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What Can I Talk about in Essay Two?

Essay Format/Structure - Is the article’s title clear

(or misleading)? Are the credentials of the author(s)
provided? Is there an abstract? Does the
introduction make clear what the article will cover?
Are the sections divided by headers? Are the
diagrams and figures clearly labelled? Is there a
clear outro at the end that summarizes findings?
Does the article suggest further, future research?

Content - Is this article too hard for me to fully

understand? Is it too hard for a general audience
because of jargon? Is this written in an engaging
way? Or is it unnecessarily complicated? Does the
author quote other authors and is that cited
correctly? Reference list? Is this article making
overgeneralizations about a large and diverse
population? Is the author using absolutist
statements (always!, the best ever!, since the
beginning of time!)? Do you have another article that
contradicts this one?

Critical gap – What would have made this article

Possible thesis statements for essay two
This article is well organized and
accessible, and provides current research
on my topic. Therefore, I will be including
it in my final paper.

Despite a great deal of jargon and

complicated statistics, this article does
provide me with valuable information on
my topic and I will be using it in my final
Due to its clear style and significant
findings, this article will be in my final

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