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“ Awareness of ICT student’s about online

safety and cyberbullying “

Presented to:

The Honorable Panelist of Practical Research 2

Macias Emocling
Daniel Garrido
Klariez Delarosa
Kristel Mahay
David Jacoba
Reniel Gaylawan
Karl Macalalag
Daryl Gervacio

Ms. Judith B. Barcelona

Research Adviser

Chapter 2

This chapter gives an overview of the research method that

will be followed in the study. The population of the participants
and how they will be sampled is concluded as well as the chosen
research design and the reason behind it. In addition, the research
instrument that will be shown, and the place where will be
conducted is introduced.

2.1 Research Design

This research will use quantitative research as the research

method for this study. This study aims to determine if the students
have experienced cyberbullying before and do they have any
knowledge about online safety. The use of quantitative approach
allows for more information to understand this kind of

2.2 Research Respondents

The researchers will make use of the non-probability sampling

method, specifically the convenience sampling. The convenience
sampling technique will help the researchers in gaining the most
suitable participants for this study about awareness of the ICT
students about online safety and cyberbullying.

2.3 Research Instrument

The research uses a semi-structured interview as the

researcher's instrument. It's the best structure to the dimension of
the research, allowing the researchers to ask additional questions
when needed. For that reason, this study will conduct a
semi-structured interview in person. Using this kind of instrument
the researchers can acquire rich data from the respondents.

The questioner will consist of 5 questions for the respondents

to answer. This aims to collect a variety of data to aid the purpose
of this study. So when the researchers want to explain or clarify
the answer of the respondent. If the respondents don’t want to
answer the given question by the researchers the researchers will
not force the respondents to answer it as a sign of respect and
privacy for the respondents.

2.4 Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers operated the study through interview:

First, the researchers have conducted a study with thirty (30)

Grade 11 and 12 students in Progressive Senior High School who
have experienced cyber bullying.

Second, the researcher asked for the respondent’s consent

to participate in the study.

Lastly, after gathering all the data needed, the researchers

recorded, tallied and analyed the results of the interview.

2.5 Data Analysis

After getting all the required data from the respondents, the
researchers will gather the information that they need and use
statistical tools to analyze interview responses quantitavely, and
to ensure it will be computed properly.

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