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Examining Archaeopteryx

Complete the table by information about Archaeopteryx.

Anatomical Inferences


Claws on wings

Backbone that
extends into tailbone

Feet bones have 3

distinct digits

Rib cage


Evolution of Birds
Summarize the text with 2- 3 sentences.
Use the Data in figure 2 to complete the table.
Characteristics Theropods Archaeopteryx Modern-Day Evidence from
Birds Phylogenetic Tree

Teeth Y Y Seen in all theropods but

not birds

Vertebrae Y Y Seen in all theropods but

extend into tail not birds

Four digits Y First seen in Eoraptor

around 230 mya

Claws on wings Y Y Seen in Archaeopteryx

150 mya

Hollow bones

Hollow and
tufted feathers

Three digits

Fused furcula

Longer arm

(boneless) tail

Toothless beak
Answer the following questions.
1. Why do you think some organisms become fossils and others do not?

2. According to the first figure, how many millions of years before birds are found in the fossil
record is there evidence of the presence of reptiles?

3. What do the branches on the phylogenetic tree in the second figure represent?

4. What type of evidence would cause scientists to create a new branch on the phylogenetic

5. What characteristics of dinosaurs do modern birds still exhibit?

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