Field Experince 3

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Step #1

This time at clay middle was a little different then all of my other experiences. Usually in at least
one classroom I would get to talk one on one with a student. This week I was just observing in
all three classrooms. It was an interesting view being able to only observe and see what each
teacher dose in different situations. I still think this tip was educational, only different then the
last ones. While observing I noticed that one if the classrooms I was in, during a study hall, the
teacher made sure she got to every student that needed help. Doing this can be very tricky so
she even had students who understood what they were doing, help other confused students.

My feeling toward watching this teacher is that it is very possible. It is possible to be one person
with 50 different questions, possible to work with a class on your own, and possible to help
support every student. This teacher specifical had it down where she knew how to handle all
student needs and questions. My initial thoughts when walking into the classroom was how is
one teacher supposed to handle all these questions, that some don’t fit with the subject she
teaches. This was a fear at first that turned into me picking up skills I will use in the future. Then
my thoughts changed into amazement and understanding.

Overall, this visit went well even though I was only observing most of the lessons. Even though I
wish I had gotten to work one on one with students like the week before, I was still learning so
much by observing teachers and seeing their skills. Next time I was to try and work on eon one
with a student and see if I could possibly implement some of the skills I have learned and use

Step #2

One thing I could almost relate to be the 1st language speaking in the multicultural classroom.
When being in Germany for 2 years, even though my school was an international school, the
required language was English. I felt very safe with this rule, because when all of the German
students are speaking German to each other, I would feel like an outcast and bot know what
they are saying.

In the multilingual classroom, all these students speak the same language. This room is a safe
place for those students to feel comfortable. In this classroom I would encourage the students
to speak in their own language while practicing their English skills. This was a very different side
of languages that I had to become aware of.
Step #3

I saw HLP #18 being used in the multilingual classroom. The teacher was calling on each student
and making sure they were still listening to the lesson. She also made each lesson fun and
different including discussion, project, and personal writing time. This creates a very engaging
environment for the students because they feel they are getting attention from the teacher.

I was HLP #7 being used in the multilingual classroom. The teacher was very expressive with her
hand gestures and had picture examples for most of the worst that she used. She would give
great feedback to her students when they would get something correct but also guide them
kindly when they would get something wrong.

I saw HLP# 17 being used in the study hall classroom. The teacher while trying to help all
students couldn’t answer everyone’s questions. With this she allowed a lot of group work. Each
student was on task even when in their groups and trying to get all their work done and
questions answered.

I saw HLP #14 being used in the multilingual classroom. This teacher has prepared a lot of
scaffolds for her students and helps them with memorization skills. Lots of times when her
students would be off track, she would think aloud and try to help them come up with the
correct answer.

I saw HLP #20 being used in the study hall classroom. In this classroom there were two students
with visible disabilities and probably a lot more that I couldn’t see. There was a table where
students specifically with a learning disability sat and that was one way they supported them.
There was also another teacher in the classroom to specifically help a certain student with

Step #4

 Do kids like being in the classroom?

The first classroom I went to was for kids with very high needs. These students were off diploma
track or about to be. In this classroom there were only two students. They were getting specific
one on one attention and each of those teachers were working at their individual student’s
needs. With this I would say these students find comfort in a classroom setting like this. Getting
attention, learning more what they need to learn, aren’t over stimulated, and much more.

 Do you see mutual respect?

The last classroom I went to be a 6th grade study hall. The teacher was trying her best to help
everyone with questions, but there were lots of students, so some had to wait. These students
would either wait patiently or ask around to a classmate for some help. I would say that this
teacher and students’ relationship does have mutual respect. Being patent and waiting for the
teacher is respectful by the students. Showing your students your there to help and support
them is respectful by the teacher.

 What kind of rules/procedures does your student/class have difficulty in meeting?

This time, the multilingual classroom I went to be a little different. These students were level 1
and 2 English which is very low. In this classroom it is common practice to mainly talk in
English. The last time I was in this classroom this rule stood true. The students mostly talked in
English unless they had a longer more specific question. The second time, these students only
talked in their native language. This was a little uncomfortable for me because I couldn’t
understand anything they were saying.

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