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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848

p-ISSN: 2348-795X
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Volume 06 Issue 04
April 2019

Alternative Dispute Resolution (Adr) In Pakistan: The Role of Lawyers in

Mediation Procedure
Majid Ali & Li Lu Geng
Master Degree Candidate Anhui Normal University, School of Law
Anhui Normal University, School of Law

ABSTRACT Key words: Alternative Dispute Resolution,

Dispute Settlement, Legal System of Pakistan,
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is
Mediation, Lawyers Role.
becoming an important part of the legal systems
of every country in the world. Especially the
mediation has getting more attraction because of
inexpensive, gives access to fast justice and avoids In the current situation to achieve the
the suffering of litigation. Mediation comprises by objective of timely and inexpensive justice every
courts and may be part of pre-action needed in country is trying to introduce new approaches
various jurisdictions. The lawyers can play an which called Alternative Dispute Resolution
important role in this regard and explore the (ADR). There are several forms of Alternative
cooperative approaches that lawyers can adopt Dispute Resolution (ADR) such as negotiation,
when representing their clients in mediation. It is arbitration, mediation and reconciliation.
also necessary that the lawyers must modify their Mediation is a standard feature of modern
practice according to the needs of the clients in dispute settlement resolution and getting
fluctuating legal environment. This paper will popularity across the world. Mediation discusses
discuss the relevant dispute settlement laws and to a procedure of cooperation that is regulated,
their development in Pakistan; especially the where a third neutral party call mediator, who
mediation and the role of lawyers in mediation assists the dispute resolution thoroughly and
procedure. It will help the legal actors to find out helps the parties to offer alternatives, isolate the
their role of mediation development and issues of dispute and influence them towards the
strengthening the alternative dispute resolution mutual agreement. Mediation acts as a form of
system. dispute decision this is still debatable in its

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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848
p-ISSN: 2348-795X
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Volume 06 Issue 04
April 2019

beginning in Pakistan. Due to the millions of cases Legal practice culture and the attitude of the
are pending, currently the judges, experts and lawyers to miens the dispute is also important.
legal professionals in Pakistan are wanted to Lawyers in mediation can include the underlying
encourage the use of mediation to settle philosophy of lots of mediation exercise and
disputes, rather than settling the dispute in engage in collaborative trouble-solving this is
courts. The role of the lawyers in this regards is non-adversarial in orientation2. Rather, lawyers
also becoming important. As such, the function of might also stymie the ability for settlement of
lawyers in mediation has turn out to be an disputes through taking an opposed, rights based
increasing number of important. Mr. Justice Sir technique in mediation. At this time lawyers and
Gavin Lightman expressed the importance of the legal professionals may need to recommend
ADR in justice system of the UK in the following vigorously for the rights of their clients, but
words, “The spiraling costs of contentious automatically approaching mediation with an
litigation, and the delays, uncertainties and adverse mindset can also defeat some of the
lasting acrimony which such litigation occasions, capacity of mediation to meet their clients’ needs.
have however over the past 20 years led to the LITERATURE REVIEW
increasing recognition by the judiciary, legal
Online legal dictionary defined the
advisers and the disputants themselves that
mediation as “the attempt to settle a legal
contentious litigation itself should be recognized
dispute through active participation of a third
as the option of last resort, and every facility
party (mediator) who works to find points of
should be afforded by the legal system, and every
agreement and make those in conflict agree on a
effort should be made by legal advisers, to
fair result. Mediation differs from arbitration, in
achieve by alternative means a resolution of
which the third party (arbitrator) acts much like a
disputes which both parties can accept1.” The
judge in an out-of-court, less formal setting but
lawyer’s inspiration and approach regarding the
does not actively participate in the discussion.
procedure and the success of the mediation to
Mediation has become very common in trying to
achieve the resolution of dispute is important.

1 Caller, Russell. (Ed.) ADR and Commercial Disputes, London: 2 Macfarlane, J. (2008). The new lawyer: How settlement is
Sweet & Maxwell, 2002, p. v. transforming the practice of law. UBC Press

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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848
p-ISSN: 2348-795X
Available at
Volume 06 Issue 04
April 2019

resolve domestic relations disputes (divorce, child with the object of securing expeditious disposal of
custody, and visitation) and is often ordered by a case, in or in relation to a suit, adopt with the
the judge in such cases. Mediation also has consent of the parties alternate dispute
become more frequent in contract and civil resolution method, including mediation and
damage cases. There are professional mediators conciliation.”
or lawyers who do some mediation for substantial Order X Rule 1A: The Court may, adopt any lawful
fees, but the financial cost is less than fighting the procedure not inconsistent with the provisions of
matter out in court and may achieve early this Code to:
settlement and an end to anxiety. However, (i) Conduct preliminary proceedings and issue
mediation does not always result in a order for expeditious processing the case;
(ii) Issue, with the consent of parties, commission
In Pakistan there are following laws having
to examine witnesses, admit documents and take
provisions about the Alternative Dispute
other steps for the purpose of trial;
Resolution (ADR) such as Constitution of
(iii) Adopt, with the consent of parties, any
Pakistan,1973 (Arts. 153-55); ADR provisions of
alternative method of dispute resolution including
the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898; S.89-A of
mediation, conciliation or any such other means.
the Civil Procedure Code (CPC), 1908 (as amended
The ADR terms have used are conciliation
in 2002) read with Order X Rule 1-A (deals with
and mediation but not lemmatized because there
alternative dispute resolution methods); The Civil
is another word used is “any other method” so
Procedure Code, 1908 (CPC) have also dispute
that its means it is an open ended provision4. The
settlement related provisions and make a
Arbitration Act, 1940; the Probation of Offenders
contemporary theme of mediation. There are
Ordinance, 1960; Sections 10 and 12 of the Family
following related provision:
Courts Act, 1964; Section 195C of Customs Act,
Section 89-A. Alternate dispute resolution: “The
1969 and Chapter XVII of the Customs Rules,
Court may, where it considers necessary, having
2001. Income Tax; Article 163 of the Qanun-i-
regard to the facts and circumstances of the case
3 Online legal dictionary, content/uploads/2012/03/PACKAGE-OF-AMENDMENTS-TO-CIVIL- PROCEDURE-CODE-1908-.pdf

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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848
p-ISSN: 2348-795X
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Volume 06 Issue 04
April 2019

Shahadat Order, 1984 (decision on oath); Plea over number of activities which were earlier
Bargaining (sec. 25 of NAB Ordinance, 1999); implemented by IFC/World Bank Group’s
Section 134A of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Pakistan
and Rule 231 C of the Income Tax Rules, 2002. Project Phase 1 & 2. PMA decides to support and
Sales Tax; The Small Claims and Minor Offences lead to solve the disputes between the parties
Courts Ordinance, 2002; Section 47A of the Sales amicably and by using the mediation procedure.
Tax Act, 1990 and Chapter X of the Sales Tax PMA is working with the following objectives and
Rules, 2004; Section 38 of the Federal Excise Act, aims6:
2005 and Rule 53 of the Federal Excise Rules,
1. Promotion of mediation process for
2005 Customs and Sections 96–99 of the Local
resolution of disputes.
Government Act, 2013. For the use of ADR laws in
2. Support to government, semi-government
the country and to provide the guidance to the
and non-governmental organizations in
courts and judicial officers to apply the ADR laws
law reforms pertaining to ADR and
wherever possible. The National Judiciary (Policy
Making) Committee formulated the National
3. Awareness rising among various groups,
Judiciary Policy, 2009. It expressed in the
professionals and entities on mediation.
following words, “The Small Claims and Minor
4. Provision of capacity building
Offences Courts Ordinance 2002 should be
opportunities for professionals in field of
applied in earnest.
Pakistan Mediators Association5 (PMA) is 5. Network and develop and maintain
Pakistan’s first organization representing foreign linkages with likeminded local and foreign
trained and accredited mediators as well as other based organizations in field of mediation.
professionals who have joined the Association to 6. Hold conferences, workshops and other
further the cause of the Association. The forums in field of mediation in Pakistan.
Association was formed in 2013 and has taken

5Pakistan Mediation Association 6Objectives of Pakistan Mediation Association (PMA),


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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848
p-ISSN: 2348-795X
Available at
Volume 06 Issue 04
April 2019

The High Courts should designate civil also have rooted in the Constitution of the Islamic
judges cum Magistrates to try exclusively cases Republic of the Pakistan, 1973 as the (Arts. 153-
under said law. Such judicial officers are imparted 155) adopted the Alternative dispute settlement
training in ADR. For this purpose a Committee of method to solve the water associated disputed
judges of the High Courts headed by a judge of between the provinces and the State11. For the
the Supreme Court would arrange training in ADR settlement of disputes establishment of a Council
for master trainers who would later on train the of Common Interest (CCI), to solve the disputes
remaining judges in provinces7.” To promote and between State and provinces related to water
aware the lawyers about the ADR, The Supreme issues and the Art. 155(6) referred as “No
Court Bar Association8 and Sindh Judicial proceeding shall lie before any court at the
Academy organizes various programs to instance of any party to a matter which is or has
education and train the lawyers in ADR. been in issue before the Council or of any person
whatsoever, in respect of a matter which is
Development of Mediation Law in Pakistan actually or has been or might or ought to have

Pakistan adopted pre-partition law. In been a proper subject of complaint to the Council

1908 the code of Civil Procedure (CPC) were under this Article”. The constitution also provided

enacted in the British India9, the provision of the following provision to access the justice to

arbitration was also the part of this law. After people “the State shall ensure the inexpensive

enacted the Arbitration Act 1940, the related and expeditious justice” in Article 37(d)12. Article

provision of arbitration were deleted from the 163, of the Qanun-i-Shahadat Order, 1984

code of Civil Procedure (CPC) 190810. The ADR described the provision for the settlement of the
dispute between or among the parties decided by
7 National Judicial Policy, Expeditious Disposal of Cases- Part II
(Civil Cases, 13) http://ljcp.g /as sets /dist /NJP
%20Mediation.pdf. 11 The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973.
9 Code of Civil Procedure (India), Articles 153-55 1333523681 951.pdf
10 The Arbitration Act of India : The unfinished Business, 12 The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973. Article 37(d) /uploads/documents /13 3 3 5

unfinished-business/ 23681_951.pdf

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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848
p-ISSN: 2348-795X
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Volume 06 Issue 04
April 2019

taking oath13. A special law “The Small Claims and Qanun-i-Shahadat Order, 1984 (decision on Oath),
Minor Offences Courts Ordinance, 2002”, was also provides the settlement of civil disputes
passed with purpose “to consolidate and enact between the parties by taking oath at Holy Quran.
the law relating to small claims and minor . Only civil cases can be solved, if the petitioner is
offences WHEREAS it is expedient and necessary willing to take oath and defendant will be asked
to consolidate and. enact the law relating to small to deny the claim on oath. Art.16316, provides a
claims and minors offences and matters following provision for the dispute settlement
incidental thereto or connected therewith for between the parties for taking oath. “Acceptance
providing inexpensive and expeditious disposal of or denial of claim on oath:
such claims and offences;”14. The small claims and 1. “When the plaintiff takes oath in support
minors offences courts ordinance defined the of his claim, the Court shall, on the
term “amicable settlement”15 in this law “includes application of the plaintiff, call upon the
settlement through arbitration process, other defendant to deny the claim on oath.”
than arbitration under the Arbitration Act, 1940 2. “The Court may pass such orders as to
(X of 1940), mediation, conciliation or any other costs and other matters as it may deem
lawful means mutually agreed upon by the fit.”
parties”. There is clearly defined the term 3. “Nothing in this Article applies to laws
mediation used for the settlement of the disputes relating to the enforcement of Hudood or
and also any other legal method in which parties other criminal cases.”
shall be agreed and this law has provided the full In Pakistan Central Excise Act, 1944 (Section
ADR system with courts provided procedure. 36-D), Customs Act, 1969 (Section 195-C), Sales
Tax Act, 1990 (Section 47-A) and Income Tax
13 Qanun-i-Shahadat Order, 1984, Ordinance, 2001(Section 134-A) have ADR
content/uploads/2014/07/qanun-e-ShahadatOrder1984.pdf. provisions.
14 Preamble to the Small Claims and Minor Offences Courts

15The Small Claims and Minor Offences Courts Ordinance, 2002.

Amicable settlement /actsand 16 Qanun-i-Shahadat Order, 1984,

nce2002.pdf order-1984.pdf

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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848
p-ISSN: 2348-795X
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Volume 06 Issue 04
April 2019

Bakar (2011) expressed that the Poitras (2010) expressed that the lawyers can
involvement of the lawyers in the mediation encourage the methods that mediation is
process is common. A collective pattern of assumed in relation to the model used and the
negotiation includes litigants trying to persuade methodology taken. Relis (2009) concluded that
the other party that they are in danger due to the in mediation often clients are controlled by
nonsuccess in the proceedings in a try to peruse their lawyers and the lawyers suggested their
that party to do away from the proceedings. clients what is best and the other point is during
Barnes (2007) suggested that the proper the process of the mediation the lawyers ignored
knowledge is essential for lawyers to have the the needs of the clients. He also expressed that
process of mediation. Because mediation not only the approach of the lawyers regarding the
decreases the expenditures and the length of the mediation varied from gender to gender and in
court cases but also overcome the emotional toil relationship focus the female lawyers are more
of the litigation procedure. Specifically on the collaborated than the male lawyers. The benefit
bases of the mutual agreement the mediation of facilitative mediation17 is that because it is
yield protects the parties’ legal rights. Menkel- party-led, the result is likely to be more edible
Meadow (1991) expressed nervousness of the and durable for the parties. Brown (2004)
lawyers to involve in the ADR would result in expressed the mediation style employs
accusatorial ADR procedures. And the modern collaborative problem-solving and integrative
research endorses that the lawyers participation negotiating methods between the parties.
in court-connected mediation may decrease the Douglas and Batagol (2014) have expressed that
control which parties have above results in the lawyers’ participation in mediation procedure
mediation, limiting the benefits of mediation played a fundamental role in the failure and
above the lawsuit. King (2014) defined that as success of dispute settlement in the civil justice
relation to the ADR, pre-action techniques are system. They also found that the lawyers in the
important because they change the situation of mediation procedure can adopt the variety of
ADR within the civil justice system from court- rules related to the ADR and also give the legal
connected towards pre-trial ADR services offered
17 Mediation Styles,
by non-court providers or undertaken informally. styles/

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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848
p-ISSN: 2348-795X
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Volume 06 Issue 04
April 2019

protection by direct participation and be aware how they should involve them in
representation to empowerment their clients. mediation. For that the continues and updated
Hazel (2013) Explained the privacy in the professional education may help them to do so. It
procedures permits in ADR, the misuse of the is also needed to identify the methods or ways
inequalities in the power between the parties in which lawyers could adopt and s play constructive
case of a party is stronger than the other party. roles in and court connected mediation. There are
Few observers discussed against the presence of many moral needs are required, as the legal
mediation in the court-connected perspective due experts conduct rules that affect lawyers’ conduct
to the abdication of the state in dispute in mediation, containing the responsibilities owed
resolution that mediation represents. Tyler (1989) to clients of honesty, diligence, loyalty and
has also expressed the hidden pressure ever- confidentiality, competence and courtesy,. It is a
present in the ADR and the Laura (1994) has duty of the lawyers to guide and support their
named this pressure due to the imbalance in the clients in filing of the genuine steps statements
ADR environment “soft violence” and the Fiss, and also guide them before, during and post
Resnik, Abel, Relis and Genn; also agrees with mediation procedure. Howieson (2011) expressed
this. an important issues that the failure in the may
CONCLUSION cause that the lawyers to be subjected personally
The lawyers’ participation in mediation to costs orders. Parker and Evans (2006)
procedure played a fundamental role in the described that it is essential for lawyers to adjust
failure and success of dispute settlement in the their legal practice according to the changing legal
civil justice system. It is also founded from above environment and make efforts to serve their
material that the lawyers in the mediation clients in better way18. Lawyers with a robust
procedure can adopt the variety of approaches stance on mediation will eventually be tasked
related to the ADR and also give the legal with addressing the inadequacies of the present
protection by direct participation and
Christine Parker and Adrian Evans, Inside Lawyers’ Ethics
representation to empowerment their clients. (Cambridge University Press, 2006),
The role of the lawyers in the mediation
procedure requires further attention and should .2007.pdf

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p-ISSN: 2348-795X
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Volume 06 Issue 04
April 2019

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