HR Club Activity Brochure (12-04-24) - 1

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Faculty of Commerce and Business Management

HR Club “HRiday” of FCBM is organizing Club Activity “Zenith” on 12th April,

2024; Friday.

 Interested students can participate in this Activity by forming a team of 4

 Team leaders can register their team through the given Google form link,
till 10th April by 3 PM.
 The detailed information about the Activity is given below.


Rules for Story Teller: -

1. The participants are supposed to take 5 random chits from a bowl.

a. Preliminary Round (All teams) - The chits contain random words like shy, time,
man, love etc. Participants have to create a story using these words.

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b. Final Round (Top 5 Teams) - The chits contain words from HRM vocabulary like
competence, Wage, benefit, Absenteeism etc. Participants have to create a story
using these words.
2. The Team which frames the best story in less time wins.
3. Contestants will have 5 to 8 minutes for the presentation of the story.
4. Time will start when the Team first speaks.
5. The buzzer will be pressed twice. Once when 5 minutes have passed and second at the
end of 8 minute, signaling the participants that their turn is over.
6. Distribution of marks
a. Method (structure & organization of story) – 10
b. Content (plot) – 10
c. Pronunciation – 10
d. Intonation Accuracy – 5
e. Manner (attitude)- 5
f. Grammar - 10


Rules for Just a Minute: -

1. Only one member from each team can participate in JAM

2. Each participant will be given a topic on-the-spot related to HRM, with no preparation
time and the speaking time shall be of 1 minute.
3. Topics would be picked by the participants from a bowl of chits.
4. No hesitation, deviation is allowed while the performance is on.
a. Hesitation is watched very strictly: a momentary pause before resumption of the
subject can give rise to a successful challenge by the judge, as can tripping over
one’s world.
b. Deviation means deviating from the subject, and sometimes even logic.
5. The buzzer will be pressed twice. Once when 45 seconds have passed and second at the
end of one minute, signaling the participants that their turn is over.
6. Participants can use Hindi or English Language.
7. Usage of Foul language will lead to undermarking.
8. Distribution of Marks: -
 Spontaneity- 10
 Method- 10 (Structure and organization of content)
 Content-10
 Fluency- 10

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1. A situation is given where one of the participants from a team, plays the role of HR and
the other of employee.
For example- An excellent sales employee has an offensive tattoo on his arm, As a
HR Manager, How would you convey the disadvantages of the same.
2. Distribution of Marks:-
a. Positive attitude- 10
b. Patience- 10
c. Diplomatic nature of participants - 10


HR Club Convenor: -

Mr. Bhanu Bisht Dr. Megha Bhatt

Asst. Professor Asst. Professor

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