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This is Aly and this is Joe. They both study at the Helken highschool.

They are two 16 year olds. They

have the same math class and from the first time Joe saw Aly, it was love at first sight. Aly sat two chairs
next to Joe. Unfortunately for him, he wasn't that much of the curageous type, he was pretty nervous
around her and 5 days into the semester, he built up the courage to talk to Ally. She was doing her math
homework and Joe hasn't done his homework either so he sat next to her and that's how the
conversation started.

They began talking about hobbies, books and as time passed they began talking more and more and
more. 2 weeks after they met Joe invited Aly to grab a coffee in the city. She happily accepted.

They got drank the coffee and there seemed to be a bond forming between them. When they got
outside, since it was autumn, it was kinda dark. They passed a dark alley and a strange guy aproached
them and asked for their wallets. Joe was really scared, but when she saw Aly shivering he the fear
seemed to fade away. He asked the guy with hands raised to his chest to leave them alone and then
sucker punched the mugger in the nose. Aly grabbed her pepper spray can and used it on the thief. Aly
seemed to be frozen in place, but Joe grabbed her hand and ran away with her.It's been a month since
the incident and they both realized that they are meant for eachother. They are happily together and Joe
finally worked on his self esteem so that he wouldn't have so much problems with fear.

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