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Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Divide and Conquer

(Karatsuba’s Fast Multiplication)

Dr. D. P. Acharjya
Professor, SCOPE
Office: SJT Annex 201E

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Naïve Approach of Multiplication
 Consider two integers a and b
 Convert the integers into binary strings of same
 Let two integers be a = 12 and b = 10
 The binary representation is given as:
 a = 12 = 1100 and b = 1010
 a  b = 1100  1010
 The output = 120 = 1111000
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Continued …

 Number of multiplications = 16 = 42
 If there are n bits, The computing time = (n2)
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Karatsuba’s Fast Multiplication
 Consider two integers a and b
 Divide both the integers into two equal parts such as
a = a1a2 and b = b1b2
 Compute A = a1b1
 Compute B = a2b2
 Compute C = (a1 + a2) (b1 + b2)
 Compute D = C – A – B
 The product ab = bn  A + bn/2  D + B
 Where b is the base of the integer and n is the length
of the integers.
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Computing Time
 Let the length of two integers a and b be n.
 Length of a1, a2, b1, and b2 be (n/2)
A = a1b1  Computing Time = T(n/2)
B = a2b2  Computing Time = T(n/2)
C = (a1 + a2) (b1 + b2)  Computing Time = T(n/2)
D = C – A – B  Computing Time = constant
ab =bn  A + bn/2  D + B  Computing Time = Constant
 The recurrence relation is
T(n) = 3T(n/2) + k
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 The general multiplication takes (n2) whereas

Karatsuba’s multiplication takes time (n1.58) and hence
runs faster.
 The multiplication algorithm also works for binary
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Numerical Illustration
 Consider two integers a = 41 and b = 42
 Therefore, 41 = a1a2 and 42 = b1b2
a1= 4, a2=1 and b1= 4, b2=2
 A = a1b1 = 4  4=16
 B = a2b2 = 1  2 =2
 C = (a1 + a2) (b1 + b2) = (4+1) (4+2)=30
 D = C – A – B = 30 – 16 – 2 =12
 ab = bn  A + bn/2  D + B = 102  16 + 101  12 + 2
= 1600 + 120 + 2 = 1722
Here, n = 2 (length of a and b) and b = base of decimals =10
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 If the length of numbers is not even, the add 0
(zeros) at the left side of the numbers to make
even length.
 For numbers with length > 2, the algorithm is to
be applied recursively.
 For example: let a =312 and b =408
Thus a = a1a2= 312 = 0312; a1= 03 and a2=12
b = b1b2= 408 = 0408; b1= 04 and b2=08
 Solve recursively.
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