Gestionar Hiperbilirubina Neonat

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Received: 29 September 2022 | Accepted: 11 January 2023

DOI: 10.1002/jhm.13046


Clinical progress note: Revisions to the management

of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia
Danni Liang MD1 | Michelle D. Veters MD2
Division of Pediatric Hospital Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto, California, USA
Division of Pediatric Hospital Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama, USA

Correspondence: Danni Liang, MD, Division of Pediatric Hospital Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto, CA, USA.
Email:; Twitter: @dxl273

I NTR O D U C TI O N Risk factors for neurotoxicity have also been adjusted: gestational age
<38 weeks, albumin <3.0 grams/deciliter, sepsis, significant clinical
Over 80% of newborns have jaundice.1,2 While this is typically benign, instability in the prior 24 h (which replaces asphyxia, lethargy, tempera-
those with high bilirubin concentrations, or hyperbilirubinemia, are at risk ture instability, and acidosis), and isoimmune hemolytic disease (i.e.,
of severe and permanent sequelae. Minimizing the risk of acute bilirubin positive direct antiglobulin test [DAT]), G6PD deficiency, or other
encephalopathy and the permanent disabling neurologic consequences of hemolytic conditions.3,4 Infants with hyperbilirubinemia risk factors
kernicterus requires careful monitoring and appropriate treatment of necessitate closer monitoring (see fig. 1 of the AAP guideline revision
hyperbilirubinemia.3,4 The aim of generating guidelines for neonatal for a detailed bilirubin measurement schedule for DAT‐positive infants),
hyperbilirubinemia is to reduce the incidence of severe hyperbilirubinemia and those with neurotoxicity risk factors have lower thresholds for
and kernicterus while minimizing unintended consequences such as phototherapy and escalation of care (Tables 1 and 2).
reduced breastfeeding, familial anxiety, and any unnecessary costs and/or
treatment.5 Since the advent of the 2004 guidelines recommending
adoption of universal bilirubin screening during birth hospitalization, the Monitoring for hyperbilirubinemia
incidence of severe hyperbilirubinemia has decreased.6–8 However, this
recommendation also led to an increase in phototherapy use, which Infants should be visually assessed for jaundice at least every 12 h
recent large cohort studies demonstrate a potential risk for patient harm.9 from birth until hospital discharge. For any infant who is jaundiced
New literature regarding safe phototherapy thresholds and risk assess- <24 h after birth, the total serum bilirubin (TSB) or transcutaneous
ments for escalation of care, universal bilirubin screening procedures, bilirubin (TcB) should be measured as soon as possible since these
hyperbilirubinemia and neurotoxicity risk factors, along with efforts to infants are more likely to have a hemolytic cause of their jaundice.4,5
eliminate race‐based medicine, generates the evidence for the new 2022 Most infants will not have any visible jaundice and only require a TSB
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) guideline revision.4,9,10 We or TcB between 24 h and 48 h after birth or before discharge from the
highlight key recommendations from the clinical guideline revision for birth hospital. TSB is the definitive test to guide phototherapy or
the pediatric hospitalist. escalation‐of‐care because it is independent of factors like skin
melanin concentration, and should be obtained if the TcB is within
3 mg/dL of the phototherapy threshold or if the TcB is ≥15 mg/dL.4

Risk factors for significant hyperbilirubinemia Phototherapy

and neurotoxicity
Compared with the previous guideline, intensive phototherapy is now
It is essential to identify the risk factors for hyperbilirubinemia and the risk recommended at higher TSB thresholds due to new evidence that the
factors for neurotoxicity, which have been modified from prior guidelines. risk of neurotoxicity occurs well above the 2004 AAP exchange
Significant changes in the hyperbilirubinemia risk factors include removal transfusion thresholds.11–13 These new thresholds contain recom-
of race and replacement with family or genetic history of hemolytic mendations up to 14 days of age and are made on expert
disease (i.e., glucose‐6‐phosphate dehydrogenase [G6PD] deficiency) and recommendations with consideration to the gestational age, age of
the increasing risk for each additional week below <40 weeks gestation. the infant (in hours), updated neurotoxicity risk factors, and adjust for

530 | © 2023 Society of Hospital Medicine J. Hosp. Med. 2023;18:530–533.

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postnatal age as demonstrated by thresholds for infants 35–39 should also be obtained for those with a positive or unknown
weeks gestation slanting upwards over time.3–5 Table 1 provides maternal antibody screen or whose mother is blood type O.4,5
recommendations based on infants with no known hyperbilirubine- The TSB should be measured within 12 h of starting photo-
mia neurotoxicity risk factors, whereas Table 2 is used for infants with therapy for hospitalized patients. The patient's age, presence of
at least 1 neurotoxicity risk factor other than gestational age. Families neurotoxicity risk factors, TSB concentration, and TSB trajectory
and providers may opt to use lower thresholds with consideration of should guide the frequency of TSB monitoring during phototherapy.
individual circumstances. If an infant has a rapid rate of increase (≥0.3 mg/dL/h in the first 24 h
A hemoglobin, hematocrit, or complete blood count should be or ≥0.2 mg/dL/h thereafter), it may be due to a hemolytic condition
obtained for all infants requiring phototherapy to assess for anemia and DAT should be measured. G6PD activity should be measured for
and to provide a baseline prior to initiating phototherapy. A DAT infants with suspected hemolysis of unknown cause.4,14

T A B L E 1 Phototherapy thresholds and exchange transfusion thresholds for infants with no neurotoxicity risk factors from the American
Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Guideline Revision.4
Age in hours (AH)
12 AH 24 AH 36 AH 48 AH 72 AH 96 AH 120 AH

Gestational age 35 weeks 8.5 10.6 12.5 14.2 16.8 18.6 18.7
16.3 18.0 19.3 20.7 22.9 24.5 24.7

36 weeks 9.0 7.4 13.1 14.8 17.5 19.3 19.4

17.5 15.2 20.6 21.9 24.1 25.6 25.7

37 weeks 9.6 8.0 13.6 15.4 18.1 20.0 20.2

18.7 15.7 21.8 23.1 25.3 26.6 26.8

38 weeks 10.1 8.5 14.2 16.0 18.8 20.7 20.9

19.7 16.2 22.8 24 26 27 27

39 weeks 10.6 8.5 14.8 16.6 19.5 21.5 21.6

19.7 16.2 22.8 24 26 27 27

≥40 weeks 11.1 8.5 15.3 17.0 19.8 21.8 21.8

19.7 16.2 22.8 24 26 27 27

Note: Numbers in each large cell reflect the phototherapy threshold (top) and exchange transfusion threshold (bottom); all threshold values are displayed
in units of milligrams/deciliter (mg/dL).

T A B L E 2 Phototherapy thresholds and exchange transfusion thresholds for infants with 1+ neurotoxicity risk factors other than gestational
age from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Guideline Revision.4
Age in hours (AH)
12 AH 24 AH 36 AH 48 AH 72 AH 96 AH 120 AH

Gestational age 35 weeks 6.9 8.9 10.6 12.2 14.6 16.1 16.3
14.6 16.1 17.4 18.5 20.1 21.1 21.3

36 weeks 7.4 9.4 11.2 12.8 15.4 17 17.1

15.2 16.7 17.9 19.1 20.9 22.1 22.1

37 weeks 8.0 10 11.9 13.5 16.1 17.9 18

15.7 17.2 18.5 19.7 21.7 23.1 23.3

≥38 weeks 8.5 10.5 12.4 14 16.6 18.2 18.2

16.2 17.6 19.0 20.1 22.1 23.5 23.5

Note: Numbers in each large cell reflect the phototherapy threshold (top) and exchange transfusion threshold (bottom); all threshold values are displayed
in units of milligrams/deciliter (mg/dL).
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Infants should continue feeding to promote bilirubin clear- level is needed.4 Physician assessment of the necessity in
ance and avoid dehydration. When possible, breast milk is obtaining a bilirubin level should consider the infant's hyperbilir-
encouraged for its health benefits and to maintain the mother's ubinemia and neurotoxicity risk factors, oral intake, weight gain,
supply. Adequately hydrated breastfed infants should not and relationship of TSB to phototherapy threshold at the time of
routinely receive formula supplementation.4 Brief supplementa- discontinuation. The TcB may be measured instead of TSB if
tion with formula may be considered to assist in declining phototherapy has been discontinued for at least 24 h.4
bilirubin levels more rapidly and reduce the risk of readmission
for phototherapy in some clinical scenarios. 4,5 Intravenous fluids
are not recommended unless hydration cannot be maintained Follow‐up for infants who have not received
enterally or if escalation‐of‐care is needed.4 Further workup and/ phototherapy
or neonatology consultation is recommended for infants requiring
escalation‐of‐care, whose bilirubin is not responding appropri- Timing of post‐discharge follow‐up is determined by the age of the
ately to phototherapy, and those with direct or conjugated infant and the difference between the phototherapy threshold and
hyperbilirubinemia. TSB/TcB measurement,4 allowing the clinician to individualize care
and incorporate both the gestational age and neurotoxicity risk
factors into management decisions. It is important to note that the
Escalation‐of‐care discharge recommendations in fig. 7 of the AAP guideline revision
apply only to infants at least 12 h of age who have not received
When the TSB reaches or exceeds 2 mg/dL below the exchange phototherapy. For infants <12 h of age, repeat bilirubin should be
transfusion threshold (Tables 1 and 2), escalation‐of‐care should be obtained at 24–48 h of age.4
initiated. These infants should receive intravenous hydration,
emergent intensive phototherapy, and neonatology consultation
regarding exchange transfusion.4 A STAT total and direct bilirubin, LIMITA TION S
complete blood count, albumin, chemistries, and type and crossmatch
should be obtained for all infants requiring escalation‐of‐care. The Limitations of this guideline are the lack of specific guidance in lab
TSB should be measured at least every 2 h from the start to the end monitoring frequency after the initiation of phototherapy, general-
of the escalation‐of‐care period. Return to regular phototherapy izability to low‐resource countries, and considerations of barriers to
management is appropriate once the TSB is below the escalation‐of‐ care (e.g., proximity to a provider, ability to perform home
care threshold.4 phototherapy, and socioeconomic limitations).

Discontinuation of phototherapy CONCLUSIONS

Phototherapy may be discontinued when the TSB is “at least 2 mg/dL The AAP guideline revision represents important changes in
below the hour‐specific threshold at the initiation of phototherapy.”4 the risk assessment and management of hyperbilirubinemia that
For patients with risk factors for rebound hyperbilirubinemia (e.g., present opportunities for resource stewardship through
gestational age <38 weeks, <48 h of life at initiation of phototherapy, decreased overdiagnosis and overtreatment while balancing the
hemolytic disease, phototherapy during birth hospitalization), longer risk of severe sequelae such as acute bilirubin encephalopathy
durations of phototherapy are an option. and kernicterus. Additionally, the revised guidelin removes
A follow‐up bilirubin level after phototherapy may be fallacies in race‐based recommendations and highlights the
indicated depending on the risk of rebound hyperbilirubinemia. importance of the mother‐infant relationship. Use of this
Infants who exceeded the phototherapy threshold during birth clinical guideline may decrease unnecessary hospitalizations
hospitalization should have a repeat bilirubin level 1 day after while recognizing those at higher risk of severe
discontinuation of phototherapy. Those who exceeded the hyperbilirubinemia.
phototherapy threshold and had additional risk factors (i.e.,
phototherapy prior than 48 h of age, positive DAT, suspected or CONFLIC T OF INTEREST STATEM ENT
known hemolytic disease) should have a repeat TSB 6‐12 h and 1 The authors declare no conflict of interest.
day after discontinuation of phototherapy.4 Infants who did not
receive phototherapy during their birth hospitalization but ORC I D
exceeded the phototherapy threshold after discharge should Danni Liang
either have their bilirubin level measured 1–2 days after
discontinuation of phototherapy or clinical follow‐up within TW I TT ER
1–2 days after phototherapy to determine whether a bilirubin Danni Liang @dxl273
15535606, 2023, 6, Downloaded from by Consorci De Serveis Uni De, Wiley Online Library on [01/02/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

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