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Summary: In the 6th grade history class, we were immediately greeted by the teacher and

teacher assistant. The teacher assistant in this classroom specifically supported the
students with IEPs, ML students and more. At the different tables in the room, the
teacher put about two ML students at each table and students with special needs. In the
7th grade classroom, it was a more chill environment and very calming. I could tell this
was a classroom students went to and took a deep breath. This was a class for students
to catch up on work, finish assignment, and get support from teachers. Finally, the 8th
grade classroom was a science lab. There were three disabled students in this classroom
that we spent most of our time with. They were included by the other students and
supported to do the lab. The teacher made changes to their lab to adjust to their level
which I thought was very important to do for every student to succeed.

 We talk at Butler about the environment being the third teacher. Do you
agree, and do you see any pieces of this?

I completely agree with the thought that the environment is the third teacher. The
environment of the classrooms gives the students the ability to learn and focus. At clay
middle school, and only seeing three different classrooms, I think they would agree that
the environment is the third teacher. The first class I went to was 6th grade history. They
were all focus on the assignment at hand and surrounded by work they have done while
having infographics as well. There were also spaces out at tables with students who have
language barriers, learning disabilities and more. The 7th grade classroom I joined was
specifically for students who have very low needs. It was a darker environment with
comfy chairs, twinkle lights, and games. I think that Clay Middle offers different
environments that would support all of the different students.

 Do you see any assistive tech with any of the students?

The last classroom I joined was 8th grade science. They were working on a lab as soon as
we walked in. There were three students in this classroom with special needs. These
students had a special teacher that helped them work though the lab. She specifically
works with them and their needs. She let us take off with them and take her place. While
helping us understand what levels they were all at, she trusted us to work with and
support them. At all the schools I attended when growing up an assistive teacher was
not available. They would have teachers come take us out of our classes for some extra
support, but not an assistive teacher that stayed in the classroom. This is an awesome
resource that every school should offer.
 Do you see/do any lessons designed in multiple levels?

I saw adaptions for students in two different classrooms I joined. In 6th grade history,
the teacher helped students who have learning disabilities, IEPs, and ML students by
changing the classroom assignment for them. He said that there were many different
versions of the assignment given to the students to specifically fit their needs. I also
noticed the changing of assignments in the 8th grade sconce classroom. The three
students with extra needs have less amount of work then the other students in the class.
These two examples showed that the teachers know what level their students are on and
still support their learning.

 Expanded on High 5 Leverage Practices by sharing which one, how you saw it
used by someone else or yourself, and what you’re thinking was in choosing this
for your student/students.

I saw HLP #12 being used in the 8th grade science room. During the lab the teacher had
instructions written out for all students while explaining to them step by step what to do
and what all the materials were. The teacher also adjusted the assignment to fit different
student’s needs.

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