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The Disposition Parameter in the JCL is Share ( DISP=SHR ) and Cobol program opens file in "

Extend " mode. In this scenarion what will happen to that file?

What is the difference between INSPECT & EXAMINE?

What is difference between include and copy in COBOL program?

COPY copybookname REPLACING ==oldfield== BY ==newfield==

What is Static Linking and dynamic linking

Difference between call by reference and call by value

if i'm calling a program with three parametres and receiving only 2 parametres, wht will happen?
initialize the calling paremetres in called program

suppose i have array of 10 elemnts in it how to acess 5 element from the array using supscript
and index

What is difference between comp & comp-4?

What is COMP SYNC?

Causes the item to be aligned on natural boundaries. Can be SYNCHRONIZED LEFT or RIGHT.
For binary data items, the address resolution is faster if they are located at word boundaries in
the memory.
For example, on main frame the memory word size is 4 bytes. This means that each word will
start from an address divisible by 4. If my first variable is x(3) and next one is s9(4) comp, then if
you do not specify the SYNC clause, S9(4) COMP will start from byte 3 ( assuming that it starts
from 0 ). If you specify SYNC, then the binary data item will start from address 4. You might see
some wastage of memory, but the access to this computational field is faster

What is Inline perform

What is scope terminator

Explain the difference between record occurrence and record type.

Logical difference compute b = a and move a to b.

How can u read the file from bottom

1. QSAM (sequential) file. You can run it thru SORT utility adding SEQNUM and then sort then sort by
SEQNUM in DESC order

2. VSAM: In CICS, you can read backward using READREV; i

3. VSAM: I Batch, unload the VSAM file using SORT in DESC order by key value

Difference b/w stop run and go back

Difference b/w paragraph and section

How sign is stored in COMP field? -> In MSB. BIt is on if negative, Off if positive.

Can we use WS variables in EXEC SQL commands?

can we redfine pic X(10) to PIC X(20).

if I move x(4) 'ABCD' to X(2) . What values will I get?

if I move 9(4) '1234' to 9(2) . What values will I get?

While editing, I accidentally remove *(star) from program description (in Identification Division). while
compiling the program, wht error will i get ?

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