeled reactions analyzed samples
were evaluated based on the equilibrium state of water
with respect to selected mineral phases. The selected sat- supersaturated with respect to calcite and dolomite,
uration indices are summarized in Table 3. The values in slightly undersaturated with respect to the gypsum, and
Table 3 show that most of the water is saturated to highly undersaturated with respect to halite.

Environmental Geology (2004) 45:1087–1100 1097

Original article

Fig. 11
Schoeller diagram of the chemi-
cal constituents of the water

and gypsum, and highly undersaturated with respect to


From a geochemical viewpoint, the development of saline-
water seepage in the foundation area of the Tannur Dam
can be explained in terms of mineral availability and
mineral solubility. There are several soluble sedimentary
minerals that release SO42) or Cl) upon dissolution.
Gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O) and anhydrite (CaSO4) are the
most common of the sulfate-bearing minerals. Highly
soluble chloride minerals such as halite (NaCl) often occur
as salt strata and very thin bands originally deposited
Fig. 12 during evaporation of closed Sabkha or restricted marine
Piper diagram of the water samples basins several million years ago. Chloride minerals of
sedimentary origin dissolve rapidly in water. These
conditions formed the framework for the development of a
The saturation indices at different water sampling sites are conceptual model of water seepage evolution in the dam
plotted on Fig. 13. Generally, it is clear that all the water area. Processes that may be responsible for the formation
samples are oversaturated with respect to calcite and of the various water types are depicted in Fig. 14 (Adams
dolomite, slightly undersaturated with respect to anhydrite and others 2001).

Table 3
Selected saturation indices from WATEQ4F model results

Sample location SI calcite SI dolomite SI anhydite SI gypsum SI halite pCO2

Base flow 0.33 1.13 )1.382 )1.4 )6.038 2.91·10)3

Reservoir 0.645 1.29 )1.152 )1.19 )6.347 2.02·10)3
Drain D/L 0.773 1.687 )0.709 )0.73 )4.828 2.91·10)3
Drain D/M 0.819 1.814 )0.663 )0.68 )4.52 3.2·10)3
Drain D/R 1.091 2.388 )0.684 )0.72 )4.511 7.89·10)3
R/E adit 0.492 1.204 )0.641 )0.65 )4.523 8.48·10)3
DS river 0.573 1.398 )0.477 )0.53 )4.511 3.35·10)3
Spring R/A 0.351 0.97 )0.533 )0.59 )4.534 1.52·10)2
Drain C/C 0.667 1.248 )1.419 )1.42 )5.857 1.25·10)2

1098 Environmental Geology (2004) 45:1087–1100

Original article

Fig. 13
Saturation indices of minerals related to
interactions with water samples

The following analysis of the theoretical basis for the

conceptual model is an adaptation of a related discussion
presented by Freeze and Cherry (1979).
The relatively high ionic concentrations of sodium, chlo-
ride, and sulfate in the water seepages at the Tannur Dam
site can be described as the end result of a number of
interrelated geochemical processes, as shown in Fig. 14.
The four principal geochemical processes are represented
by the reactions (Tedaldi and Loehr 1992):
CaSO4  2H2 O ! Ca2þ þ SO2
4 þ 2H2 O ð1Þ

Ca2þ þ 2NaðexchangedÞ $ 2Naþ þ CaðexchangedÞ ð2Þ

CaCO3 þ H2 CO3 ! 2Ca2þ þ 2HCO

3 ð3Þ

NaCl ! Naþ þ Cl ð4Þ

Fig. 14
where ‘‘exchanged’’ denotes cations exchanged on clays. Outline of the chemical processes responsible for the various water
The dissolution and precipitation of gypsum (CaSO4.2- types
H2O) represent significant mechanisms for the addition or
removal of salinity from the water seepages at the Tannur
Dam site. Because gypsum deposits typically contain some exchange with Na+ causes the water seepages to become or
magnesium, the dissolution of gypsum will also result in remain undersaturated with respect to gypsum, thereby
an increase in the concentration of magnesium in water enabling gypsum dissolution to continue. Thus, the influx
seepages. Although the dissolution and precipitation of of Ca2+ derived from the dissolution of gypsum causes
gypsum involve equimolar concentrations of Ca2+ and increased Na+ (and Mg2+) concentrations as the cation-
SO42) (Eq. 1), calcium concentrations in the water seep- exchange reactions adjust to maintain equilibrium. The
ages are less than that of sulfate, as calcium may replace increased Ca2+ concentrations also cause the solubility
exchangeable sodium (Eq. 2) or magnesium in the soil or product of calcite to be exceeded, and drive Eq. (3) to the
precipitate as CaCO3 (Eq. 3). left, resulting in the precipitation of calcite. The precipi-
The exchange of calcium for sodium on the clays of the A7 tation of calcite would cause a loss of Ca2+ and HCO3) and
and FHS formations can be represented by Eq. (2). The dissolution of more gypsum. Because the HCO3) content
equilibrium for Eq. (2) is far to the right as long as there is in the water seepages is primarily derived from soil zone
appreciable Na on the exchange sites of the clays. Equa- CO2, and from dissolution of calcite and dolomite, the
tion (1) will proceed to the right as long as the reactivity removal of HCO3) due to precipitation of calcite would
product (Ca2+) (SO42)) is less than the equilibrium con- result in a decrease in water-seepage buffering capacity
stant for gypsum, and as long as gypsum is available for and, with this decrease, the increased probability of a
dissolution. The removal of Ca2+ from solution by trend toward decreasing pH.

Environmental Geology (2004) 45:1087–1100 1099

Original article

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