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Design and Analysis of Algorithms

All Pair Shortest Path Algorithm

(Floyd Warshall’s Algorithm)

Dr. D. P. Acharjya
Professor, SCOPE
SJT Annex: 201E
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All Pair Shortest Path
 Dijkstra’s single source shortest path can also
compute all pair shortest path in a weighted

 The drawback of Dijkstra’s algorithm is that, it

never work for negative weights.

 To overcome this, the concept of Floyd

Warshall’s algorithm is presented.
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Floyd Warshall Algorithm
 Suppose that G(V, E) be a graph. Let W be the
adjacency matrix of the weighted directed
graph G.

 It works for negative weights.

 But the limitation is that, it fails for negative

weight cycles.
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Floyd Warshall Algorithm

Where D(n)=(dij(n)); Computing Time is : (n3)

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Numerical Illustration
 Consider the graph
 The adjacency matrix W in
terms of b, a, c, e, d

 d=

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Practice Problems
 Use Floyd-Warshall’s algorithm to compute the shortest
path between all pairs of vertices. Show each iteration in
your computation.

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