Psychology Lateralisation 16 Mark Essay

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Discuss research on hemispheric lateralisation/split brain (16)


- Define lateralisation: the two hemispheres are functionally different, but both have
functional specialisations.
- Left side is dominant in language tasks, right side dominant in visual-motor tasks.
- The two are connected by the corpus callosum, a bundle of nerve fibres that allow them to
communicate with each other.
- Example, Wernicke’s area and Broca’s area are in the left hemisphere and they have been
known to control language/speech processing.

- Split brain studies for epilepsy patients who had commissurotomies done.
- Explain what that procedure is.
- Research based on the idea that if a stimulus is presented to one hemisphere, the
opposite hemisphere processes it and responds to it.
- The corpus callosum allows the opposite hemisphere to share the info with the other
but if this is removed, this cannot occur.
- Sperry’s research aimed to measure how specialised each hemisphere is.
- 3 tests: describe what you see, tactile test, drawing task.
- Describe: image presented to LVF/RVF, say what they saw.
- Tactile: object in left/right hand, describe what they feel.
- Drawing: picture shown to LVF/RVF, draw what they saw.
- RVF allowed descriptions verbally, right hand objects were able to be identified
verbally, LVF allowed better drawings to be made.
- Vice versa.
- Conclusion: Clear difference between the two hemispheres’ specialisations. Language
is dominated by left, visual-motor skills dominated by right.


Evaluation #1
Sperry’s research is revolutionary to psychology and has furthered the knowledge of this
topic. There is lots of research into the difference between the two hemispheres but they work
together in neurotypical brains. This supports the idea that brains are lateralised. BUT only
10-15 patients and the procedure was very rare which makes the sample hard to generalise.

Evaluation #2
Modern science claims the difference between the 2 hemispheres is simpler. Many
behaviours can be done by both hemispheres which is a criticism because lateralisation
claims they are functionally different. Study found patient who had damage to left
hemisphere found the ability to speak with the right. Therefore, lateralisation is not fixed.
AND research has suggested that lateralisation changes with age - a study found that
language becomes more lateralized to the left hemisphere with increasing age in children but
after 25 lateralisation decreased. Further adds to the idea that lateralisation might not be

Evaluation #3
Award winning method due to it being very well controlled. (Sperry).
He ensured only one hemisphere received the stimuli. Strengthens the method as it provides
reliability and validity. ALSO sperry’s research adds many debates into the topic. This is a
strength because more discoveries can be made. Dual brain vs entwined hemispheres.

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