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Date and Place

Saulo Augusto

37, High Street


To Immigration Officer / Consular Officer

To whom it may concern,

I, jose, married with Aline Rr, employed at Moog Ireland LTD, holder of the ID

(Italian) XXXXX, PPS XXXX residing at High Street, hereby declare to all effects

and purposes, that I invite Adilson, brasilian, a military firefighter, holder of

Passport 54 and resident at Industrial Street, Miguel Francisco Forte, number ,

São Pedro district, in the city of Porto União, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil, to

visit me from 01 to 04 June 2018. I’m friend of joe and clarify that Adilson will

stay at my residence during the entire period of his time in Cork city, Ireland.

Adilson travels as a tourist and will fund his own trip. In attachment, I provide

documents that prove my nationality. I am available for any clarifications that

are necessary

Best Regards,

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