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Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Greedy Algorithm
(Fractional Knapsack Problem)

Dr. D. P. Acharjya
Professor, SCOPE
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Greedy Approach
 A greedy algorithm builds a solution
to a problem in steps
- Each iteration adds a part of the
 A greedy algorithm always makes the
choice that looks best at the moment
- It moves from local optimal solution
to global optimal solution.

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 Greedy Algorithms do not always
yield optimal solution. But, for many
problems they do.
 It works well for
 0/1 Knapsack Problem
 Minimum Spanning Tree Problem
 Shortest Path Problem
 Tree Vertex Splitting Problem

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Algorithm (General Greedy)
1. Algorithm Greedy (A, n)
2. Solution = 
3. For i= 1 to n
4. {
5. x = Select (a)
6. If Feasible (Solution, x)
7. Solution = Solution  {x}
8. }
9. Return Solution

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Knapsack Problem
 Given that a knapsack of capacity m.
Suppose that there are n-objects. Assume
that the object i has a weight wi. If a
fraction xi of object i is placed into the
knapsack, the profit is xipi.
 The main objective of knapsack problem is
to obtain a filling of the knapsack that
maximizes the total profit.
 It is a bounded linear programming
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Mathematical Formulation

 Equation 1 is objective function

 Equation 2 is a constraint condition
 It is a fractional knapsack problem.
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 The set which satisfies
equations (2) and (3) is known as feasible
 The feasible solution which maximizes the
objective function (1) is known as optimal
 Since it is a profit maximization problem,
objects having more profit in respect to
weights must be considered initially.

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 Therefore, to achieve our objective,
we must rearrange the objects with
respect to weights and profits.

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Algorithm (Knapsack Problem)
1. Greedy Knapsack (m, n)
2. For i = 1 to n
3. Set x[i] = 0
4. u=m
5. For i = 1 to n
6. if (w[i] > u)
7. then break
8. else
9. x[i] = 1.0
10. u = u – w[i]
11. If (i <=n)
12. x[i] = u / w[i]
13. u = u – w[i]x[i]

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Numerical Illustration

 Consider the following instance of the

knapsack problem, where the number
of objects is 3, capacity of the
knapsack is 20. The profits are (p1,
p2, p3) = (25, 24, 15) and weights
are (w1,w2,w3) = (18, 15, 10).

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Solution to the Problem

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Optimal Solution

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