1.6.1 Activity 1.6 Punctuation 2-MartinezJimenez

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Punctuation 2

Devanie Marisol Martínez Jiménez

Delete commas where necessary in the following sentences.
If a sentence is correct, write correct after it.
Example: Carlos didn’t realize that his diabetes was serious, and that he will have to alter his diet.
(No Comma necessary: see Rule 1).

1. We’d rather spend our money on going to the movies, than on paying for English classes.

2. Being prepared for the worst, is one way to cope.

3. Please telephone me if you cannot help me with my homework, or if you going out before 7:00 pm.

4. Cantinflas made delightful, hilarious, movies.

5. Although, the air was balmy, it was too cold for swimming.

6. Other causes of asthmatic attacks are, stress, change in temperature, humidity, and cold air.

7. Ironically, this job that appears so glamorous, carefree, and easy, carries a high degree of responsibility.

8. I quickly accepted the fact that I was, literally, traveling in bad company.
. I quickly accepted the fact that I was, literally, traveling in bad company. 2
Delete commas where necessary in the following sentences.
If a sentence is correct, write correct after it. .
9. As a child growing up in Mexico, I often daydreamed about life in the United States.

10. He was wearing a thick, black, wool coat, even though it was hot outside.

11. Often public figures, (Michael Jackson is a good example) go to great lengths to guard their public life.

12. On Carola’s wrist, was a tattoo of a dragon chasing a tiger.

13. Mesquite, the hardest of the softwoods, grows primarily in the Southwest and Mexico.
Mesquite, the hardest of the softwoods, grows primarily in the Southwest
and Mexico.
14. Machismo was assumed by my father, and accepted by my mother.

15. The kitchen was covered with black soot, that had been deposited by the woodburning stove,
which stood in the middle of the room.

16. The lieutenant reported to his captain, that all of his men were present.

17. Monterrey’s streets which would be filled three hours later with cars bumper to
bumper, were quiet and empty except for a few prowling cats.

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