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ISTE Certification
Updated June, 2022


Note that the foundational expectation is that artifacts meet the ISTE Standards for Educators, which is to say, your
artifacts should reflect strong pedagogy and professionalism that makes thoughtful use of technology or digital resources.

Portfolio submitter (Please provide name, title, and a brief description of your primary role and responsibilities.
Additionally, if you serve in a position other than classroom teacher, describe who your “students” are within the
context of your artifact):

Link to artifacts folder/space:

Link to reflection document/artifact:

Artifact(s) Links Contextualization of Artifact &

ISTE Criteria Please use naming Description of Implementation
Standard convention Please provide 1 unique contextualization per each criterion.

1. The educator reflects Does not count Insert the link to your reflection document here.
on his/her application of against 9-14
the ISTE standards and artifacts. Please
goals for using them in introduce yourself
the future. in reflection.
1. Learner 2. Set professional Contextualization (4th grade learners)- In this
learning goals. artifact, I set two professional learning goals to
use my knowledge to create an elementary
classroom environment driven by technology and
to grow my bank of instructional resources, so
Snipes_Artifact 1 that several resources are in constant use in the


classroom. I accomplished these goals by

increasing the use of technology through our
lessons and in student’s free time. Using
technology, I was able to help drive student
exploration of technological resources while
applying content knowledge while using various
resources. I reflected on the effectiveness of the
technological resources that were used by
evaluating how students used the tool to
showcase what they’ve learned.

3. Actively participate in a Contextualization: In this artifact I immersed

local or global digital myself into various professional learning
networks. I became an active participant in both
local and global networks. Blogging, posting to
my professional instagram account, and
engaging with ISTE professional learning
networks has helped me grow as an educator.
Through these experiences I was able to learn
how to implement new strategies in my
classroom. I have also had the opportunity to
share things learned through these resources
Snipes_Artifact 2 amongst students and peers.
4. Report changes made Contextualization: In this article research was key
to teaching practice in driving changes being made in my teaching
based on timely,
Snipes_Artifact 2 practices. I learned to conduct appropriate


research-based best research that would have a direct correlation of

practices. increasing student learning outcomes. My
research goal was to find technology that can
help students gain the foundational skills needed
to become proficient in multiplication fact fluency.
The research findings proved that proper
software and learning apps when used properly
can positively impact foundational math skills for
2. Leader 5. Promote a shared Snipes_Artifact 13 Contextualization- In artifact 13, I demonstrate
vision. the ability to shape, advance, and accelerate a
shared vision. The shared vision supports the
national, state and local vision for technology in
schools. The shared vision outlines ways that
technology can empower learning when
integrating properly. The shared vision engages
all stakeholders and makes them aware of the
current needs and plans for the future.
6. Advocate for equitable Snipes_Artifact 4 At the time of this project, I worked in a title 1
access. school that served a high population of
underserved African American and Hispanic
students. I was able to advocate for students to
receive equitable access to intervention
strategies that would work towards increasing
students’ literacy skills. Milestone data and
Universal Screener data showed that most


students were below grade level for literacy. The

goal was to obtain 500 iPads for upper grade
students and teachers. These devices would
allow students equitable access to the built in
assistive technology on the iPads that assist in
meeting the educational needs of all students
across various content areas.
7. Model new resources Snipes_Artifact 5 Artifact 5 showcases a digital evaluation
or tools. instrument that I designed to evaluate mobile
learning apps and tools. I evaluated three digital
resources in hopes that they could be adopted
for future use in my classroom. I identified
School Friendzy, Padlet, and Popplet. In the
artifact I model the use of the digital evaluation
tool for these learning apps. I shared with
colleagues the reasons why these tools should
be used in the classroom to promote
engagement and collaboration amongst
3. Citizen 8. Implement learning Snipes_Artifact 6 ​Contextualization: In artifact 6 I demonstrate the
experiences for students ability to create positive and socially responsible
to be empathetic and
experiences for learners through a series of mini
socially responsible.
lessons. I taught students to be socially
responsible through a lesson titled “Our Ideas
Matter!”. Students worked to address
controversial propaganda in a socially


responsible way while accepting the opinions of

others. In the second lesson titled “What If that
Were You?”, students listened to a read aloud
called “A Little Spot of Empathy.” Following the
read aloud we had a class discussion and
students were given scenario cards where they
had to respond empathetically to scenarios that
could take place online in a two-paragraph
journal entry. These lessons helped further build
relationships in our classroom while fostering
community in the classroom and in online
9. Promote student Snipes_Artifact 7 ​Contextualization: In artifact 7 I demonstrate the
behaviors that encourage implementation of a lesson taught that
curiosity as they critically
encourages students to critically identify and
identify/examine online
resources. examine online resources. The lesson was taught
to my 4th grade class in hopes that they would
begin to think logically about the online resources
they utilize. After engaging in the lesson, students
were able to determine if the online resources
they were using were accurate and reliable for
use. They were also able to accurately give credit
for the use of someone else’s work.
10. Mentor students in Snipes_Artifact 6 Contextualization: In artifact 6 I demonstrate the
safe, ethical and legal ability to mentor students in safe, ethical, and
use, including intellectual
legal practice when using digital tools through a


series of mini lessons. The first lesson focuses on

being respectful and safe when using social
media. This lesson also teaches students how to
differentiate things that should and should not be
posted online. The second lesson focuses on
legal online safety. Students learned how to
share files legally and how to prevent sharing
things illegally. Students collaborated with one
another to create a digital or physical infographic
that redelivered the contents of a given article in
a way that avoided plagiarism.
11. Model responsible Snipes_Artifact 6 Contextualization: In artifact 6 I model
use, including protection responsible use, including protection of digital
of digital identity and
identity and personal data through two
personal data.
mini-lessons. In the first lesson students
participated in a peer review of each other’s
social media. This allowed students to focus on
their digital identity and how they represent
themselves online. In the second lesson I
promoted the management of student’s personal
data by engaging them in an experience where
they had to create strong passwords to trick
hackers. This helped students understand and
work towards avoiding data breeches.


4. 12. Collaborate with Snipes_Artifact 8 Contextualization: In artifact 8 I demonstrate the

another educator. way that I collaborated with my colleagues to
Collaborator create authentic learning experiences while
leveraging technology. I designed a
transdisciplinary project that allowed students to
use their math skills and writing skills to design
an amusement park. I shared the lesson with my
peers to get feedback and I was able to give
feedback on their projects as well. I used the
suggestions provided to make necessary
changes to my project. I submitted my project for
peer review once again and there were no
changes that needed after the first set of
13. Co-learn with students Snipes_Artifact 1 Contextualization (4th grade learners)- In this
about a new digital tool. artifact, I introduced students to Jamboard, a
digital resource that was new to them. We used
the co-learning approach to explore the uses of
Jamboard together. We were able to collaborate
with one another on how we could use Jamboard
as our exit ticket for our multiplying fractions by a
whole number lesson. We discovered the tools
Jamboard had to offer and worked together to
troubleshoot any issues that presented
themselves. By being a co-learner, I was able to
learn new strategies, collaborate ideas with
students, and challenge them to try new things.


14. Facilitate students’ Snipes_Artifact 8 ​ ontextualization: In artifact 8 I demonstrated

virtual meetings with how I used collaborative tools to give students
experts or students.
real-world learning experiences. Students
engaged virtually with local and global experts
while creating their own amusement parks.
Students met with amusement park staff virtually
via Zoom. This meeting helped students
generate more ideas about how they would
design and run their own amusement parks. This
allowed students to gain true authentic learning
experiences and correlate them to the outside
experiences they have regarding amusement
15. Demonstrate effective Snipes_Artifact 8 ​ ontextualization: In artifact 8 I demonstrate the
communication with all effective communication between students,
students’ supporters.
parents, and members of the community. I
provided live in-line feedback on students'
Google documents to collaborate with them while
they were working. This allowed me to provide
feedback during the learning process and not
just by waiting until the end of the project. I also
communicated with other stakeholders to give
them the opportunity to become co-collaborators
with students in the creation of an amusement
park. At the end of the project, I communicated


with parents by inviting them to watch the

presentations and participate in a Q&A session
led by students.
5. Designer 16. Accommodate learner Snipes_Artifact 9 ​Contextualization: In artifact 9 I use technology to
differences. create, adapt, and personalize learning
experience based on the needs of my students.
Providing personalized learning experiences to
my 4th grade students allows me to
accommodate students that are not always
moving at the same pace as others. Providing
students with personalized learning pathways
using various materials including technology
addresses learning gaps students may have.
Personalized pathways also allow the teacher an
opportunity to extend learning for students that
may have already met state learning standards.
17. Align to content area Snipes_Artifact 8 ​Contextualization: In artifact 8 I designed an
standards. authentic learning activity that was directly
aligned to content are standards. Students
participated in an Engaged Learner Project.
Students were asked to assume the role of
owner/operator of a brand-new amusement park.
This project was transdisciplinary and involved
both math and English language arts standards.
Students used mathematic and personal finance
skills to plan for the amusement park. They also


used persuasive writing skills to advertise and

encourage others to visit their amusement park.
18. Design a digital ​Contextualization: In artifact 10, I demonstrate
learning environment. the ability to create a digital innovative learning
environment. I created an online module that
used 4th grade math standards relating to
operations with fractions. Students participated in
a blended learning method for this unit where
they interacted with one in another in class and
through discussions and activities online.
Students responded to discussion posts,
completed pre-assessments and quizzes.
Students received timely feedback and had a
Snipes_Artifact 10 page dedicated to additional learning resources.
6. Facilitator 19. Facilitate and guide Snipes_Artifact 9 ​ ontextualization: In artifact 9 I demonstrate the
learning as students take personalized learning environment that I have
ownership of their
learning goals.
fostered for my 4th grade students. In my
personalized learning classroom students are
given ample opportunities to take ownership of
their learning and that process. I facilitate data
meetings with students, so that they can set
goals by seeing where they are now and owning
where they want to go. Students track their
progress and check-in regularly to ensure they
are meeting their goals. Through guided learning


students have learned to apply their ownership

skills in independent and group settings.
20. Manage the use of Snipes_Artifact 11 ​In the creative computing project students worked
technology for learning in in the classroom to tell a digital story using the
a nontraditional
platform Scratch. This was a cross-curricular
classroom setting.
project because students also created a writing
piece that aligned with their digital story. We did
this in our narrative writing unit. Students used
their writing journals, pencils, and their
Chromebooks and completed this project
successfully. The teaching context was given by
me as we began our narrative writing unit. I
explicitly explained what narrative writing should
look like and explained the success criteria to
students. We practiced together by writing a class
narrative. I introduced Scratch in a similar way. I
showed students an example, reviewed the
functions of the platform and then we completed
a digital story together that aligned with our class
narrative. Then students worked towards
completing their own narrative and digital stories
in Scratch until they completed them successfully.

21. Create opportunities Snipes_Artifact 11 Imagine

for students to use a Students completed a pre-writing graphic
design process and/or
organizer where they brainstormed ideas for their
computational thinking.


narratives and their digital stories. As the teacher

I provided examples and walked through the
prewriting steps with students. I threw out ideas
and students chose to use the ideas that I gave
or their own.

Students created a narrative writing piece and a
digital story in Scratch to accompany their
narrative writing pieces. I supported students by
holding a writer’s workshop. I also supported
students that needed extra support with
paragraph writing, introductions, and conclusions

Students created their digital stories in Scratch.
They had time to play around and explore the
platform before starting their digital stories. I
showed students examples that were created. I
allowed students to ask questions as they
explored the site.

Students shared their narratives and their digital
stories with their peers and got peer feedback. I
fostered a positive learning environment that
allowed students confidence to reach a peak.


Students shared their ideas out loud. I ensured

that everyone was giving their full attention to the
person sharing at the moment.

Students received a grade and feedback. They
were able to review and reflect on the work they
did. Students were able to resubmit, but only two
students needed to resubmit this particular
22. Model and nurture Snipes_Artifact 11 I allowed students to express themselves
creativity. creatively by letting them choose their narrative
topic if it followed our writing format and aligned
with the narrative writing rubric. The narrative
writing pieces were as small or as grand as
students wanted them to be. I encouraged
students to use their imagination. For students
that needed help generating ideas, I provided a
roll the dice story guide. This is where students
rolled the dice to determine the characters,
setting, and plot of their story. They may have
rolled something like werewolves for characters,
Atlanta for setting, and trying a new restaurant for
the plot. Some students enjoyed coming up with
their own ideas, but this was a good option for
students that struggled with that.


I encouraged creativity by giving the least number

of requirements possible. I told students what
they had to include in the assignment, and I gave
them the creative freedom to do the rest.
Students had the opportunity to be creative with
their narrative topic and their digital storytelling
assignment using Scratch.

Students shared their work with others through

Flip, Google Classroom and Google Drive.
Students shared both their narratives and their
Scratch digital story. They shared with their
peers, and we also shared with stakeholders
such as parents and our school community.
Sharing with others encouraged other classes in
our building to create the same types of projects.

7. Analyst 23. Provide alternative Snipes_Artifact 9 ​ ontextualization: In artifact 9 I demonstrated the

ways for students to show use of alternative formative assessments. I
developed a personalized learning environment
for my 4th grade students that allowed them to
reach their goals in the way that worked best for
them. Students were given opportunities to
showcase their competencies in ways that were
beneficial to their learning style. Students learned
to reflect on their learning and began to include
reflection more often in their learning process.


Technology was integrated in some way for every

student despite the differences in learning paths.
Progress learning, Scratch, and Google Forms
were integrated in student pathways as ways of
displaying mastery of learning targets.
24. Use assessment data Snipes_Artifact 12 ​Contextualization: In artifact 12 I demonstrate the
to inform and guide use of technology to design and implement
instruction based on
formative and summative assessment for my 4th
individual student needs.
grade students. I accommodated learner needs
by allowing students to test in the learning
environments that suited them based on their
IEP’s and 504 plans. I provided timely feedback
to students by reviewing their missed questions
with them. We discussed their data individually
and we discussed the whole class data. I used
the data to inform my small group and individual
instruction and support to students.
25. Provide opportunities Snipes_Artifact 12 Contextualization: In artifact 12 I demonstrate the
for students to reflect on ways in which I provide opportunities to my 4th
their own learning data.
grade learners to support their progress. I
communicate with students, parents and
stakeholders about the supports that need to be
put in place based on student needs and we
discuss their scores. I discussed the data with
members of my grade level team, and we
compared our data to others in the district. A plan


was created for intervention for students that

needed support. Resources were shared with
parents to support the students learning outside
of school in an effort to make necessary


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