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World War II, Part 1: U.S.

History Crash Course #35

Available at or just youtube/google “Crash Course US History 35”

1. America’s ideas about foreign policy were shaped by two things: ___great_______
___depression_______ and _____world war 2_______. The period of time between
1920 and the U.S. entry into World War II has been called an age of
__isolationism_________, although that isn’t 100% accurate.

a. What examples go against the idea of the U.S. being isolationists?

The U.S. sponsored a series of arms reduction negotiations that resulted in the
washington treaties limiting the number of battleships that a country could possess
our pursuance of the good neighbor policy.

2. In the 1930s, Congress passed a series of Neutrality Acts which banned the ___sales__
__of arms___________ to belligerents. Eventually Congress recognized that the Nazis
were a threat, and in 1940 it agreed to allow Cash and Carry arms sales to ____great_

3. In September of 1940, Congress created the nation’s first peacetime

___draft_____________, taking the next step
toward involvement.

4. What happened on December 7, 1941? What did it

cause? Japanese pilots attacked the American naval
base at Pearl Harbor. It caused germany to declare war

5. What was the U.S. strategy in the Pacific? Explain.

It was called island hopping and it involved taking
japanese controlled islands one at a time to be used as bases for bombers to be used
against japan itself.

6. On June 6th, 1944, the United States joined Britain and Canada in invading Normandy
on ____D Day____________.

7. ___The russians__________ did most of the fighting in Europe, losing at least ____20
milion___________ people, and in the end it was the Russians who captured

8. The war in Europe ended on May 8th/9th, __1945_____; the

war in the Pacific continued until August—Japan surrendered
unconditionally after the United States dropped an __atomic_______
___bomb_________ on Hiroshima on August 6th and Nagasaki on
August 9th.

a. Do you think the use of atomic bombs was justified?

Explain your answer.
I think the bombs were not justified because it killed people that didn't know what
was going on children and millions of innocent people.

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