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Beginner Level:

1. Introduction to Java:
 Basics of Java
 History and Evolution
 JDK, JRE, and JVM
2. Setting up Java Development Environment:
 Installing JDK
 Setting up IDE (Eclipse, IntelliJ, etc.)
3. Java Syntax:
 Variables and Data Types
 Operators
 Control Flow (if, else, switch, loops)
4. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP):
 Classes and Objects
 Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction
 Constructors and Destructors
5. Methods:
 Method declaration and calling
 Method overloading
 Return types and parameters
6. Arrays and Collections:
 Arrays
 ArrayList, LinkedList
 HashMap, HashSet
7. Exception Handling:
 try, catch, finally
 Custom Exceptions
8. File Handling:
 Reading and Writing to Files
 FileReader, FileWriter, BufferedReader, BufferedWriter
9. Basic Input/Output:
 Scanner class
 System.out.println, System.out.print
10. Basic Java APIs:
 String class
 Math class
 Date and Time APIs

Intermediate Level:
11. Generics:
 Introduction to Generics
 Generic classes and methods
12. Multithreading:
 Thread creation and management
 Synchronization
 Thread pools
13. Java I/O:
 Streams (FileInputStream, FileOutputStream)
 Serialization and Deserialization
14. Networking:
 Socket programming
 URL handling
 HTTPURLConnection
15. Java Database Connectivity (JDBC):
 Connecting to databases
 Executing SQL queries
16. Lambda Expressions:
 Introduction to functional programming
 Functional interfaces
17. Annotations:
 Built-in annotations
 Creating custom annotations
18. Reflection:
 Inspecting classes, methods, fields at runtime
 java.lang.reflect package
19. Design Patterns:
 Singleton, Factory, Observer, etc.
20. Unit Testing with JUnit:
 Writing and executing test cases

Advanced Level:
21. JavaFX:
 GUI development in Java
 Event handling
22. Java Streams API:
 Stream creation and operations
 Collectors
23. Concurrency Utilities:
 Executors framework
 CompletableFuture
24. Memory Management:
 Garbage Collection
 JVM tuning and monitoring
25. Security in Java:
 Encryption and Decryption
26. Web Services:
 SOAP and RESTful Web Services
27. Spring Framework:
 Introduction to Spring
 Dependency Injection, Spring Boot
28. Hibernate:
 Object-Relational Mapping (ORM)
 Hibernate configurations
29. Java 9+ Features:
 Modules
 JShell (Java REPL)
30. Microservices Architecture:
 Introduction to Microservices
 Spring Cloud
Expert Level:
31. Java Performance Tuning:
 Profiling tools
 Code optimization
32. Advanced Design Patterns:
 Decorator, Command, Chain of Responsibility, etc.
33. Java Memory Model:
 Understanding memory allocation
 JVM tuning for performance
34. Asynchronous Programming:
 CompletableFuture, Reactive programming
35. Distributed Computing:
 Apache Kafka, RabbitMQ
 Distributed caching
36. Java EE (Enterprise Edition):
 Servlets, JSP
 EJB (Enterprise JavaBeans)
37. Blockchain and Java:
 Integrating Java with Blockchain technologies
38. AI and Java:
 Integration with machine learning libraries
 Java for data science
39. Java Native Interface (JNI):
 Integrating Java with native code
40. Java Best Practices and Code Quality:
 Code reviews
 Static code analysis tools
Beginner Level:
1. Introduction to Spring:
 Overview of the Spring Framework
 Core concepts: IoC (Inversion of Control), DI (Dependency Injection)
2. Setting up a Spring Project:
 Configuring a basic Spring application
 Dependency management with Maven or Gradle
3. Spring Beans:
 Defining and configuring beans
 Bean scopes (singleton, prototype, etc.)
4. Dependency Injection:
 Constructor injection
 Setter injection
 Injection through annotations
5. Spring AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming):
 Introduction to AOP
 Creating and applying aspects
6. Spring MVC:
 Building a simple Spring MVC application
 Controllers, Views, and Models
7. Spring Data Access:
 JDBC Template
 ORM integration with Hibernate or JPA
8. Spring Security:
 Basic authentication and authorization
 Configuring security filters
9. Spring Boot:
 Introduction to Spring Boot
 Creating a simple Spring Boot application
10. RESTful Web Services with Spring:
 Building RESTful APIs
 Spring REST annotations

Intermediate Level:
11. Spring Boot Data:
 Spring Data JPA
 Spring Data MongoDB, Spring Data Redis
12. Spring Boot Actuator:
 Monitoring and managing Spring Boot applications
 Health checks, metrics, and endpoints
13. Spring Cloud Config:
 Externalizing configuration in a distributed system
 Centralized configuration management
14. Spring Cloud Eureka:
 Service registration and discovery
 Implementing a microservices architecture
15. Spring Cloud Ribbon:
 Client-side load balancing
 Integration with Eureka
16. Spring Cloud Feign:
 Declarative REST client
 Simplifying HTTP requests
17. Spring Cloud Gateway:
 API Gateway for microservices
 Routing and filtering
18. Spring Batch:
 Batch processing in Spring
 Job, Step, and ItemReader/ItemWriter
19. Spring Testing:
 Unit testing with JUnit and Mockito
 Integration testing in Spring Boot
20. Spring WebFlux:
 Reactive programming with Spring
 WebFlux controllers and WebClient

Advanced Level:
21. Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin:
 Distributed tracing in microservices
 Monitoring and debugging
22. Spring Cloud Stream:
 Event-driven microservices
 Messaging with Kafka or RabbitMQ
23. Spring Security OAuth2:
 Implementing OAuth2 authentication
 Resource and Authorization Servers
24. Spring Boot Custom Starters:
 Creating custom Spring Boot starters
 Modularizing configurations
25. Spring Boot Actuator Custom Endpoints:
 Developing custom management endpoints
 Exposing custom metrics
26. Spring WebSockets:
 Real-time communication in Spring
 WebSocket controllers
27. Spring Data Elasticsearch:
 Integrating Spring Data with Elasticsearch
 Search and indexing
28. Spring Cloud Kubernetes:
 Deploying Spring Boot applications in Kubernetes
 Kubernetes discovery and configuration
29. Spring Boot Admin:
 Monitoring and managing Spring Boot applications
 Admin UI for Spring Boot
30. Reactive Spring Data:
 Reactive repositories
 Reactive programming with Spring Data
Expert Level:
31. Spring Integration:
 Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP)
 Building integration solutions
32. Spring Boot Custom Auto-Configuration:
 Creating custom auto-configurations
 Extending Spring Boot behavior
33. Spring Cloud Config Server:
 Centralized configuration server
 Managing configuration for microservices
34. Spring Cloud Contract:
 Contract-first API development
 Consumer-driven contract testing
35. Spring Cloud Kubernetes Config:
 Externalized configuration for Kubernetes
 ConfigMaps and Secrets integration
36. Spring Cloud Data Flow:
 Building and deploying data pipelines
 Stream and Task applications
37. Spring Boot 3rd Party Integrations:
 Integrating with other frameworks and libraries
 Custom integrations
38. Spring Boot Cloud-Native Features:
 Graceful shutdown
 Liveness and Readiness probes
39. Spring Boot Performance Tuning:
 Monitoring and optimizing performance
 Caching strategies
40. Spring Native:
 Compilation of Spring applications to native executables
 GraalVM and native image generation
Beginner Level:
1. Spring Core Container:
 IoC Container:
 Inversion of Control (IoC) concept
 ApplicationContext and BeanFactory
 Bean lifecycle (Initialization and Destruction)
2. Spring Beans:
 Bean definition and configuration
 Bean Scopes (Singleton, Prototype, etc.)
 Dependency Injection (DI)
3. Spring Core Annotations:
 @Component, @Repository, @Service, @Controller
 @Autowired, @Qualifier, @Value
4. Resource Management:
 Resource interface
 Loading resources from classpath and file system
5. Spring Expression Language (SpEL):
 Basic expressions
 Integration with annotations and XML configurations

Intermediate Level:
6. Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP):
 AOP Concepts (Aspect, Join Point, Advice)
 Declaring Aspects with @Aspect
 Common AOP use cases (Logging, Security)
7. Data Access with Spring:
 JDBC Template
 Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) with Hibernate or JPA
 Declarative Transaction Management
8. Spring JDBC:
 NamedParameterJdbcTemplate
 DataSource configuration
 Batch processing with JdbcTemplate
9. Spring Transaction Management:
 Declarative Transaction Management with @Transactional
 Transaction Propagation and Isolation levels
 Programmatic Transaction Management
10. Spring Events:
 Application events and listeners
 Custom event handling
Advanced Level:
11. Spring Messaging:
 Messaging concepts
 Integration with Message-driven POJOs
12. Spring Web:
 Web module overview
 Spring MVC architecture
 Handling HTTP requests and responses
13. Spring WebFlux:
 Reactive programming with Spring
 Reactive Web API using WebFlux
14. Spring Web Services (SOAP):
 Creating SOAP-based Web Services
 Contract-First development
15. Spring Websocket:
 Real-time communication with WebSockets
 WebSocket endpoints

Expert Level:
16. Spring Security:
 Authentication and Authorization
 Securing Web Applications and RESTful APIs
17. Spring Integration:
 Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP)
 Integration with external systems
18. Spring Batch:
 Batch processing framework
 Writing and running batch jobs
19. Spring Testing:
 Unit testing with JUnit and TestNG
 Integration testing with Spring TestContext Framework
20. Spring Boot Internals:
 Auto-configuration
 Spring Boot Starter concept
21. Spring Boot Customization:
 Customizing Spring Boot behavior
 Creating custom starters
22. Spring Profiles:
 Environment-specific configurations
 Activating profiles in different environments
23. Spring Cloud Config:
 Centralized configuration management
 Configuring Spring applications with externalized properties
24. Spring Cloud Bus:
 Event and message bus for Microservices
 Distributed configuration with refresh
25. Spring Cloud Vault:
 Integration with HashiCorp Vault for secret management
 Securely accessing sensitive information
26. Spring Cloud Security:
 OAuth2 and Single Sign-On (SSO)
 Integration with authentication and authorization servers
27. Spring Cloud Stream:
 Event-driven microservices
 Messaging with Kafka or RabbitMQ
28. Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin:
 Distributed tracing in microservices
 Monitoring and debugging
29. Spring Cloud Kubernetes:
 Deploying Spring Boot applications in Kubernetes
 Kubernetes discovery and configuration
30. Reactive Spring Data:
 Reactive repositories
 Reactive programming with Spring Data
Prerequisites before diving deep into Spring Boot:

1. Java Programming Language: Spring Boot is built on top of Java, so a good understanding of Java
programming is essential. Focus on object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts, exception handling,
collections, and Java 8 features like lambda expressions and streams.
2. Spring Framework Basics: Spring Boot is part of the broader Spring Framework. Familiarize yourself with core
Spring concepts such as Dependency Injection (DI), Inversion of Control (IoC), and the Spring container.
3. Spring Core Modules: Understand key Spring modules such as Spring Core, Spring MVC, Spring Data, and
Spring AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming). These modules are foundational to Spring Boot.
4. Maven or Gradle: Spring Boot projects often use Maven or Gradle for dependency management and build
automation. Learn how to use these tools to manage project dependencies, build, and package your
5. Web Development Basics: Spring Boot is commonly used for building web applications. Learn the basics of
web development, including HTTP, RESTful principles, and understanding of web servers.
6. ORM (Object-Relational Mapping): Spring Boot often integrates with ORM frameworks like Hibernate or JPA
(Java Persistence API) for database interactions. Understand the basics of relational databases and how to map
Java objects to database tables.
7. Database Knowledge: Have a good understanding of databases, particularly relational databases like MySQL,
PostgreSQL, or Oracle. Learn SQL for basic database operations.
8. HTTP and RESTful APIs: Spring Boot is often used to build RESTful APIs. Learn about HTTP methods, status
codes, and RESTful principles.
9. Testing Techniques: Familiarize yourself with unit testing, integration testing, and the testing support provided
by the Spring Framework. JUnit is commonly used for testing Spring applications.
10. Version Control System (e.g., Git): Learn how to use version control systems like Git to manage your source
code efficiently.
11. Basic Command Line Skills: Spring Boot can be managed and built from the command line. Understand basic
command line operations for development and project management.
12. Understanding of Design Patterns: Get acquainted with common design patterns as they are often used in
Spring applications.

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