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Speaker phone street

Mosta MST 2584
Monday, 23rd March 2020
Wire street
Sliema, SLM 5963

Dear sir/madam,
Good morning! I am writing to you this letter because today
while I was reading the newspaper I came across your mobile
phone advert.
I am interested in buying a phone for my grandfather and
since he has never had one and isn’t very knowledgebale
about phones, I would like to ask you some questions about
the phone, whether it is elderly-friendly or not?
First of all would he be able to enlarrage the font as he
doesn’t have very good eyesight and if so, how?
Secondly you mentiooined that there would be special
features and lots of extras included with this phone. May Ii
ask what type of features and extras are we are talking about
and if they are elderly-friendly and if their they are not, are
they removable?
Thirdly what are picture images as iI have never heard of
them and don’t quite know how to use them.
Lastly you mentoiioned that it’s easy to use. What makes it
so easy to use?

Looking forward to receiving your reply.

Your faithfully,
Ilona schembri Schembri

You made many more mistakes than you usually make.

Probably they were typos, so please be careful next time.


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